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Dengar head no worries I have one here mate...

Pm your address and stuff.

As for the Gonks..........well what the hell why not. :)

If I have missed any one off the list PLEASE remind me.

Yea you forgot you were gonna send all your clones my way for safe keeping.:monkey3

Hey Dorg, you still making Gonks? Also need a Dengar head...Whats my chances?...:pray:

Where does the line start for these.:wave

Seriously though mark, have you put any thought in to making a version of the main body and a few other parts that can be cast in a few smaller/thinner pieces so you could make them less time consuming to build? I figured casting the whole body as one piece would be expensive but it you made one more like a model kit, and the body was hollow and in sections it may be easy and much cheaper to cast up a kit.

You could probably even make some good money on Ebay selling them, though I wouldn't sell them as kits there since they will just get recast by some jerk to make a profit.
Please note:
I am not, have , and will not be casting any tarkin heads.

If you wish to get a tarkin head then may I suggest contacting Monkeybat. As he is the owner and sculptor of this fine piece of work.


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I only make casts with the permission from the sculptor, I have learnt this from my friend Unsung, also I do hope folks appreciate that am not in this to make loads of money I try to help folks out as much as I can and try my best to give as much to this forum as possible.
Right sending some bits out tomorrow ....


Sithlord- dcs
Bidufarewell - borrowed head and painted Nein Numb
Witekite - parts you lent me and some Dcs
Vivisect - 2 scout sets of armour pistols, numb nuts and other bits mate
DH4 - lando, Ten Numb, Nein Numb
Bobamike - Nein numb.

Tgod Monkeybat and yautja I will do my bestest to get your scout armour cast this week guys.

Enaud I have painted your Nein Numb and lando is next.

When I get some more silicon I will do the anti armour dcs

Feroze, I will get cracking on your Gonk droid and start your landspeeder to.... looking forward to that

If I have missed any one off the list PLEASE remind me.

ow and chaka and Cbob... you are always on my list

and please if any one has a SS stormie helm or two I will trade my momma for them... and ma mommas big...ask Chaka

Well pickle my pickles shave me bum I have nearly finished some projects.
The scout armour turned out ok but I am gonna have rest from casting for a bit. Well once I do the Dcs for the R Commandos.

SO whats next.. Well I think I am gonna have ago this painting stuff again and a few other bits.

so the List (we all have THE LIST, right?)

2 speeders to finish painting and weather up.
3 marmit sandies to rework, paint and weather
have a go at painting Lando
finish Saesee Tinn
then finish up some of Enuads amazing sculpts.

paah not a lot... ow I hope I dont run out of jobs to do... ow just remembered got two gonks and a landspeeder to build

guess that will keep me going.
Pooped a bit of slap on Lando, just seen some tiny airbubbles now I have photographed it LOL.

<img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

well a little filling some good home cooking a glass of sherry and foot spar later Lando is done done.

<img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Had to shoot a quick pic of snaggletooth. Not 100% finished yet.

<img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Dooh cheers mate.I just feel so lucky that I manage to get some of these amazing sculpts that folks do... we are all very lucky.

Well enough niceness...lets get dirty oww baby.....

the second member of the Pooh Dooh squad had had a good bed bath and spray job... hummm. I used a different spray for this one.. dont know it it was a good idea but it has more of a shine to the finish. I am still blown away by these Marmits. Every one used to rave about them but I did not get it. Its not until you see one in the flesh that you realise that they are BRILLIANT.

<img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
LOL hey Wanderer did you get your Dengar head ok... and I have started your gonk. I used a very new and very expensive bit of kit on it!!! A laser cutter!! Chuff me they are amazing.

I really want one LOL.

Heya Dorg cheers mate got it Friday! Its painted and on the body! I used the old Hasbro head, cut out the face, hollowed out the bandaged head and squeezed the head sculpt in! Looks really cool...Just wish i knew how to post pics from my iphone lol
As for the Gonk...I CANNOT WAIT!:yess: I've got a few pre orders with Hot Toys, Enterbay & Sideshow but believe it or not, this is the one i'm actually most excited about :)
What's your secret mate? You're banging out piece after quality piece like a production line :lol
LOL guess I just work fast LOL
as for the gonk Not much to see yet mate... but its started.

And if you want to post pics you can always email them to me [email protected] and I will post em for you it no worries.


<img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
:woo Awesome Dorg! Cant wait to see that little bugger in hand :)
Once i've glued Dengars armour back on, i'm then just waiting for his gloves off ebay and he should be good to go. I'll shoot over a few picks via email of some SW customs i've done, either tomorrow or Sunday. Cheers mate :duff
I have kind of stopped atm as I figured out I was running at a loss LOL but hey how can I say no. I remeber looking for a scout for 4 months before I was lucky enough to get one.I can cast you some up no probs, let me know which parts you need and I will sort em out mate.
