Sideshow Wetaholics Anonymous Club - Where are you from?

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TURINS BANE and jnunez have been updated on page 1. :grouphug

:help Where are our other missing Wetaholics
I like what you've done with structure of the list :) . I wonder why there are so many people in Melbourne, Australia? Maybe it's something to do with the distance from New Zealand :lol
WOW... great work on the categorisation of the list Darkknight!

Lotsa Mexicans here (AKA Melbournians for non Aussies).

All the Mexicans may have something to do with proximity to NZ gooball, but me thinks it may have more to do with the wonderful weather down here and the amount of time we spend indoors as a result :p

8 Aussies, not bad... kicking it to the two wetaholics from the home of middle earth... what's the deal with that?!? :rollin
We're the third highest ranking country, after US and UK of course... Go you good thing! Come on all the rest of you Aussie Lurkers... crawl out of the wood work and show yourselves... :rock
Thanks. The original list was getting long and overwhelming. Organizing by countries was easier to find a fellow Wetaholic.

Later I might even categorize the US group by states. I will also start listing the user's first name next to their username in the near future.

Still trying to track down some of our lost Wetaholics from the Missing Link group. Any info concerning where that person if from will be appreciated. :rock

I know I will probably get roasted for this, but why have the English and Welsh members been listed under the UK and the Scottish members listed seperately under Scotland. Last time I checked, Scotland was still in the United Kingdom, despite the best efforts of John Swinney!:lol

If Scotland has been seperated then England and Wales should have it's own list or have all UK members listed under the UK.

You may feel this is a bit pedantic.8o

BTW - I am Scottish and live near Glasgow.:wave
Pedantic? Nooooo

I'm sure your list will address all these points.

I appreciate all the work that darkknight nyc has done so far :bow

I guess no good deed goes unpunished or uncriticized.:dunno
Opps, that's what I get for listening to Mel Gibson. :thwak

Updated. Thanks for the noticing Taniquetils. :rock

I was not denegrating your list in the slightest, but just wanted to help make it geographically accurate.8o

We are very proud of our independance in Scotland, but we are still part of the United Kingdom.:grouphug

There is a great misconception abroad that England is Britain and I was just trying to clarify because the list shows Scotland as being totally seperate from the UK.

No offence meant as I realise the effort put into creating and compling such a list and I think Morgoths Melkor over-reacted to the situation, as this was not critisism but an observation.

Old Mel eh! He did a great job of rewriting history to make his epic film. There are so many historical inacurracies in that film. We did get our freedom, but we are still British citizens.:D
No problem Taniquetils. No offence taken. :wave

When the UK section gets larger, I'll probably sub-file them into the 3 groups you mentioned earlier. :rock
Just upgraded the list on page 1. You can now see the person's name on the right side of their username. :rock

Check it out. :wave

Nice work, darkknight! :rock

Bavaria is the most beautiful southern state in Germany (tons of baroque churches and castles, lakes, mountains etc.). We do have our own constitution for unimportant political matters, but are still a part of Germany. :( ;)
It looks great though, having my own little state on the front page. :yay
Nice one Golberry, wondered about that too... :rollin
But i'm still the one and (l)onl(e)y Belgian on this board (except for Nessasita (eat your heart out, guys, i know her personally... :yay ) but she's living in the USA)

Ah, well, more stuff for me here in Belgium...hehehehe

Re: Wetaholics Anonymous Club

Goldberry, you have been reunited. :grouphug

mksucum info has been updated. :rock
Re: Re: Sideshow Wetaholics Anonymous Club - Where are you

Can this list be made into a sticky somehow. Maybe even combined with the ebay name thread. It would be so cool to be able to see easily where everyone is from by looking at the top of the front page. :grouphug
Re: Re: Sideshow Wetaholics Anonymous Club - Where are you

Hi Goldberry,

In Oct., my husband I spent part of our honeymoon in Bavaria. Had to see Neuschwanstein of course, and spent a lovely night in Fussen. The next day, while driving up to Rothenburg, we stopped at the most beautiful Baroque church. Not too far from Fussen. I can't remember it's name! But it was surrounded by meadow and horses, and inside had the most incredible pink and grey marble columns. And lots of gold...
So unassuming from the outside, but walking inside the doors :eek