ecky thumb! cheers man but there is no secret to the eyes at all. I remember a year ago watching a tutorial on utube I think... but the guy was insanely good and I knew I would never be able to do it. But the other day what he did popped back into my mind and another chap on the forum, Gregg, was giving be help on painting. So its all sort of coming together at last. I am really enjoying it at the mo.
I do the eyes in one of two ways... First up I need a visual aid... my trusty head magnifiers. I thought when I got them all my problems would be over but to be honest it just made them appear closer haha.
so the head is painted up and then I either paint the eye red... then paint the white and leave a wee bit around the edge OR I paint it white and then water down some red and drop it on the eye and let it run to the sides.
then I paint the actual dark part of the eye ball, sat dark blue then paint a lighter blur blob inside that... then the black pupil... touch it all up... and gloss it a few times. sounds simple but I love it and spend ages doing it... a head can take two hours to paint up maybe more if I fudge it up lots haha.
I think the thing is I like doing it and I practice LOADS. One thing I know I do do is paint the eye to small a lot which is a bummer. But hey I am no expert !!!!