and allow the film to turn out awesomely when all was said and done
Give her the Frozen franchise. Its perfect for her. She can melt ice princesses with her movements.
All this is internet rumors- just talk. Kennedy must be laughing. Fans wanting someting doesn't make it so.
She has two of the biggest box office smashes under her belt. Disney knows better...
If any of that is true then I have increased respect for Kennedy, Spielberg, and Lucas.
She obviously cost the company however many millions by picking the wrong directors for Solo but at least she fell on her sword and did what needed to be done to correct her mistake and allow the film to turn out awesomely when all was said and done.
Rian has just become too combative though, I think people will continue taking their anger out on the franchise as a whole as long as he is allowed to stick around.
A shame. But one more flop and there's no turning back. The stockholders won't stand for it. Especially after Disney ends up paying an additional 8 billion for Fox. Hmmmm.... maybe Iger should go?
Burn it all down! (Rian wins!)
Well like I said I was too young. But, again, you’re basically just positing your personal experience and opinion as the truth and everything else as hyperbolic spin. No way to really counter that.
My own experience is that SW online fandom has been largely negative since 2000. TLJ probably edging out TPM but that’s not surprising considering the evolution of social media.
Well when I say Horn I really mean the shareholders since he runs that part.
I guess at the very least she earned herself a get out of jail free card PLUS it doesn’t hurt that one of the largest shareholder gave you the job to begin with and then went to bat for you when the time came.
She’s got too much stacked on her side.
Christ I wonder how many get out of jail free cards Feige has I mean even Civil War crossed a billion.![]()
The thing is, Kennedy did nothing to make those box office hits. Honestly, Leia and Han are the main sellers for TFA, everyone was ready to see Luke in TLJ. The media was incredibly bias for TLJ while word of mouth on social media and forums were all negative for TLJ.
Nostalgia was Kennedy's best weapon. I don't see IX bombing, but it isn't going to be stellar numbers. If Trevorrow's script and if JW: FK kills it in the box office, his comment about Disney, Kennedy, and Star Wars will take a hit. You can already see it with others. WB has backlash for Snyder, while Disney has to deal with Miller and Lord.
He could go as far as ryan Singer or harvey ( not that he ever would)
But if he says something racist hes officially out like roseanne. No free cardcan bring you back from that.
You’re a 100% right I was just referring to box office bombs lol
Check out who directed powder. Disney hired knowing his past...
I’m still laughing lol
I just told my wife crows calls me the unclean one.
She said “No **** I wash your boxer shorts”.
No bro... you have to tell her the while nickname!!!!
The fallen angel, the morning star, belzebub, the little horn. The deceiver of worlds. False prophet. The most unclean.
Show her right now
Most unclean refers to your soul!!!!!!!!
A narrative, like a garden, needs daily tending...
But who are you going to believe - a reporter with an axe to grind (who's on a mission to prosecute fans over TLJ backlash, knowing there are dozens of like-minded reporters waiting to source it for other articles) who literally thumbed through a few issues of Starlog - of all mags - and zeroed in on a handful of letters? Or someone who was actually involved in multiple SW fan groups for ALL those years (I even designed the masthead for one of the fan newsletters) and read every issue of every fan mag at the time, not just Starlog? Who do you think might be less about "hyperbolic spin"?
And of course the online fandom has been negative since 2000 - that's a year after the PT began. My point is that the "toxic" and highly charged divisiveness thing did not occur in the OT era. It had its infancy in the SE era, at a lower level, and truly became a thing with TPM. Yes, fans woke up to it as a clear reality in 2000, and I vividly recall going out to lunch (complete with Boba drinks...) with a group of visiting fans and for the first time seeing people who genuinely hated a SW film vs people who loved it.
I consider both and take neither as gospel. Both are unverifiable. But if you think you've presented yourself as hyperbole-free I'd suggest you review your post history.
And if I have a point, I suppose it would be that it's impossible to compare the OT fandom to internet+ fandom with any certainty. We all have our anecdotes, some more extensive than others, but nothing approaching the visibility of current social media. To say that it "did not occur" in the OT era is purporting omniscience, and instantly undermines your statements and relegates them to preferred-narrative spin.
Are you suggesting that hyperbole and purporting omniscience are mutually exclusive?
It's just kinda funny that in many Western countries, "oral histories" (e.g. someone relating a story their mother told them about an incident a great-grandmother said she lived through) are being entered into official history books alongside hard fact. Which then determines government policy and shapes the way future generations see that part of history.
Yet for everyone else, anything even pre-internet is just your fuzzy anecdotes - some more extensive than others - that are impossible to verify with certainty.![]()