[FONT=&][FONT=&]Shouldn’t her immediate resignation come with an apology from the 2 a-holes who groomed her and put her in that position, Lucas and Spielberg?[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=&][FONT=&]Or WAIT what happens if she is just the secretary and Lucas is really behind all the decisions behind close door meetings. [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=&][FONT=&]You’re 100% right crows holy crap now it makes perfect sense she is just a secretary puppet and Lucas is really responsible for ruining SW....AGAIN![/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=&][FONT=&]Lucas raped our childhoods AGAIN WTF![/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=&][FONT=&]Indirectly he ruined SW again by grooming and trusting a stupid brainless secretary to run Lucasfilm BUT what happens if he’s involved DIRECTLY![/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=&][FONT=&]crows you are a freaking genius great job digging up her secretary only skills you figured out that Kennedy is just a worthless POS secretary and Lucas ruined SW AGAIN!
Oh man are the rebels going to want Lucas’s head on a platter now!
Just a rumor eventualy.. wasnt expecting shes going down this easily...this is weird.
I was expecting EpIX to be crashed and burned hard, then Iger will annouce queen Kathly has "fullfiled" her destiny for Sequel triology, and annouce new person in charge for upcoming SW projects
Think about this man. No SW movie has ever even come close to bombing before, including the prequels, as bad as they were. They were all huge BO successes. SW was seen as the unsinkable ship. It can no longer bank on its name alone.
Disney thought it was going to be easy money when they bought it from GL. Now they're actually gonna have to put effort into making quality films. They saw this **** coming before the Solo release. Hence the hiring of James Mangold to do the Boba Fett movie. When you don't accept garbage or mediocrity this is what happens.
Didn’t Wor-Gar already address this
So Mangold is the secret weapon now to making SW great again?
Well by the word of mouth, Solo is a quality film.
It's just no one give a **** about it.
It's amazing the risk taken to recast Han Solo with a guy nobody wanted -- and then it works -- and nobody cares.
Imagine if Ledger Joker just passed in the wind and no body cared? Kind of like Letoker.
It's amazing the risk taken to recast Han Solo with a guy nobody wanted -- and then it works -- and nobody cares.![]()
It's like Kennedy walked out onto the basketball court at half time and swished a shot from the opposite end of the court while everyone was up using the bathroom and getting hot dogs, lol.
Wait, is soyboy Alden or Leto?