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I think thats a Marmit bucket.

Almost thought it said "Marmite bucket" :lol

Sorry, just watched a few episodes of "Mr. Bean." Hopefully someone will remember "Do it yourself Mr. Bean"

I've never seen nor heard of "marmite" anywhere else!
WOW! I just barely went through this whole thread and man you got some great work here bud!!! I really need to learn how to do resin, casting, molding or whichever it is (or all of the above?) keep it up!
WOW! I just barely went through this whole thread and man you got some great work here bud!!! I really need to learn how to do resin, casting, molding or whichever it is (or all of the above?) keep it up!

Well see, resin is used to cast things, molds are usually made of silicone rubber. Resin is a sort of thermoset plastic, which means it sets up with heat (in most cases heat generated by a chemical reaction between parts "A" and "B," which are sold in separate bottles and mixed in equal proportions).

The silicone is similar, in that in comes in two liquid (or mostly liquid) parts that must be mixed together and poured.

So to mold something, silicone is usually mixed and poured into a "mold box" that has the item to be recast in it. The silicone fills up the space in the box around the item, and after the sililcone has cured and the item and mold box are removed, you are left with a 3-dimensional negative of the item you molded.

Then casting resin is mixed and poured into the sillicone mold, filling up the empty space that was once occupied by the original item. The resin sets up and harderns, and then you have a perfect replica of your original item.

Actually that last bit about it being "a perfect replica" isn't really true unless you're a pro like Dorgs! There's usually air-bubbles here and there, but it's an almost exact replica.

Sorry if I stated the obvious, with you wanting to "do resin, casting, molding or whichever," it seemed to me that you didn't quite understand the subject. My goal is to help you understand, not talk to you like an idiot! :lol
^^hey no need to apologize. I honestly had no clue what the difference was. I really appreciate you taking the time to write this out for me. I'm one of those ppl who only knows what's in the movies and not really anything from the expanded universe so I don't typically know who characters are that many of you have custom made. But I do appreciate anyone who has the courage to make something from nothing so to speak. Anywhoo, can't wait to see what else I find in this forum! Keep up the awesome work everyone!
Swiss Army GoNK


Got my Gonk off Mark the other day, and its a work of art! Not sure if anyone is aware but he's been quite poorly recently, hence the reason he hasn't been on here much. Good news is he is hopefully on the mend and will be back amazing us with his art in no time.
In the meantime guys, lets show our support to Dorg and his family and wish him a speedy recovery. He's sorely missed :duff
Get well Dorgs, I have a package going out to you next week and you need to be well enough to open it! ;)
Hey Dorgmal , hope your feeling o.k. ( You where warned though , you WILL go blind and the hairy palms play absolute havok with the modelling !) :lol
( And no , I wasn't allowed to take anything with me to Greece !) :pfft:
Get well soon, pal. Customs section ain't the same without you:chew:chew:chew

Heck the whole entire forum is not the same without you Mark. Your work inspires me and many others on here.

Take as much time as you need in order to get better and know that there are a lot of people thinking about you my friend..