so i just got this in the but

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Looks like a fake to me...

so my so called friend was joking around with me about the same numbered statue thing.. what a ******* jerk..
nash said:
Are those the only differences?
yep thats the only thing..
edit.. the exclusive one i got was not inspected. were as my regular had these yellow inspection stickers all around the styrofoam packaging.
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I was going to mention the same part that you have pointed out because I compared your photos to Azogs and that is the only part that I thought was kinda off.
here is a pic of the base of my regular version, that i bought directly from sideshow.


now here is a pic of my regular iron man and the exclusive. there is a difference. look closely!!:confused: are the things on the exclusive back supposed to be turned around like that?



does seem a little odd that they are turned around like that. Perhaps one is for the Exclusive and one for the non-exclusives????I mean....who else would look at stuff like that but people like us!!!!
well at least i have a regular REAL version. LESSON LEARNED. never buy anything from a hong kong seller. even though all these sideshow items are made from around there..
sorry guys....don't mean to seem simple here....but what's the difference??
That is a really nice fake though. But not worth the money you paid for.
How's the weight of it? Same as the regular?
Even the pics on the seller's auction show the armor plates reversed.


well looks like i am going to file a paypal claim..

I would wait to see what Sideshow has to say about this first. I'm not saying it couldn't be a fake....but lets not forget that we are all acting on speculation here, none of us can definatively confirm or deny is this is genuine. Not trying to defend the seller here at all....just trying to be level headed and look at this objectively.
What if it's not a fake....It could be factory rejects that they assembled wrong? Im assuming since it is "armor plates" that are flipped around, that the mold for the armor isnt a solid one piece cast. Perhaps factory workers glued it on wrong, then they set them aside to be scrapped but someone stole them....simply rewrite a random number on the base, and wala.
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