Solo: A Star Wars Story

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Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

One last question about the last Jedi, if Rian Johnson is such a visionary writer and director how come he failed to notice that Rey already met Poe in the Force Awakens?
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

One last question about the last Jedi, if Rian Johnson is such a visionary writer and director how come he failed to notice that Rey already met Poe in the Force Awakens?

Because this was his story... He didn't care at all about the back story stuff. Did we actually expect him to read the novel? And even if he did miss it, where were the force girls in Kennedy's story team, or the almighty and wise in everything SW Pablo Hidalgo??? No one cared, or was told not to care.. The audience is dumb, they'll never know... Win!!
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

One last question about the last Jedi, if Rian Johnson is such a visionary writer and director how come he failed to notice that Rey already met Poe in the Force Awakens?

They were standing in the same room but never actually spoke in TFA. The novelization had them exchanging names but they never did it on screen.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

One last question about the last Jedi, if Rian Johnson is such a visionary writer and director how come he failed to notice that Rey already met Poe in the Force Awakens?

He went on record saying he didn’t read the novelization or saw the final cut of TFA when he turned in his script. Then he said 90% of the script never changed from the first draft.

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Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Luke found out in ESB that the most evil darkest soul in the galaxy was his father, who also was responsible for killing his aunt and uncle in cold blood, and he himself if he was there too. All this after idolizing the man as one of the greatest pilots in the galaxy, a great man and friend to Old Ben Kenobi. Why didn't he just have a break down then and there.

You mean aside from screaming no at the top of his lungs several times and then attempting suicide?
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

You mean aside from screaming no at the top of his lungs several times and then attempting suicide?

How do people get that Luke attempted suicide. In that moment he had 2 choices. To be saved by Vader, or to let go. I guess he should've been saved by Vader, tortured by Vader and the Emperor in their attempts to convert him or then kill him if unsuccessful? He made the right choice. I guess in that moment I too would've commited suicide.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Well when I'm right I'm right. :)

I can see why so many have taken to mocking you lately :lol

kinda disrespectful to say that older people will quit and hide whenever there is trouble. do you see trump hiding after he gets did you ever see any US president act the way luke acts? how many presidents had wars while they were in office?
come on dude... thats like the most efed up thing you could ever say.... im shocked

Look at Holdo.... even in HIS OWN movie Rian Jhonson poops the bed...
Holdo is old, did she run? did she give up? she KILLS herself to "Save the day" regardless of the suicide message that sends, Imagine if Holdo acted like Luke..... just Imagine that... imagine if she took a ship and left to hide in cave cuz she was scared

Imagine if instead of dying by Vader's hands,
Obi Wan just left Tattoine when Vader rose to power and escaped like a COWARD. Imagine if he never meets Luke, if he never teaches him about the force....

Imagine if Jyn Erso's father NEVER created the Flaw on the Death star?

Imagine if he just escaped and hid on some cave like a coward while his daughter was out there.......

Imagine if Han Solo just hid like a Coward after Ben Solo turned evil, Imagine if Leia did....

This New Franchise... THIS NEW Trilogy is full of OLD heroes that did not run, did not hide. did not surrender. they Face Death, they fought for liberty....

Rian Jhonson made luke the biggest coward in the galaxy.

it reminds me of the end of Back to the future 3 when they are calling "Clint Eastwood" a coward and when they tell Marty that if he doesnt do that Duel he will be known as a coward for eternity.

Do you remember? do you remember when Marty wanted to run? when he wanted to hide? he faced Death.... just like Holdo, Just like Obi Wan, just like Leia

for Gods sake Leia LITERALLY gets Shot at.... in HIS OWN MOVIE... did she HIDE from ben?


