I'll PM you soon.
Ok, thanks.I'll PM you soon.
What time will you PM me because I have to leave soon but I will be back later?
So amazing.
That evil superman is amazing!
I love how subtle that Evil Supes paint work is! It's amazing how such tiny detail can turn a sculpt 180 degrees in the other direction and give it a completely different feel! That's brilliant work!
(Though if wrinkles and some gray hair are a universal mark of evil, I'd better get myself a lair. Quick!)
Evil Superman & Old Glory!
Evil Superman & Old Glory!
My wife and I made a couple of these for the Evil Superman project. They are inkjet printed on flag like cloth and then weathered.
Inspired by Viva's Evil Superman holding a new, but slightly burned flag I thought it would be grand to have my version not just holding the American flag, but holding Old Glory, a flag that looks like it's been proudly displayed for a good long time until Superjerk came along and tore it down.