Sideshow Vampirella Comiquette

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Been looking for the video, finally found it:

Thats a nice image, and should be done if she ends up being a success. I would hate for them to mis-rep the art by taking away some of the anatomy.

Oh, you can count on that. :banghead TG says so in the video.

I would prefer the PF be as spot on to that classic image as humanly possible. Many of us longtime horror (and hero) fans want at least a few representations that look like the original art - especially this particular Vampirella masterwork. It is a CLASSIC - meaning honor the late great Jose Gonzalez by being spot on with it. Bring it into the 3D world for us to enjoy without the ol' SS "artistic interpretation/license" getting in the way. Just pay homage to one of the great masters on this one.

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I'm sad to have missed this completely and I'd love to get on the wait list, but what the hell?? I have to pay the $30 non refundable deposit just to get on the wait list with no guarantee that someone will cancel and give me their spot?

Man, I wonder if any webstore got one of these for pre-order?
I'm sad to have missed this completely and I'd love to get on the wait list, but what the hell?? I have to pay the $30 non refundable deposit just to get on the wait list with no guarantee that someone will cancel and give me their spot?
Man, I wonder if any webstore got one of these for pre-order?

Really?...It works that way? Are you sure?
Really?...It works that way? Are you sure?

At $30 I'm not willing to just go ahead and try. I'll call the hotline tomorrow and see what they have to say, but it sucks that when I click on the wait list link it takes me to the check box saying that I must agree to paying the $30 fee with nothing about me having to pay it then and there or not
I'm sad to have missed this completely and I'd love to get on the wait list, but what the hell?? I have to pay the $30 non refundable deposit just to get on the wait list with no guarantee that someone will cancel and give me their spot?

Man, I wonder if any webstore got one of these for pre-order?

Really?...It works that way? Are you sure?

At $30 I'm not willing to just go ahead and try. I'll call the hotline tomorrow and see what they have to say, but it sucks that when I click on the wait list link it takes me to the check box saying that I must agree to paying the $30 fee with nothing about me having to pay it then and there or not

Nope it doesn't work that way, you'll get an e-mail from a rep saying that your WL will convert on so and so date and then 24hrs from that date stated on the rep's e-mail is when you get charged the NRD.
Nope it doesn't work that way, you'll get an e-mail from a rep saying that your WL will convert on so and so date and then 24hrs from that date stated on the rep's e-mail is when you get charged the NRD.

Yep, pretty much what Ski said. I waitlisted her and didn't get charged anything.

it'll be interesting to see how fast your guys's WL convert if at all, since if the low quantity alert is correct and IF it's actually sold out, then the WL shouldn't convert until this starts to ship.

not like WL's of the past when it starts to convert almost immediately after it's been sold out, since there's obviously no reason for anyone to cancel their order and forfiet the NRD until the last possible moment.
don't think this has been brought up on here, but on the Statueforum they're comparing some PSed pics of Vamp's outfit and i have to say i like the altered version better.

whats you think.:dunno

I like the left image Psd' version.... The one there selling is boarder line manga. The perv in me likes the right.. the other side of me "my wife saying is this acceptable?" is saying left.
don't think this has been brought up on here, but on the Statueforum they're comparing some PSed pics of Vamp's outfit and i have to say i like the altered version better.

whats you think.:dunno


:lol:lol yeah i'd perfer the altered version also. :monkey3
but would take either:yess:
They covered her belly too? :cuckoo:

The left side looks more traditional. I'm sure anyone who wants that will be happy with the PF when it comes out.
Well the 'chopped version looks closer to the original costume, I like it more. Either one is fine.
Just had a look at my orders page, and this is saying as 'item shipping soon', is it a mistake? does anyone elses say this?
or is it becasue of this NFD?
Probably because of the NRD.

I guess they could make the straps a little bit wider. They wouldn't have to make it as extreme as the photoshop though (may as well put a habit on her).
if they wanted sex appeal i wish they'd have gone the route of making her nipped out instead of doing skinny straps. she's nipped out in the comics so why not? :lecture
They covered her belly too? :cuckoo:

The left side looks more traditional. I'm sure anyone who wants that will be happy with the PF when it comes out.

think there'll be a PF of her? i'd love one.

hey, do they charge the deposit when i get on the waitlist, or only if it converts?