Your distended ball-bag is so full of stolen balls that you walk like a saddle-sore cowboy, if anyone knows the limits of War-Hammering testes into your swollen pouch and stapling that poor bruised bin shut its you, you dirty ball- bandit.
LOL mark you must have that many different projects going on i dunno how you do it you will end up with a head like those aliens off of mars attacks with all these ideas floating around
Oh by the way postman pat may call 2moro, posted ya bits this morning
hahha nahhh I dont have many on the go at the mo... hopefully I can pick up speed in a few days when I have finished folks Space Marine armour..... I have been working on the Thunder Hammer.... and its come up ok.... pics in a bit...
Ow and Feroze and I had it out today... settled it once and for all... had a big fish slapping contest followed by a moose race around the village in high heels.... I showed him!! but we got stopped by the village bobby who fined us both for not wearing seat belts on our moose and Feroze had a faulty headlamp and illegal antlers haha you city boys with ya pimped up mooses...