Some people shouldn't be allowed to have kids

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Re: Post your kids!!.....

No kids yet but I want to have them. I understand people not wanting them but I do thinks its sad because they'll miss out on some cool moments. I've had a lot of great times with my Dad over the years and mom too for that matter. I look forward to sharing those with my own kids.

Hey Josh, I know you don't mean anytihng by saying it's sad, but you have to take into account that some people just don't want or like kids. Honestly, I don't even like them. I don't like the behavior of children. I don't like not being able to do what I want w/o finding a sitter or wahtever else. I just dislike it.

I know because I lived with a woman and her daughter for about a year and a half and kids are a pain in the ass. Now, I am not saying other peoples kids are a pain to them, but I learned that I really DON'T want them at all so it's not "sad" for me at all. You know?
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Re: Post your kids!!.....

Hey Josh, I know you don't mean anytihng by saying it's sad, but you have to take into account that some people just don't want or like kids. Honestly, I don't even like them. I don't like the behavior of children. I don't like not being able to do what I want w/o finding a sitter or wahtever else. I just dislike it.

I know because I lived with a woman and her daughter for about a year and a half and kids are a pain in the ass. Now, I am not saying other peoples kids are a pain the them, but I learned that I really DON'T want them at att so it's not "sad" for me at all. You know?

I think it's more sad too when people don't realize this Kit and then have kids and treat them like crap. Me and my wife know that we are just not ready. We understand that we are much to selfish right now to have kids. I think you just have to do what is right for you. So I will have to agree with you.

On a side note Robodad you have a great looking family!
Re: Post your kids!!.....

My son being born is probably the best thing that's ever happened to me. I seriously had to right the ship that is my life when I found out he was on the way. The past 5 years have been the best of my life because of him (though I am, admittedly pretty young).

I'd post pics, but I feel weird about posting pictures of him on the internets. You never know what other people might do with it. I guess I'm just kinda weird that way.
Re: Post your kids!!.....

Re: Post your kids!!.....

Hey Josh, I know you don't mean anytihng by saying it's sad, but you have to take into account that some people just don't want or like kids. Honestly, I don't even like them. I don't like the behavior of children. I don't like not being able to do what I want w/o finding a sitter or wahtever else. I just dislike it.

I know because I lived with a woman and her daughter for about a year and a half and kids are a pain in the ass. Now, I am not saying other peoples kids are a pain the them, but I learned that I really DON'T want them at att so it's not "sad" for me at all. You know?

I'm with you on this Kit. I'm not just taking sides and picking on you Josh. You raised a relevance that I reckon needs to be corrected, because I don't think Kit made a big enough deal out of it.

You want to know whats sad. It's when someone is naive, through no fault of their own, and belittles peoples experiences by saying "how sad", when they have no concept of how it is to be in that someones shoes, or their words don't show or express it. It's even worse when they say they THINK its sad, because they really haven't bothered to think, or they wouldn't have said it. It like a reflex bundle of expected words in response to their lack of understanding to someones existence. How does it sound if I said I think your situation is sad because you haven't got what I've got. I'm happy, so you have to be unhappy. I know that's not what you said, but your words do take the position of being elevated in respect to others, in that you seem to think, in this example, Kit hasn't thought about the 'cool' moments before having made up his mind. Things are the way they are. People in a 'sad' situation, accept that. Why can't others, be of mind to accept it either?
Re: Post your kids!!.....

Most guys that I know who have kids swore they would never have them and are quite glad they did. One thing is for certain, and that is that your opinions and perspectives change as you get older, so be careful making absolute statements.

Secondly, not to be a party pooper but one of my students is a parole officer that deals with sex offenders and HIGHLY discourages posting pictures of your kids online.
Just a thought.
Re: Post your kids!!.....

One thing is for certain, and that is that your opinions and perspectives change as you get older, so be careful making absolute statements.

Exactly!! It's all about what's right for the individual person involved. I KNOW kids are not right for me and me alone. I don't know what's right or wrong for anyone else, but I KNOW I won't be missing anything w/o kids in my life so it sure isn't "sad" for me.

What is sad is people who REALLY want them and can't have them. I feel for those people. I also feel for kids who's parents really don't want kids and treat them as such.
Re: Post your kids!!.....

Hey Josh, I know you don't mean anything by saying it's sad, but you have to take into account that some people just don't want or like kids. Honestly, I don't even like them. I don't like the behavior of children. I don't like not being able to do what I want w/o finding a sitter or wahtever else. I just dislike it.

Yeah, I didn't mean anything by it at all. I'm not out to be malicious in anyway with my comments. Some people look at having kids as a negative and I don't think kids are that way but I'm a teacher and I like working with them. I don't mind giving of myself to aide them. I do understand that some people want to have as much time to themselves as they can get and don't enjoy having them around. I'm cool with that.

I'm with you on this Kit. I'm not just taking sides and picking on you Josh. You raised a relevance that I reckon needs to be corrected, because I don't think Kit made a big enough deal out of it.

