Solo: A Star Wars Story

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Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Nope. Got tired of people crying about me posting videos.

okay, i will leave it up in your honor.

heres another, thank you for your great work my friend

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Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)


Solo: Star Wars Story takes place in a galaxy far, far, away, in a universe with talking teddy bears and sentient sexy robots, and the heroes are a cult of magical space wizards who commit genocide in order to restore “balance” to the universe. The idea that humans would have sex only with other humans, let alone only other humans of the opposite sex, is just ridiculous. Of course Lando would be pansexual. The problem is, why isn’t Han Solo, too? For that matter, why isn’t the whole damn cast?

The reason is that Hollywood films, as an extension of white American pop culture, view black bodies and sexuality as commodities for exploitation and experimentation.

From the creation of Sapphires to Mandingos, white America has always worked out its sexual hang-ups with black bodies, while placing firm boundaries around white sexual norms. In movies, interracial relationships are fine so long as it’s a white man and a black woman; you can cast LGBTQ men and women so long as they’re black or people of color and the main hero remains white and straight and usually male.

All of these casting and identity decisions are rooted in the historically racist way in which black American sexuality is managed on-screen so as to not offend or upset the white gaze.

In our heteronormative culture, a pansexual Lando Calrissian is no threat to Han Solo as the dominant lead in the film—in the same way that John Boyega is automatically “shipped” with a white man in The Force Awakens and forced to fawn over his handsome white male co-star in Pacific Rim Uprising.

Gay black men, black women with white guys, and sexually ambiguous black men pose no threat to the fragile sexual ego of the white male or female moviegoer or lead characters.
I’m all for Lando Calrissian being pansexual—let him flirt with men and women and aliens and robots with sexy USB ports. Let’s just be aware that this is Hollywood’s same old white experimentation with black sexuality, not some progressive act of LGBTQ and black inclusion.

Until I see Captain America and Winter Soldier discuss that one night in a foxhole during World War II; until Obi-Wan and Anakin admit that they might’ve been more than just Padawan and “master”; until Han Solo admits on-screen that he was a little jealous when Leia kissed Luke, but not for the reason that you think—no real barriers have been broken, and Disney shouldn’t be getting any credit.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)


Solo: Star Wars Story takes place in a galaxy far, far, away, in a universe with talking teddy bears and sentient sexy robots, and the heroes are a cult of magical space wizards who commit genocide in order to restore “balance” to the universe. The idea that humans would have sex only with other humans, let alone only other humans of the opposite sex, is just ridiculous. Of course Lando would be pansexual. The problem is, why isn’t Han Solo, too? For that matter, why isn’t the whole damn cast?

The reason is that Hollywood films, as an extension of white American pop culture, view black bodies and sexuality as commodities for exploitation and experimentation.

From the creation of Sapphires to Mandingos, white America has always worked out its sexual hang-ups with black bodies, while placing firm boundaries around white sexual norms. In movies, interracial relationships are fine so long as it’s a white man and a black woman; you can cast LGBTQ men and women so long as they’re black or people of color and the main hero remains white and straight and usually male.

All of these casting and identity decisions are rooted in the historically racist way in which black American sexuality is managed on-screen so as to not offend or upset the white gaze.

In our heteronormative culture, a pansexual Lando Calrissian is no threat to Han Solo as the dominant lead in the film—in the same way that John Boyega is automatically “shipped” with a white man in The Force Awakens and forced to fawn over his handsome white male co-star in Pacific Rim Uprising.

Gay black men, black women with white guys, and sexually ambiguous black men pose no threat to the fragile sexual ego of the white male or female moviegoer or lead characters.
I’m all for Lando Calrissian being pansexual—let him flirt with men and women and aliens and robots with sexy USB ports. Let’s just be aware that this is Hollywood’s same old white experimentation with black sexuality, not some progressive act of LGBTQ and black inclusion.

Until I see Captain America and Winter Soldier discuss that one night in a foxhole during World War II; until Obi-Wan and Anakin admit that they might’ve been more than just Padawan and “master”; until Han Solo admits on-screen that he was a little jealous when Leia kissed Luke, but not for the reason that you think—no real barriers have been broken, and Disney shouldn’t be getting any credit.

