i should request a special EU-financed credit,like they gave to those
banks who burned the money like crazy.with that,i could buy meyself a whole clone/stormie army and a vader...

those Marmits look fantastic! In your guys opinion do you think 73$ U.S. Is a good price for a stormie or a tie pilot?
I would bite both your arms off for marmits at that price!!!
those Marmits look fantastic! In your guys opinion do you think 73$ U.S. Is a good price for a stormie or a tie pilot?
There is a person in my city that is selling a Boba a stormie and a tie for that price a peice. I wish I had the funds to do so but at the moment I dont. (tear) He also has a bunch of Astromechs to like 20$ a peice. I might get one of those for sure need more Droids.
I would to but without whoring my self out for cash that aint going to happen lol
mate if I can help out I will.. I can send you some cash if you need it. I have been after a HT wolverine for 6 months and one has come up for £150 which is a really good price and I some folks have just paid for some work I did but I just can not bring myself to get the Wolverine...I would rather lend you some to get the marmits and then temptation will be out the way!!!
I dont even know what to say hes the MAN!
To do the Marmit I used a very small **** stop it of acetone and kept used fresh cloth.