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Re: Skiman's Custom Work (Serpentor FINISHED w/ Vid P41 Post #404, Poncho Update WIP

sweet!!! Serpentor and Amon Amarth!!! looks awesome. makes me wanna run outside and yell COBRA LALALALALALALALA!!!!! as loud as i can.
Re: Skiman's Custom Work (Serpentor FINISHED w/ Vid P41 Post #404, Poncho Update WIP

That Serpentor is outta control! Such an ambitious piece, and you pulled it off brilliantly.

Now you have to do the chariot.
Re: Skiman's Custom Work (Serpentor Updated WIP P41, Team Predator Update WIP P39)

Forgot to post video.

I give you............ The Emperor -->SERPENTOR!!!!!!


<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>​

Thats so awesome!! :bow:bow:bow
Re: Skiman's Custom Work (Serpentor FINISHED w/ Vid P41 Post #404, Poncho Update WIP

Hey Ski, my gf saw the picture of Serpentor and made the comment she liked him. She then asked "how come I don't have him"? :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl
Re: Skiman's Custom Work (Serpentor FINISHED w/ Vid P41 Post #404, Poncho Update WIP

:rock :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock

ski, awesome work, man. you have mad skills. another homerun.
Re: Skiman's Custom Work (Serpentor FINISHED w/ Vid P41 Post #404, Poncho Update WIP

I am in awe that everything on him is handmade! The sculpted details the handmade attire. Love the Cobra-La groupshot, makes for a killer display! Ski, you gotta find a "custom of the year" competition and stick one or six of your guys in it!
This I command!

Here's a complete breakdown on Serps, I'll give it a go here (it definitely took a lot of patience with this one, almost more so than Nemesis Enforcer for some reason, maybe it was the fabric but yes I did take my time with the custom):

Serpentor Formula:

Hood sculpt: custom, balsa wood, Sculpey III and Sculpey Firm mixed.
Head sculpt: TTA (completely redone w/ repaint --skin tone:eyes:slips:brows, sanded off facial hair, head over all was helmeted)
Cape: Drizzle my man did an amazing job on my Serps cape and Pythona cape, custom real metal chain though was added for more girth and heavy dutyness that I wanted on the feel of Serpentor.
Body: T-800 MS HT.
Body suit: custom hand sewn nylon spandex about $10 a yard
Arm sheaths: custom hand sewn forest green pleather, Hancock's Fabric
Chestplate snake creation: custom hand sewn, each scale was sewn together and layered I think three times with a bottom, mid and top layer. Gloss and black wash applied along with forest green pleather used as straps w/ snap-ins
Chest, leg armorings: Snake skin fabric, I was very fortunate to get this material to myself as it was very VERY expensive, I think they were quoting something like $60-$70 per yard... Rightfully so though whenever I got the materials it's definitely the highest end fabric that I've worked with for a custom.
Staff: Cobra Commander Hasbro staff, very nice in weight and was the perfect fit for something that Serpentor would carry around.
Boots: T-800 MS HT boots.
Hands: T-800 MS hands, closed and opened fists.
Decal stand: EVILFACE custom creation of emblem on Serpentor's chariot.
Side snakes: Cobra Snake Wild Safari LTD (eBay), repainted green with slight gloss.
Neck snakes: They actually came from my neighbors reef, I guess for Halloween they had a reef made up of snakes, so yes.... I did take two of them. There had to be like 200-300 snakes on that thing so I hope he didn't mind. :) (repainted green with slight gloss.)

Is hawkins the remaining team member? You going to do him?

Thanks for getting back to me on the dutch shirt mate! Yeah just thought it would be a cheap swap if I found the right shirt, don't really like the stock one as you say. Collar is horrible!

Hawkins will definitely be in the works and of course Anna.

This is EPIC!

You OFFICIALLY have the MOST AWESOME Cobra 12" collection EVA!!!!!!

:rock2 with MAJOR SAUCE!!!!

Dave...WOW! You have outdone yourself, my friend!


Ski Bro your tallent is unbelievable!! Your Joe collecction is awsome! A big fan of your customs.

Great work!

Thats so awesome!! :bow

Thank you friends!!!!

Damn Ski... Just damn.

As for Poncho I really have to say, for someone who's only been doing this (sculpting) for a short amount of time you really, really have a knack for capturing people's likenesses. I 100% see that actor (whatever his name is) in your sculpt. Absolutely fantastic! :clap Keep up the great work my friend! Your skills are really coming along.