He's clearly not familiar with Deadpool. I can't believe how casually racist identity politics have become. That article was absurd hate speech.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

He's clearly not familiar with Deadpool. I can't believe how casually racist identity politics have become. That article was absurd hate speech.

interesting point. thank you for commenting
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

The other thing that Lando and Deadpool have in common is their penchant for high heels.

Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

"Talking teddy bears and sentient sexy robots?"

Has this Jason Johnson typist ever seen a SW movie?
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Deadpool is openly pansexual, and no one feels they're being beaten over the head with idealism. I agree. Deadpool's sexuality adds to his character, because his shameless flirting makes his awkward encounters even more awkward. I hate SJW nonsense, but I love the Deadpool movies and support the decision to portray his sexuality. It works, in driving the plot without seeming exploitative or insensitive. I can't say the same about these Star Wars movies. Lando's sexuality was hinted at in a way that seemed superfluous. When a robot explains a character's sexual orientation via exposition, it's not good writing.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Deadpool is openly pansexual, and no one feels they're being beaten over the head with idealism. I agree. Deadpool's sexuality adds to his character, because his shameless flirting makes his awkward encounters even more awkward. I hate SJW nonsense, but I love the Deadpool movies and support the decision to portray his sexuality. It works, in driving the plot without seeming exploitative or insensitive. I can't say the same about these Star Wars movies. Lando's sexuality was hinted at in a way that seemed superfluous. When a robot explains a character's sexual orientation via exposition, it's not good writing.

is deadpool in the movies REALLY pansexual? or does he flirt with guys just to mess with them? Does he EVER flirt with any men in the movies?

he seems very in love with his girl...
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

is deadpool in the movies REALLY pansexual? or does he flirt with guys just to mess with them? Does he EVER flirt with any men in the movies?

he seems very in love with his girl...

He's pansexual, and he sexually assaults and harasses people. In the first film, he implicitly threatened to rape the pizza delivery kid at the beginning. In the sequel, he's hitting on Colossus. In the Daniel Way version of the comic he's also pansexual, "genderfluid" and mentally ill, but not in a soft-crybaby-craving-attention-millennial-SJW-victim sense. There's one comic where (without his mask) he's wearing what appears to be a ballerina outfit and roller-skates. And he's terrifying.

It works for the character.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

He's pansexual, and he sexually assaults and harasses people. In the first film, he implicitly threatened to rape the pizza delivery kid at the beginning. In the sequel, he's hitting on Colossus. In the Daniel Way version of the comic he's also pansexual, "genderfluid" and mentally ill, but not in a soft-crybaby-craving-attention-millennial-SJW-victim sense. There's one comic where (without his mask) he's wearing what appears to be a ballerina outfit and roller-skates. And he's terrifying.

It works for the character.

Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Man I wouldn’t worry about anything the root says. Guys are a bunch of ’reverse’ racists, they take everything too far.

That whole ‘kinja’ network of sites is garbage. If you think people circle **** each other here you ain’t seen nothing. Only thing I can be glad of is that they’re turning on each other (as they were always bound to do)
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

So is there some robot out there walking around on Darth Maul's legs?
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Next time he's going to be split straight down the middle, then three fourths of him will be robotic.

Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I found it very enjoyable..up there with R1 as the best since the OT. There's lots i didn't like,most notably the awful L3-37...just AWFUL!!...and it could have had a better main antagonist...Paul bettany's Dryden vos belonged more in a bond movie than SW.
But the good outweighs the bad...all of the cast were great (except that AWFUL!! robot)...and i loved all the little cameos....had no problem with Maul....bring him back in a Solo sequel i say!
But the best part was young Solo and Chewie...fantastic chemistry between the two and i for one wouldn't mind seeing them in a few more outings..
He's no Harrison ford but hats off to Alden ehrenreich for doing the impossible and giving a great turn as young Solo..
And as one of the older farts on here i really liked it....but if i was an eight year old again i'd love it:)
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Are we back to discussing a non-plot point about a single character that was mentioned by a writer but not in the actual film at all?

I see

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Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I thought the whole droid rebellion was funny especially with Gonk jumping up and down on that console lol

There were some funny things going on in that chaos.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I never dreamed there would be a SW movie released that I wouldn't go see. Surreal.

Not getting my money.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

i spent last night watching i, tonya at home. Good movie.