I would have to say--diehard, I think about Star Wars constantly, all of the websites I look at are for Star Wars. I say TPM a month after it came out (before the obsession), then I saw AOTC a few days after it came out (during the obsession) (I was really mad I had to miss the midnight opening) and I went to the Midnight Opening of ROTS---and I would have camped out if it wasn't for that I had classes earlier that day that I couldn't miss. And---if I had a costume, I would wear it. Hmmm, I just realized, every surface in my room has more than one Star Wars item on it. What's funny now is that my obsession is getting worse, now that I'm getting Sideshow stuff and MR stuff.
I was also happy today when in Band we got to play The Flag Parade from TPM just for fun--we sucked but it was still fun.
I was also happy today when in Band we got to play The Flag Parade from TPM just for fun--we sucked but it was still fun.