Solo: A Star Wars Story

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Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

He played ball, man. Lord and Miller don't want to (nor need to).

I believe no matter what evidence is put forth to the contrary, your world-view will remain the same. No matter what, these guys are the 'heroes' in your story against corporate greed and manipulation. It's a nice story and always plays well. Truth is usually much more... dare I say it?... gray.

On a broader note: that's the problem with the internet and so much false information: you can always find someone somewhere that will tout what you believe and hence make it true for you. Terms like "fake news" are the malaise of this new info world. That's why the world is becoming so polarized. Truth seems to be relative to people.
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I believe no matter what evidence is put forth to the contrary, your world-view will remain the same. No matter what, these guys are the 'heroes' in your story against corporate greed and manipulation. It's a nice story and always plays well. Truth is usually much more... dare I say it?... gray.

On a broader note: that's the problem with the internet and so much false information: you can always find someone somewhere that will taut what you believe and hence make it true for you. Terms like "false news" are the malaise of this new info world. That's why the world is becoming so polarized. Truth seems to be relative to people.

You said it man.
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I believe no matter what evidence is put forth to the contrary, your world-view will remain the same. No matter what, these guys are the 'heroes' in your story against corporate greed and manipulation. It's a nice story and always plays well. Truth is usually much more... dare I say it?... gray.

On a broader note: that's the problem with the internet and so much false information: you can always find someone somewhere that will tout what you believe and hence make it true for you. Terms like "fake news" are the malaise of this new info world. That's why the world is becoming so polarized. Truth seems to be relative to people.

No, this isn't a case of me wanting to hear what I wanna hear. There's a narrative in play right now via Disney. You can buy it or sell it. Given that its so similar to the narrative for RO, its naive to buy it - specially since we haven't heard the other side's story.
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Why do people try to make hollywood into something it isn't.

Either make money for your corporate bosses following their strict rules or go back into obscurity serving fries somewhere.

What makes me laugh even more is that for someone who is such a hardline Trump supporter as Snikt is he expects studios to relinquish their tight corporate control over to auteurs lol.

You clearly don't comprehend the bigger picture of your party.
The good of the corporation above all else including the artistic talents of your precious lego bros.

Auteurs lol

Just stick to SJW, Auteur is way over used by you.

Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Disney's narrative on RO was that they had creative differences with the director? Link please.

Don't forget this:

Right in front of Kennedy's face Gareth said that Lucas loved RO and then followed that up with "And that's all that matters to me!"

Mic dropped lol

Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Disney's narrative on RO was that they had creative differences with the director? Link please.

I know you're sold on the RO narrative they crafted. Its your opinion that Edwards was perfectly fine with what happened and didn't play ball but rather welcomed his replacement or whatever you wanna call it. That's fine.

Let me ask you this though, if Lord and Miller publicly bashed and exposed the studio for being unprofessional in how they treated them and basically deemed the current narrative a straight up lie, will you still buy any Disney narratives from here on out? Will you still side with the studio?
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Don't forget this:

Right in front of Kennedy's face Gareth said that Lucas loved RO and then followed that up with "And that's all that matters to me!"

Mic dropped lol


There's just no reading between the lines in any publicized statements anywhere that remotely hint at the narrative SNIKT1950 is suggesting. Gareth can die happy because George Lucas liked someone else's movie? Okay. :cuckoo:
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I think its a classic case of power-hungry suits getting outta line and micromanaging and in turn proud artists saying "Sorry, but you hired us to do our take on this material and we won't let you challenge that."

Again, hopefully we hear their side of the story so we can get a more complete [accurate] version of what really unfolded.

Really stop dude. The more you talk the more it is clear you are not in the film production industry as a behind the camera crew.

You have zero idea how the studio system actually works and you are really over worshiping this whole auteur thing.

And as of now you still haven't been able to debunk my remark on how unlikely it is that your so called friend is able to actually watch a first cut of RO when that is a privilege reserved for the producers, editor, and director.

So unless your friend is high up on the food chain, either he is full of **** or you are full of ****.
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I know you're sold on the RO narrative they crafted. Its your opinion that Edwards was perfectly fine with what happened and didn't play ball but rather welcomed his replacement or whatever you wanna call it. That's fine.

