So I have had laryngitis for like 5 weeks now.

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my brother had a reoccurring lung problem that resulted in pneumonia twice in 4 months. he is athletic and has never smoked. he went to the doctor and they found a thumb sized tumor. they did a sleeve section and cut off about a third of his lung. he's doing better now 8 years later. it's definitely a smart move to see the doctor asap. good luck nick.
Well, I had my 1st visit with my GI Dr. this past WED. They said most likely it is Erosion to the esophagus or hiatal hernia. They said that it is unlikely that it is esophagus cancer do to the fact that I don't drink or smoke and do to my "young age" :D so that is good. :) It is always nice to hear someone call you a "young age" :) Isn't it funny how when we were kids we did not like our parents and grandparents telling us "You're too Young":lol:rotfl

Not looking forward to the Endoscopy that comes next. but the good news is, they are going to knock my *** out for it. :)

The Monster,
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Spelling Nazi! ;)

It's hiatal hernia, as in hiatus. :lecture

Hope it's nothing, and that you at least enjoy your sedation vacation.
Endoscopy isn't as bad as it sounds. I've got another lined up at the end of the month , it'll be my fourth and on my last they had to go in and out twice !. The worst part is when the camera is first going down , it creates a sort of gagging reflux as you might expect. As long as you're sedated after that you probably wont remember the rest. :lol

Good luck with the procedure, I've got esophagus and stomach erosion which has now developed into an ulcer and I'm 21 but that's another story, it's not fun !.

If you're on any other tablets for anything keep in mind it could be a side effect from them. Avoid all spicy and irritant foods and don't eat anything too sugary. A hernia sounds likely to me though if it seems to be only effecting your esophagus.

If they aren't already they should take some biopsies also to make sure there is no bacteria present that can cause such problems.
Well, I had my Endoscopy with my GI Dr. yesterday, Not good news for me guys. :( I have a hiatal hernia, Barrett's esophagus, and my Dr. said that some of my cells "have changed" so they have sent a sample off for testing. :(

The Monster,
Damn Nick! Sucks to get that bad news, but the good thing of course is that now you know what is up and can be well informed on how to best remedy the situation.
Sorry to hear that but as mentioned it's good that they've found something otherwise you'd have no idea why you're displaying the symptoms you're suffering from. It's good to hear it sounds like they've taken a biopsy also, sounds like you're in good hands.

Good luck with the results and treatment.
Well, I had my Endoscopy with my GI Dr. yesterday, Not good news for me guys. :( I have a hiatal hernia, Barrett's esophagus, and my Dr. said that some of my cells "have changed" so they have sent a sample off for testing. :(

The Monster,

the hernia is easily fixable. BE is also related because of your diet and eating habits. i stopped eating greasy fried foods and eating late, especially before bed.

did the doctor tell you to lose weight? i too had the same problems but not to the point of BE. once you get the definitive diagnosis, get a second opinion to confirm.

best of luck and feel better!!!
Well everyone I have some great news.:D I am Cancer free for now!!!!!!!!!! :D However, I do have a medium size hiatal hernia, and Barrett's esophagus with no dysplasia at this time. I am told that quite the lengthy portion of my esophagus has Barrett's about 8 to 9 cm. :( That means an Endoscopy every 6 months for me for now. :( They don't know if my voice will ever fully come back or not, :( Only time will tell.

The Monster,
Hey buddy!
I was watching the Bad 25 documentary last night and was wondering how you were doing.
It's good to hear about you being Cancer free, but sucks about the hernia...Wish you the best my friend!