So you preordered Darth Maul. Why?

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Why did you preorder the Darth Maul PF?

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
May 22, 2006
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Eden Prairie, MN
LOTRFan's Darkness poll inspired this question, since Maul is another red and black horny devil dude from a movie not universally loved by the public.

Why'd you get him?
The Phantom Menace is a movie about a child, told from the point of view of a child, in a way that, for the most part, only a child could love.

The artist (Read: George Lucas) successfully accomplished what he set out to do with the film. As far as I'm concerned, it was a success.

Anyone claiming that it was otherwise is, quite simply, suffering from a conceited and, as such, overly-skewed outlook on the movie in question.

Maul ruled.

Or maybe it's just the wine talking... :p
Darklord Dave said:
I like to piss off people who hate the Phantom Menace.

LOL me too! My opinion is this on it. It's stupid, kind of lame, and poorly written, but I still enjoy watching it. I'm just honest about it. My 1 big thing is George should not have directed any of these. Look at the originals. ANH is great, but ESB and ROTJ the directing is soooo much better. Anyway, Maul was a gimicky schmuck, but cool as hell and you can't deny that.
I picked other because well Im not crazy about Maul but I love PF so I just had to get him to go along with the rest of them.
Well, I like the Phantom Menace, I do like Maul...
Anyway I'm a completist in the Star Wars PF line... so bring them on!
I like TPM, but it is my least favorite of the 6 (even the CW cartoons). But I love the others so it's not like I hate the movie. There are things about it I dislike, but a lot of things I love, Maul being one of those.
I love Maul. He's my favorite character and TPM is a good movie. It is what it is a SW movie. I watch these for the story of the characters and the imagery. Not the dialouge.
TPM actually has a good structure and does a very good job of introducing the saga, despite being needlessly silly all too often. And I still find it superior to AOTC, which really doesn't do the two things it was supposed to do (develop a conspiracy mystery and relate a compelling love story) all too well.

But ROTS is the best film Lucas has ever directed, so I tend to forgive him the failings of the first two prequels.
I thought Maul and Qui-Gon were the only interesting characters in the prequels.

That is why I even like some of TPM. ;)

It has some awful parts but the last 30 minutes is awesome IMO. (minus the Jar Jar comic relief BS of course).

The Duel of the Fates lightsaber battle is incredible and I love John Williams score to it.

That is why I am getting Maul and no others from the prequels.
I ordered because I want a PF statue for each of the six movies to place in front of my Star Wars movie posters. I have Episode III: PF Exclusive General Grievous, Episode IV: PF Ben vs. PF Vader, Episode V: I cancelled my PF exclusive Luke due to the stupid smile on Yoda's face and I wasn't impressed with Luke's boots. I'll just be putting my PF Boba Fett in his spot. Yes I know this is Boba as he appeared in ROTJ but my first memories of him are from Episode V and the average person could care less of the differences. Episode VI: GOD GIVE US AN EMPEROR ON HIS THRONE!!!! So now with Episode 1: I get Darth Maul. Episode II: The three on my wish list are, Mace Windu with an exclusive Jango helmet, Aayla Secura or Shaak Ti exclusive with battle droid head and torso. (I love those Jedi women and electronic lightsabers) Jango Fett ( arena version) with the same exclusive as the Jedi ladies or maybe a fallen Jedi's lightsaber.

Also on the movie front, I prefer Episode I to both Episodes II and III. The more I watch Episode II, the worst the acting gets. There is far too much CGI, and Hayden and Portman feel like brother and sister trying to convince us that they can be lovers. Hell, I think Luke and Leia had more chemistry in the Hoth scene. And lets not talk about the mess that is Episode III.

Liam Neeson + Darth Maul - Hayden Christensen + a non-CGI Yoda - all love scenes written and directed by George Lucas = Best Stars Prequel Movie!
There is little to like about Darth Maul as an actual character, he is ALL presence and style. No backstory, no plot; hardly any lines, just unbridled Sith rage! Lucas put him in as a "gag" bad dude, but at least he made TPM tolerable. Just think of how awful it would have been if Maul wasn't in the film?! :eek

I vote for design. :maul
I like The Phantom Menace and Darth Maul.

Maul is simply one of the best bad guys from the saga. He's the first one to have been able to kill a Jedi in Duel.

As The Phantom Menace is far from a perfet movie it's simply a great introduction to the whole saga.

G. Lucas had to presents so many caracters, so many places, so many plots that TPM suffers from this aspects : too mutch to show and no mutch time to do it (or a lame of talent to do it).

Anyway the duel of fate is awesome. We have never seen jedis and Sith fighting as in TPM : fast and furius.

And what a pleasure to see for more than 20 years a new Star Wars Movie !
One cool thing about a Duel of the Fates PF display will be that it's one duel with light up blades in all the primary saber colors; blue, green, and a double dose of red. Very cool.
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You'd love the clustermatch diorama with Palpatine vs. Mace and his gunslingers, then.

Coming soon to a 1:9 polystone preorder near you. :D