Dude, your Serpentor shows just how fearless you are with your customs. I'm amazed at how much you tackle through your own sculpting and sewing, making so much from scratch. The group shot with all of your Cobra figures blows me away! I can't see your video here at work but I look forward to checking it out once I get home.


Flos, my man thank you for the kind words, yes I think that's the best part of it and the challenge, if there's several parts to where I need to sew, paint and sculpt the more the merrier. Kitbashing is ok here and there sometimes underwhelming if I don't add something a lil more of my own creation is needed for myself. Maybe at least a repaint on the sculpt if I do find something that works for the character. If it simply isn't out there it's time to get to sculpting.

I didn't realized how many Cobras I did have until I started bunching them up.

Also hit me up if you like vid, thanks again Rich :rock

OMG!!!! This is an epic 1/6 scene!!! I am soooo in awe! Thanks for sharing this, Ski!!!!


Where is Golobulus?

Golob is another one on my plate, I'll probably start him in the next year, we've got Sgt Slaughter on the way for a commission and some surprises here and there with more G.I. Joe customs and of course Predator customs/commissions from here onto Dec.

sweet!!! Serpentor and Amon Amarth!!! looks awesome. makes me wanna run outside and yell COBRA LALALALALALALALA!!!!! as loud as i can.

Love AA, one of my favorite albums to workout to is their recent.

That Serpentor is outta control! Such an ambitious piece, and you pulled it off brilliantly.

Now you have to do the chariot.

TOM, if I can find some decent material a chariot might not be far off, I did create Z's swampskier :D

Thank you sir!!!!



Thanks AA and Edward, compliments are always welcomed.

Hey Ski, my gf saw the picture of Serpentor and made the comment she liked him. She then asked "how come I don't have him"? :rotfl

There's always enough loving in Sam's collection to have him some Serps :lol

Thank you man!!!!

ski, awesome work, man. you have mad skills. another homerun.

AWESOME work Skiman

Poncho rocks!

Thank you fellas, and for Ponch I'm really happy with the way he came out, just need to add the pack, knife and gun w/ holster and also I might do a body swap as he's pretty even with the rest of the crew and I kind of wanted him slightly smaller.
Re: Skiman's Custom Work (Serpentor FINISHED w/ Vid P41 Post #404, Poncho Update WIP

A lil more toys for Z to play with, new bow and new arrows with holster.




Re: Skiman's Custom Work (Serpentor FINISHED w/ Vid P41 Post #404, Poncho Update WIP

more adjustments to Poncho, smaller body to go more in scale with Team Testosterone :lecture and also added the knife, I get his gun and holster tomorrow and will starting working on the pack.


gonna use the bigger body that was on him for Hawkins perhaps.
Re: Skiman's Custom Work (Serpentor FINISHED w/ Vid P41 Post #404, Poncho Update WIP

Lookin' good, but the grain is creeping back into your pics. ;)
Re: Skiman's Custom Work (Serpentor FINISHED w/ Vid P41 Post #404, Poncho Update WIP

Good job, Ski! :clap
Re: Skiman's Custom Work (Serpentor FINISHED w/ Vid P41 Post #404, Poncho Update WIP

Lookin' good, but the grain is creeping back into your pics. ;)

Thanks Mags, yea it was more of just updates and my loft is the worst place for good lighting, some day I'll just replace that cam.

No worries, I'll getcha some more good outdoor shots with Poncho once I have him more completed.

Good job, Ski! :clap

Thank you Waller :rock
Re: Skiman's Custom Work (Serpentor FINISHED w/ Vid P41 Post #404, Poncho Update WIP

#01 reporting, roger that.










Re: Skiman's Custom Work (Brigade v.92 FINISHED P44 Post #435, Poncho Update WIP P39)

Great bash Ski... I like the mix of tan pouches and darker colored uniform pieces. I assume his outfit will get some weathering though as the pouches are waaay to clean.
Re: Skiman's Custom Work (Brigade v.92 FINISHED P44 Post #435, Poncho Update WIP P39)

Thanks guys, yea GB I went ahead and took some pics that day without the weathering, I have some dark washes that I plan to brush onto the Officer gear, belt, buckles, etc... It's definitely really clean and new looking right now which I agree will look more realistic with the weathering. :rock

Thanks for the comments fellas, always welcome! :bow
Re: Skiman's Custom Work (Brigade v.92 FINISHED P44 Post #435, Poncho Update WIP P39)

AGAIN :clap:clap:clap


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Re: Skiman's Custom Work (Brigade v.92 FINISHED P44 Post #435, Poncho Update WIP P39)

Awesome as always Ski. I asked you a couple ??? about what you used for this custom in the Joe section.