I don't have have the balls to chrome mine but.... BLACK ENAMEL paint. and alacald 2 chrome.... Ive been considering it, maybe i can find a cheap one on flea bay.
You dont want to use enamel paint here is what you need
this is the process on How to paint the Ultimate Silver Surfer
1) you need to prime over the original piece with primer
2) wet sand the primer down with micro mesh sand paper start with 4,000 - 12,000 grit. do this till the piece is smooth like glass
3 Take Tamiya gloss black spray paint mist a light layer of paint hardly covering the piece. Be sure to wait 15-20 mins in between coats
4) Mist more Tamiya gloss black covering the piece a bit more but not covering the piece.
5 Now start to spray heavy coats of gloss balck always keep the can moving
about 2 heavy coats should do it.
6) Now once its all dry wet sand 8,000-12,000 grit the black making sure there is no rough spots
7) Then use Tamiya clear spray and spray till the black is very glossy like glass
8) Once Dry get a double action airbrush to do this right has to be a double action, take the alcald II chrome and lightly mist over the black light preasure
light coats and slowly build up the chrome color till your happy.
9) let dry and look over the piece to see if you missed any spots if it looks good do not seal the piece I repeat dont seal cuzz you wonderful chrome will not look metal it will lose its shine. Just wipe with a clean cotton cloth from time to time
This is alot of steps but if you want the ultimate chrome job this is how I do it
its a must to sand cuzz if you have any imperfections on the piece
once you paint on the chrome the paint will show them.
painting metalics is very hard I hope this will help someone If you have any questions feel free to ask here or by PM