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Dorgs like the dengar - looks sadly at own one and realises is going to have to do another custom..... Got too many to try and finish
Only managed about an hour on them this week.....
Only teasing about the vest still getting the bits together for my nein/ ten numb

Have u got any dengar heads?
LOL yeah no probs mate....

I have one cast up ready for you. Did you want me to paint it up?

yes you evil..(censored)..(LOL)

i really need to finish something!!!!- i still have leia, biker scout, x wing pilot, ten/nein numb, a weathered R2, oom-9, cpt Dantells, and Kal Skirata to finish.................

and i forgot unsungs weeguay head ........:thud::slap
I was having a night off... but I thought it was such a genius idea that I had to get the chainsaw out and give it a go.

I have not cleaned it up or anything... just shoved it in!!

love it.

Can not wait to find the time to get really into Dengar.

<img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Mark this figure with that head rules.

Please do not take this the wrong way but I have always thought of Dengar as kind of a portly fella. How do you think it would look if you padded him though the arms and midsection? Or do you think that since the armor is not contoured it would look pushed out and unrealistic? Just a thought. It looks great as is though.
I really want to get going on dengar, but I am being strong and only working on a small bucket load of projects at the same time.

The LIST is getting smaller... but not a lot.
I have decided NOT to start anything new untill I have finished:

Scorch for ManVsMachine
RC armour for Jediguy
Ryan NUmb head
Elvis P- gloves
wanderer gonk
Feroze Gonk
massproduced numb and vibro staff
ChunderGod scout helm
yautja pooh dooh squad and scout armour
deathstalker saesee tin, 2 speeder bikes
A little job for Enaud

if I have missed anyone off the list PLEASE say.

NOW, I know I said I was not gonna start anything new.... but this is kind of an old project I have been playing with for ages. I am still in the experimental stage at the mo and I am suffereing from mass distraction of other interesting things.
Someone gave me a bass guitar and a wee amp!! Chuffin ace and it has rekindled my interest in yee olde guitar, so I have been strummin and picking Steve Earle, Skynrd and Neil young tunes till my fingers hurt and the Mrs said can I play quieter...I just dont know how the chuffin eck she puts up with me!!!

My son, Liam has also got a new interest... Warhammer!!! OMG they are so bleedin expensive, I had to sell one of me kidneys just to get a few little Marines. They are cool though. I have always loved the 40K but never been interested in the figures and definitely not interested in playin... but now!!!!

Ow my I am rambling on tonight!! where was I oww yes... new old project...

well I guess I will just post pics.... I will spray it up as soon as I can.

<img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Oooh dorgs that see through plastic dio thingy mjig is friggin sexy :)

I'll be in the loft tomoz and will sort you out what i have left of the 40k figs as well as get on with you know who :peace
Cool Cbob I have also started working on a chest piece and I want to do the shoulder pad. I think I got the mix wrong on my milliput and its not going hard... been 3 days now LOL, so I cant sand the chest :(
So now your a Bass player as well ! You join an exalted club , as I myself am a plucker of the chunky string , as was my father
and his father before him..............

And there are others................
Ah! So the minis bug has bit someone else, yay I'm not alone. LOL I'd be doing more 1/6th stuff and posting here if it wasn't for them. They just take up so much less space. Sadly they are expensive, hence why I've moved away from 40k and got into historcal, so much cheaper! Though a friend did just give me a dwarven fantasy army and enough bits to make more Marines, so who knows what will get done first.

Really digging the little display piece your making! Or is it going to stay little?
I really want to get going on dengar, but I am being strong and only working on a small bucket load of projects at the same time.

The LIST is getting smaller... but not a lot.
I have decided NOT to start anything new untill I have finished:

Scorch for ManVsMachine
RC armour for Jediguy
Ryan NUmb head
Elvis P- gloves
wanderer gonk
Feroze Gonk
massproduced numb and vibro staff
ChunderGod scout helm
yautja pooh dooh squad and scout armour
deathstalker saesee tin, 2 speeder bikes
A little job for Enaud

if I have missed anyone off the list PLEASE say.

a wing chest boxes?:wave
Ah sloth lord I will send that chest box back this week. I spoke to Ryan and he is sending me a couple over for a numb head so I will send one on to you mate as I only need one.

Warhammer looks great when Liam has finished all his homework we can start painting. He got up at 5.30 this morning just to start his home work lol.

Is the deathstar corridor staying small????? Nnnnaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh lol

I want to replace the one I made earlier. I also want to do the tantive corridor to. But that will be a while off.

Bass god simmons has to be one of my favs. I had a musically troubled youth in my friends eyes, they were listening to all that 80s new romantic stuff whilst I was rumbling around in 70s progrock and country I had every kiss album on vinyl and my mum hated me listening to Alice copper it was worse when I learnt to play the drums lol.
Dorgs what materials do you recommend working with, i'm going to start a small project, palps window, but I don't know if I should use styrene, foam core, mdf etc I really have any tools so I guess Mdf is out?
If u can afford big sheets then I would go for styrene but mdf would also be cool.
I have drawn up some scale plans I think I will have a look later. The emperors window is massive though!!!!
Cool mate nearly finished my numb pilot

Will get some pics sorted

Ref 40k tried the epic scale one - had like 800 space marines all 3mm high lol!!!
If u can afford big sheets then I would go for styrene but mdf would also be cool.
I have drawn up some scale plans I think I will have a look later. The emperors window is massive though!!!!

Thanks Dorgs , going looking today to find Styrene, I've drawn up plans too, it is big, at the moment though I'm just looking at one detolf shelf, though an option to be split across 2 shelves in 2 cabinets is tempting even if the chair can't sit central
Ahhhhhhhhhhh Dorgs...Just got back from the family vacation,and I see your projects coming along GREAT....I love that Dengar....looking forward to see how you make final adjustments to him...
If I get time today I will lay my hands on Dengars Blaster....
Nien Numb lokks fantabolous too...

...again...thumbs up and bow downs to you!!!
rfr would like some Biker Scout armor pleeeze.:monkey3

Posted about a week ago so u should have it soon I hope!!!

Can not wit to see what u come up with shockt and felder.... Great to have u back.

Just watched some side show preview for 12" figures, dew backs IG droids, bounty hunters, gonna be cool...... But we have done it all! Do u ever get the feeling they are watching us LOL