Luke found out in ESB that the most evil darkest soul in the galaxy was his father, who also was responsible for killing his aunt and uncle in cold blood, and he himself if he was there too. All this after idolizing the man as one of the greatest pilots in the galaxy, a great man and friend to Old Ben Kenobi. Why didn't he just have a break down then and there. He just lost his hand to boot.... He didn't run and hide then cause he was always meant to be the hero. No matter the odds or the atrocious acts he would witness towards himself and his friends, he fought on. He stayed to save his buddy Han, and try to redeem his father. Not seek revenge and kill him, but redeem him and turn him back to the light.... After knowing all he had already done.

Sorry, having bad feelings and visions about little sweet Kylo, who hasn't actually done anything evil yet, knowing Snoke was the one manipulating him, serves as the worst justification that a wiser older more experienced Luke would try to kill Kylo in his sleep rather than help him. And then, when he's caught in his moment of weakness by Kylo, he then cowers in shame to let his responsibility wreack havoc on the universe and ultimately kill Han... Rather than writing the wrong like he always did before.

Yep sounds about right... GOOD deep characterization and storytelling... :cuckoo:

Take your logic and functioning character motivations elsewhere good sirs, there is no room for such things here. Now fall in line!
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

So one of the most eloquent and strongest forum members and master detractor of TLJ was banned?

What exactly is happening on this forum? Are the mods blatantly trying to reduce this board to bull**** small talk and meaningless debates over coupon codes?

The spirit of forum exchange is passionate argument. Spazz was superb at making points and keeping convos respectful. #SpazzForForumPresident actually became a thing here for a reason.

Its a damn shame that this is where we're at now in the Sideshow realm. Censored, PG-heavy, everyone must suck that Disney **** propaganda.


Come one SNIKT.... admit your Spazz and get it over with.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

He's making another dummy account as we speak.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

The more I think about it the more I see that Johnson never understood who Luke was. Hamill was right. Luke would never just give up on everything like he did. If he could see some good in Vader who was no doubt way more evil than Kylo Ren then he surely knew that Ren could be saved also.

Johnson's an idiot. And Kennedy's an even bigger idiot for signing off on the TLJ script. Had she not been a moron, the moment she finished reading the last page she would have said "Rian, listen closely. You will not be directing or writing any SW movies. At least not while I'm alive. Now kindly leave the building."
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Didn't Luke train anyone else than Kylo? Or were those two only force sensitive people in the galaxy?
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Johnson's an idiot. And Kennedy's an even bigger idiot for signing off on the TLJ script. Had she not been a moron, the moment she finished reading the last page she would have said "Rian, listen closely. You will not be directing or writing any SW movies. At least not while I'm alive. Now kindly leave the building."

Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Come one SNIKT.... admit your Spazz and get it over with.

:lol :lol :lol

i wonder if we’ll get a formal introduction this time.

While I see where you two draw the conclusion, I'm 99% sure SNIKT and Spazz weren't one in the same. Unless it was an extremely clever ruse, Spazz had a very distinctive way in which he posted wherein he would barrage you with walls of text over a five sentence statement and/or would come up with a condescending personal insult when he knew the debate couldn't be won. SNIKT, on the other hand, is usually pretty straight foward/to the point about things unless you deliberately engage in a debate with him (wherein he can sometimes engage in insults, but not in the same way as Spazz).

The big thing SNIKT and Spazz have in common is that they both see the truth behind TLJ.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

While I see where you two draw the conclusion, I'm 99% sure SNIKT and Spazz weren't one in the same. Unless it was an extremely clever ruse, Spazz had a very distinctive way in which he posted wherein he would barrage you with walls of text over a five sentence statement and/or would come up with a condescending personal insult when he knew the debate couldn't be won. SNIKT, on the other hand, is usually pretty straight foward/to the point about things unless you deliberately engage in a debate with him (wherein he can sometimes engage in insults, but not in the same way as Spazz).

The big thing SNIKT and Spazz have in common is that they both see the truth behind TLJ.

my dear old friend, you have been fooled.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I think Spazz and snikt are friends in real life