Let me ask you this though, if Lord and Miller publicly bashed and exposed the studio for being unprofessional in how they treated them and basically deemed the current narrative a straight up lie, will you still buy any Disney narratives from here on out? Will you still side with the studio?

I simply don't see the need to put on a tinfoil hat if no evidence actually counters any statements made point blank by the parties involved. Whedon has bashed Disney, as have the Russos in round about ways. I'm under no allusions that these massively high stakes productions are going to be smooth sailing for all parties involved. But to portray every single Disney "suit" as evil incarnate and every single director as either heroic resistance fighters or defeated martyrs is just silly to me.

Sometimes the studio makes a bad call and sometimes it's the director who's out in left field and sometimes it's the complete opposite. No need to perpetually distort every narrative so that the same side is always the "good guy" with the other always being "bad."
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

You mean stop having an opinion that doesn't condemn the directors of this movie? No.

Do you know me?

Exactly, so let's stop assuming who I know and what my involvement with the film industry is.

Stop making remarks that shows exposed that you are not a film crew. There are actually people here who actually works in the industry as crew and like me they can see through your ******** so clearly.

You wanna share with us in what capacity did you work in the industry? Do you have a crew Union card or the equivalent of that in your country?

If you are a YouTuber or a indie filmmaker then it isn't needed but you need that to work for studios.

You talk a big game and all and even as if speaking on behalf of the ousted directors yet refused to share which part of the food chain you are in the industry to be privy to such information.
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)


There's just no reading between the lines in any publicized statements anywhere that remotely hint at the narrative SNIKT1950 is suggesting. Gareth can die happy because George Lucas liked someone else's movie? Okay. :cuckoo:

I don't think Gareth would lie in public like that especially with Kennedy sitting next to him that Lucas enjoyed RO.

I view RO as nothing less than a homerun for Gareth.

Meanwhile in the cafeteria the Lego bros try to ask for their jobs back.

Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Says he works in the film industry. Believes venom is going to be a masterpiece even though it's being worked on by the same people who almost ruined the franchise. Seems legit .
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I don't think Gareth would lie in public like that especially with Kennedy sitting next to him that Lucas enjoyed RO.

SNIKT's spin on Gareth's George Lucas announcement:

Kathleen Kennedy (whispering to Edwards): "How dare you ****ing make me look like a fool for firing you by claiming Lucas loved your film. Want a cameo in The Last Jedi?"


I view RO as nothing less than a homerun for Gareth.

All the evidence certainly points to that. :clap

Meanwhile in the cafeteria the Lego bros try to ask for their jobs back.

View attachment 349046

:lol :lol

Love the "oh you guys" Abrams and preppy Heston. :lol
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Says he works in the film industry. Believes venom is going to be a masterpiece even though it's being worked on by the same people who almost ruined the franchise. Seems legit .

He doesn't. At least not in a film crew or behind the camera capacity. The thing is I met a lot of people like him in my line of work as a cinematographer and they are always trying to make it sound like they know a lot of people and has a lot of insider information yet refused to be specific about it when quizzed. They always give them vague statement and remarks.

You know how they usually get busted? Cause I actually know the people they are implying about and all I need is just a simple phone call for clarification.
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I think what Snikt is failing to realize is that SW isn't some run of the mill property or the MCU, and Disney is not going to treat it that way. (Thank God).

It's a prestigious franchise (Some would argue the most important in the industry) that doesn't just mean a lot to pop culture, but deals an immense ammount of importance to the filmmaking community. SW is the reason a lot of great directors decided to pick up a camera in the first place. They can't just treat these movies like ant man or another brick to a larger franchise. If a movie doesn't feel like SW, or add to the existing legacy LFL/Disney has more than the right IMO to can it. That's what producers are for, they don't just throw money at the director and say "GO MAKE UR STAR WAR MOVIE THE WAY YOU WANT IT!"

No, they're working on the astetic and story of a movie long before a director is even on board. The creative process starts in their hands, and always has in Hollywood.

Directors are not authors.

Producers are not publishers.

SNIKT, no matter how much we hammer this into this kids head, will not understand this.
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

But it has Tom Hardy earning a paycheck for home renovations.
Re: Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

That's because you don't have any involvement. :lol

Hilarious. Tell me, since you know so much about me, what do I do for a living? How much do I make per year? What did I go to college for? What brand of toilet paper do I wipe my ass with?

I love meeting strangers online who know all about me.