doooh cheers guys not much done today but Greedo made it yepppeeee.... and since I am lovin the head painting at the mo I built a new station... Bigger... better.... the wifes gonna kill me!!!! !! !!
Indeeeeeed mate so chuffed... but he is on another journey in the morning.... I am going to lend him to Feroze.... I cant tell you how chuffed I am with him, but Feroze may have to wait another month for his so its only right that I lend him mine..
OH MY GOD MARK!!! Indy looks fantastic! your painting as everyone has said already is great!! Cant wait to see what you do next. Always raising the bar.
well if all goes well.... it will be all done tomorrow fingers crossed
Hey you dont need a job to do an Indy!!! I will cast you up a head and if I get any spare parts I will sort you out man!! Times are hard for every one and I am buggered if the pile of poooop economy will put a halt on dollie making!!! Give me a few days to see what I have got mate. Ow did the RC armour arrive yet?
Mark you are a saint! I will call you Saint DORGS of the dollie faith. lol I havent seen the RC yet still waiting anxiously. But when it does LET THE PAINTING BEGIN!!