So what are the ranks of the SW fan?

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Agent0028 said:
In my experience there's no such thing. :D

May the Force be with us. ;)

"Kid, I've flown from one side of the galaxy to the other, I've seen a lot of strange stuff... But I've never seen anything to make me believe that there is some all powerful Force controlling....everything. There's no mystical energy field that controls my's all a lot of simple tricks and nonsense."

:lol :lol

From the Book of Solo, chapter IV..."adventures meeting my future wife and brother in law"
I'm die hard and hard core.

(Caught TPM at midnight @ Mann in Westwood, saw it 8 times in the theatre, even tracking down the digital showing in Burbank.)

I probably will never read an EU "novel" and I don't take them seriously as they aren't canon. (Though, I like the Tag and Binks and Darth Maul comic books and I played the pair of KOTRs.) Star Wars are movies, people -- films. All the Star Wars books are like so much fan fiction IMO.

I should point out that I'm dyslexic which may fuel my prejudice against the printed word. (And may explain my slew of ugly typos and mispellings on this board.)
for some reason the movie "School of Rock" starring Jack Black comes to mind. Especially that scene when he is singing:

"if you are hardcore....and you live HARDCORE..."

:chew :chew :chew :chew :chew
"Well you’re not hardcore
(No you’re not hardcore)
Unless you live hardcore
(Unless you live hardcore)
But the legend of the rent was way hardcore"
Diehard OT

Passively interested PT

(Yeah, i bumped a 4yr old thread. But it was a DD thread :goodpost:)

Well, let me see. I love Star Wars in general, the OT are the closest to my heart, but I still found limited enjoyment from the prequels. Ep. 1, liked but wish I could change many things. Ep. 2, the only Star Wars I can say I don't like, but somehow it still found it's way into my DVD library. Ep. 3, felt like a return to the Star Wars I know and love.

Further defining characterisitcs...

I saw the original in 1977 when I was a little kid, also saw every re-release.
Opening night for Empire, Jedi, Phantom, Clones and Sith. Actually managed to see ROTJ in the theater 31 times.

Own or owned every version of all of the films on VHS, Laserdisc, and DVD. Even ordered the Episode one Laserdisc from Japan when they did not release it in the U.S.

Owned (at one time) every single toy from the Kenner collection (except for 12" Boba Fett and Ig-88, but not for lack of trying)

Started buying 12" figures again in 1997 when Hasbro started the line up again.

Eventually started buying select 3 3/4" hasbro, has gotten much more "select" as time has gone by.

Own 9 different Master Replicas Lightsaber props, also Han Blaster (ANH), Stormtrooper Blaster, thermal detonator, Stormtrooper Helmet, Gree Helmet, Shocktrooper Helmet and the Medal of Yavin. On a side note, the Helmets are too small for my big head, so, no, I don't wear them.

Own 90% (rough estimate, maybe more) of the Sideshow 1:6 figures.

Own at least two movie posters (the real ones, not fakes) for each film, including a Revenge of the Jedi Teaser.

I don't read EU and don't want to. But I do watch Clone Wars, which is hit and miss.

I "admire" the costumes people have made and think they are cool, but I don't play dress up, even on Halloween.

I can easily hold a conversation that has nothing to do with Star Wars.

So, you tell me, what am I?
Wasn't that kinda hard as a kid? Even if movies were way cheaper?

I went every single week as a kid. The first week I went twice. Movies were my thing and my mom supported my addiction.

#31 is actually the 1997 rerelease.

I even remember the price, the tickets skyrocket up to $4.50 each!! Highway robbery we thought.
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this is quite an interesting thread actually

my wife would say im obsessed and collect 1/6 and do customise them and have a room devoted to sw but i dont spend everyday talking about it - except online...

i love the films - even the pt and darkhorse and some eu rocks but a lot sucks and im really undecided about the clone wars....

~(mainly because of the continuity issues)- which i guess mades me more obsessed not less?

so i guess diehard on the wane?
Hardcore but Original Trilogy only.

The newer movies have some nice production design work, but they just aren't the same for me.
Concider myself a Die-Hard OT/PT fan. I really love to look up things I never heard from before. And ofcourse if you look up something you always see something else that attracts your attention... Or al least in my case :monkey3
Holy crap, old thread

I don't think I like my original post in this thread. I don't think I'd say I'm diehard anymore. I do still like Star Wars a lot, but for instance, I never saw the Clone Wars movie at the theater or bought the DVD, really since ROTS is done I haven't been as into it. I think it's more that I've gotten into other stuff so there are several things I like a lot.

But I think it'd still be fun to go to one of the Celebration conventions. I guess I'll have another chance in 2013
Am casually Ardent about all things SW but super diehard when the Sideshow 1/6th line is concern.
Still as diehard as I was at 10 years old. I still love my 1:1 Yoda bust, my 1:1 Obi Wan lightsaber hilt, and I still love wearing my Star Wars shirts out in public. I'd have to say my preferences have changed a bit in the past couple years. The Old Republic stuff is my favorite era right now, but before that I was really into the New Jedi Order books and era.
I am probably between casually ardent and die-hard.

Here is where I am currently at:
I have found something to enjoy in ALL the Star Wars films and have read at least 25 novels. I do recognize that the quality has varied and I certainly enjoy rewatching some movies more than others.

I collected the Sideshow and Medicom lines from the beginning, but I have slowly become less and less completist. In fact Commander Cody will be the first 1/6th scale Star Wars figure I buy since last Christmas (though I did just buy a $50 custom cape for Vader so I am still in the game).

As the years go on, I also find myself watching the movies less often and I don't read the books as often (I am finishing up one now though). While I used to revel in exploring the different parts of the Star Warts universe, I now prefer Star Wars stories to have less of a sci-fi tone and more of a fantasy adventure. I miss the mystical quality of earlier tales. Or maybe I just miss being young.

In any case, I will always enjoy Star Wars and I hope that Lucas decides to do that live action series one of these days. Also, while I always desired new insights and stories about Vader, I now wish that Lucas, Lucasfilm, and Lucasarts would just leave my favorite fictional character the *#@% alone.
There is only fan or not fan. Everything else is just a degree of try and there is no try.