You want to know whats sad. It's when someone is naive, through no fault of their own, and belittles peoples experiences by saying "how sad", when they have no concept of how it is to be in that someones shoes, or their words don't show or express it. It's even worse when they say they THINK its sad, because they really haven't bothered to think, or they wouldn't have said it. It like a reflex bundle of expected words in response to their lack of understanding to someones existence. How does it sound if I said I think your situation is sad because you haven't got what I've got. I'm happy, so you have to be unhappy. I know that's not what you said, but your words do take the position of being elevated in respect to others, in that you seem to think, in this example, Kit hasn't thought about the 'cool' moments before having made up his mind. Things are the way they are. People in a 'sad' situation, accept that. Why can't others, be of mind to accept it either?

Well, first off Creech there is no need to make a big deal of it cause I said I wasn't trying to take a shot at anyone. So if you're gonna make a bigger deal of it do it to a reply that more justifies this type of response.:rolleyes: I just think IMO life is fun with them. I've had a great time with my folks and look forward to that point in my life. I'm accepting of it and if someone doesn't want kids that's fine.
Re: Post your kids!!.....

I like kids fine. I have a great time with my niece, but in no way am I ready for my own.

I love being able to have fun with my niece and give her back to my sister when i'm done:lol

I'm not ready for that 24 hour a day responsibility.
Re: Post your kids!!.....

I look forward to it but I'm not ready for my own kids.
Re: Post your kids!!.....

There are always many sides to this topic. Congrats everyone who has kids,
wants kids and kids on the way. To those who are happy without kids than
that is great as well.
I wanted kids, went through hell and back to have some and ended up with nothing but a nasty surgical scar and lack of hormones. So it is what it is.

So I wish everyone happiness and health and kids if you want them, and none if you don't.:)
Re: Post your kids!!.....

How much do you think Bannister would list his kids for on eBay?:monkey3:lol
Re: Post your kids!!.....

I just quoted you because you raised a point that I wanted to bring to the fore. I said I wasn't picking on you, because of the fact, that it wasn't a big deal, and I wanted to explore my thoughts on that particular point, and blow it up into proportion. I apologise for my lack of tact.

Having kids is a hard act to juggle. The bad times make the good times oh so good, and the good times make the bad times suck. Rollercoasters are thrilling because of the ups and downs, the speed, and the wind in your hair.
Re: Post your kids!!.....

I really have always disliked when people say that I will change my mind. I am not a fickle person and I have known for years and years that I don't want children. I even have a girlfriend who thinks children are nasty little things and also thinks that them growing inside of her is gross....kind of like the chestbuster in Aliens. It's naive to think that everyone or even most people will change their minds about this subject as they age. It's just not going to happen. I also don't feel like I am missing out on anything by not having children. In fact I believe just the opposite. Children are expensive and prohibitive. I love to travel and I hate cleaning up after others.

My grandparents have always called me selfish when I told them that there is no way they will ever have a great grand child but hey, my selfish butt will be laughing about it drinking cuba libres on a beach in Costa Rica not worrying about a baby sitter or what any other human being I am responsible for is doing.:lol

It's time for people with children to respect the decisions of others who choose not to have them . Don't look down on us or pity or childless lives- understand why we choose not to follow in this game. :)
Re: Post your kids!!.....

I think the name of this thread needs to be changed to "Post whether or not you will ever have kids!!!"

Re: Post your kids!!.....

On another note, I think scientists should invent a pill much like the birth control pill, but for men. Then I don't have to have surgery or rely on the girl taking the pill. It would be another option for many men out there and it would greatly reduce unwanted pregnancies.

I will be first in line for that pill! :rock
Re: Post your kids!!.....

I really have always disliked when people say that I will change my mind. I am not a fickle person and I have known for years and years that I don't want children. I even have a girlfriend who thinks children are nasty little things and also thinks that them growing inside of her is gross....kind of like the chestbuster in Aliens. It's naive to think that everyone or even most people will change their minds about this subject as they age. It's just not going to happen. I also don't feel like I am missing out on anything by not having children. In fact I believe just the opposite. Children are expensive and prohibitive. I love to travel and I hate cleaning up after others.

My grandparents have always called me selfish when I told them that there is no way they will ever have a great grand child but hey, my selfish butt will be laughing about it drinking cuba libres on a beach in Costa Rica not worrying about a baby sitter or what any other human being I am responsible for is doing.:lol

It's time for people with children to respect the decisions of others who choose not to have them . Don't look down on us or pity or childless lives- understand why we choose not to follow in this game. :)

Probably a good thing that you don't have kids then. I mean that in the best way. If doing stuff just for yourself is the most important thing. I know people who even still after having kids only want to do things for themselves and let the kids raise themselves. Makes me wish they didn't and I'm glad to see that people who only want to concentrate on themselves not 2 have kids. So I thank you for not wanting to bring something into the world you wouldn't want to care for.

As far as pitying you I don't. However, don't get pissy with those that want kids and that they feel it's a good thing. It's time people like you who can only think of themselves respect the fact MOST people I think do want kids.
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