Solo: A Star Wars Story

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Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Not me. I was stating that SW has a very loose concept of time since people were complaining that the Millennial Falcon couldn't get dirty in just 10 short years. My point was that an entire popular religion, with a Jedi Temples all over, could be considered "ancient" after just 19 years of being eradicated.

I think our differences vary on the word "ancient", to me that describes that it's been around for a long time, to you it's been extinct for a long time.

Bygones and all.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I think our differences vary on the word "ancient", to me that describes that it's been around for a long time, to you it's been extinct for a long time.

Bygones and all.

Yes, but in context of Tarkin's speech, their fire has gone out of the universe, it sounds like he too is counting from extinction.

Let's just gif fight.

Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

You're not alone. That's exactly what I thought. Vader was practicing some ancient religion that no one else believed in or practiced, and was long dead and forgotten. Even after they elaborated that Vader hunted down and killed the rest of the Jedi, I thought that it was a small group of people that practiced that, but very much in the periphery of civilization. I definitely never thought they were the high profile guardians of the galaxy with a fancy downtown tower complex in the city planet that the prequels showed them to be.


I always think it's funny when people talk about the PT stuff as if it actually applies to the OT. In my memory, the PT is like an animated film while the OT is live action. Like you'd almost need an "Enchanted" type animated/live-action hybrid film to unite the PT and OT stories.

And yeah, I always thought Tarkin was talking like someone in the 1950's might have spoken to a Buddhist American - like "what is that ancient stuff? Meditation?" - and his mention of "religion" almost seemed sarcastic to me, a put-down, like the Jedi were made out to be this huge deal but he dismissed it as like any other religion.

This is correct. The Galaxy is massive, and in comparison to every day humanoids their existence only took up a small percentage.

This is not correct. Most of the general public had never seen nor met a Jedi, and if they did, they most likely would not have known. Obi-Wan pretty much outright states that the Jedi were around not long ago.

"A young Jedi named Darth Vader, who was a pupil of mine until he turned to evil, helped the Empire hunt down and destroy the Jedi Knights. He betrayed and murdered your father. Now the Jedi are all but extinct. Vader was seduced by the dark side of the Force."

Trying to make complete sense of it is difficult no matter what. I mean Ben is "hiding out" while ALWAYS wearing clothes that scream "JEDI UNIFORM!!"... on an Imperial occupied planet, even while talking to stormtroopers. You could argue it was the PT that made Ben's OT clothes the "Jedi uniform" but original Anakin is wearing the same outfit as a force ghost in ROTJ, inferring it was not just Ben's individual "fashionable ensemble."
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

That's all good but those are just robes. The fact that monks wear some type of robes doesn't mean anyone who wears robe is a monk. I mean, no one would think Jawas are Jedi too, right?
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Yeah, the robes thing confuses me too. I would guess originally Ben's robes were just what Tattooine residents wore, like Uncle Owen, so Ben could blend in with the locals. Then I think Lucas said he wanted to suggest that all Jedis wore robes to show some kind of humility because it was the same clothes the common people wore. Yoda wears something similar to Ben, as does Sebastian Shaw Anakin. Not to mention in the prequels they become more elaborate and purposeful, with the fancy belts and boots and shorter inner robes, and different colors, etc. Those layered robes become THE outfit for the Jedi, no matter your planet of origin. So now Uncle Owen seems like the weirdo wearing Jedi clothes for no reason.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

A Jawa Jedi!!

There's been a Tusken Jedi, so why not!


Believe it or not, the Jedi robes were one of the few things George and his crew had an extended discussion about before the prequels. There were some other nice designs bandied around, some even became action figures!


Personally I'm okay with the warrior-monk look.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Oh yeah, forgot about that. I have that figure somewhere. From the 'Power of the Jedi' era if memory serves. I loved most of those figures, the Bespin Han, Lando, Bespin Escape Leia, K-3P0, FX-7 and Bacta Tank Luke among others.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Good look at the costumes through the black series figures. I quite like the ‘pimp trooper’ :lol
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

That trooper is horrible. It looks like that red hip hop trooper figure we see gifs of.

:lol true

He also looks way too real world for my tastes. Take off that helmet and the apparatus around his legs and it would like generic USSR movie gear.

I only like it on a ‘completely ridiculous’ fly trooper level. Hopefully the BR2049 artist they hired will lead to more inspired designs in ep9 than this stuff.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I'd love that trooper if the crap on his legs wasn't so late 80's looking.