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Hey this???

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object> are right....I especially have that feeling in the military figure sector!!

BUT nontheless I would appreciate some ESB Bountyhunters,to finally fill my empty spots....BOSSK would be mucho appreciated...and THE MAN himself too...
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LOL just like that LOL....

okay been a while, been doing house jobs, and lots of family stuff... but I have that list to work through!!



Your droids are in progress...

you can also see the new window I have just popped in my kitchen.. and its great... I can now sit in my kitchen bathed in glorious light and make a mess....

Debs is gonna kill me!!

<img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Just watched some side show preview for 12" figures, dew backs IG droids, bounty hunters, gonna be cool...... But we have done it all! Do u ever get the feeling they are watching us LOL [/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]

I think they might be mr dorgs
Shame they are playing catch up !!!
Gonks! whos making Gonks? ow I am LOL well u know me I am just a girl who cant say NO!!

So they are all factory grey atm but I think Feroze and Wanderer want them palitoy styleeeee!!

Ow and the matt black finish is just the colour of the plasticard when it is sanded down and rubbing gently!! Nurse!!!!!!

<img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
I'm loving it!!!:blissy: Dibs on the one on the left with the arial! :lol That's so cool D. You making mine Tattoine/Jabba's palace weathered stylee? :pray::)
lol no probs mate I will leave you and Feroze to sort that out.

As for colour scheme you can have what yu want. I did jut about every colour I could think of including Gold for DGothikus ( i miss that big Girl)

here is a shot of series I , cant find the shot of series II

<img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Mark's on the case as usual. I guess that means we should expect a SS to announce a Gonk soon:rotfl. They do have a mystery 2 1/2 pack to be revealed before the year is out. Owen/Beru and Gonk?

Maybe you should cover those pretty new windows with tin foil to keep "the man" from spying on your projects.
Thsi is the only shot of some of the series II idid, but there where yellow ones and a red one and a green one!

<img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Hey hey Darth good to speak to you. If they make a Gonk!!! Well I will take em to court!! I will take em to the chuffin cleaners all of em, LOL....
Nice chatting with you too Mr. Dorgmal. Don't squash them too bad in court though. They're just trying to spread the 1/6 Star Wars goodness to others who may not have even heard of anyone in this far corner of the galaxy. For those of us blessed enough to have got one of these babies from you, SS's eventual release will have nothing on it (except a fancy box). I guarantee it.
LOL dah its all good fun, I have no delusions of grandeur, I am just a humble dolly lover basking in an ocean of dollies with fellow dollies lovers :)
lol no probs mate I will leave you and Feroze to sort that out.

As for colour scheme you can have what yu want. I did jut about every colour I could think of including Gold for DGothikus ( i miss that big Girl)

here is a shot of series I , cant find the shot of series II

<img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Mark, thats superb :clap The 1 on the top right stands out as my pick please! .... or the navy blue one on the left...oh dear i cant decide between the two! Surprise me! lol
....Oh and err (cough) I spoke to Feroze and he said I can have aerial head Gonk:monkey3 :lol
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well nearly finish reworking The Pooh Dooh squad.
Managed to put together another one thanks to Richardo, but We need shins if any one has a pair kicking around they dont want...

Infact if any one has any Stormie or sandie stuff ss or marmit I would be interested.

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