Some people shouldn't be allowed to have kids

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Re: Post your kids!!.....

Snip, snip? Don't cheapen the experience of paying someone and seeing him to slice your nuts open, seeing your own blood, smelling your flesh being seared, and being sewn back up!

Now thats true Kurganism!
Re: Post your kids!!.....


Anakin rocks for killing the little ****s! :eek:

Ok, not really, but I really don't like kids.
Re: Post your kids!!.....

I don't like babies they're manipulative and selfish, it's always 'me, me, me!'. :D

Just Kidding. I like kids, just not ready for one right now! Who doesn't want a miniature version of themself that you can teach to bring you beers and burp on command? :lol
Re: Post your kids!!.....

I like kids fine. I have a great time with my niece, but in no way am I ready for my own.

I love being able to have fun with my niece and give her back to my sister when i'm done:lol

I'm not ready for that 24 hour a day responsibility.

I am with you on this one. The best part about them not being yours when they get bad they go back to mom or dad, you dont have to deal with it. Being the cool uncle is much more fun, who else is going to get them the skateboard ramps and rails they want:D
Re: Post your kids!!.....

After all, some people need to have children to keep the human race going. It is a choice though not an obligation. :)

That's a rather scary thought if you really think about it ... :rotfl
Re: Post your kids!!.....

:lol:lol:rotflIt was hard to say out in the open huh? People will want to kill you for that opinion but I want to hug you for it. :lol:lol

LOL I don't hate kids but I hate babies. I dont get the appeal, they dont do anything, but lay there, eat and poop.
Re: Post your kids!!.....


we dont need more ****ing mexicans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bit ch!!!!!!!
Re: Post your kids!!.....

You are right about that Josh, I learned long ago that I never wanted children and it just wouldn't be fair of me to bring them into this world for me only to resent them. :)

In regards to getting pissy, I don't feel that I really am. I know the majority of people want children but those that I talk to look at me like I am a freak and that I should want kids. All I am saying with my posts is that I am not abnormal just because I don't want children. It takes all kinds to make this world go round and my opinions about not having children shouldn't be brushed off like I am just a naive person and that all will change with age. It's just offensive. It's like when someone tells a gay person that they are going through a phase and they will come out heterosexual at the end-it's a concrete decision and it wasn't made lightly. :)

I completely agree. When I say I don't want kids, for some reason people look at me daft, especially with it coming from a woman. We're supposed to have this 'maternal' instinct, well if we are I think I was absent that day.

It is like the whole gay scenario, 'coming out' was the hardest thing I have ever done. I knew from being a little girl I was different but didnt 'come out' until I was 22 because I was scared of the reactions. Although my friends are my family and I knew they would be okay, deep down it is one of the most terrifying things IMO a person can do.Unfortunately though you always get the people who say, its a phase,or you'll grow out of it, or the best one ive heard yet cant you just pretend you're 'normal'.??!!
Like wise with not wanting kids, people assume that when you grow up you will want kids of your own, to not want them just doesnt register with some people.

What upsets me is people like a really good friend of mine who has been desperately trying for a baby but as yet has had no success, she (like Dr2red mentioned) has been through various preocedures and still no joy.That makes me sad because she is wonderful and already is a mother in her own way, she just needs her baby.I sincerely feel for people affected in this way, its tragic, especially when you consider the amount of 'unwanted pregnancies' there are or babies born into 'violent' families, or just born to people who should not be parents in the first place.

I choose not to have them for many reasons that I cant go into but Its not like I despise or loathe them.Each to their own I always say.
The world would be very dull if we all wanted the same things.

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Re: Post your kids!!.....

LOL I don't hate kids but I hate babies. I dont get the appeal, they dont do anything, but lay there, eat and poop.

You don't and won't get the appeal until you have your own. I never really was that "into" kids myself until I had my own. Actually I don't think I ever really held a baby until I had my own. I kept my distance. But, I had my own and another one just for kicks. (or for early grey hair) My eldest is awesome. He loves star wars, we go every month and get about 25 bucks and comics and read away. They have there moments, don't get me wrong, but those of you "on the other side" will never understand until the time comes. For some trust me it will. Then one day you'll come back on the forum and create your own show your kid pic.

PIXAR - awesome name for the baby girl she's a cutie!
Re: Post your kids!!.....

I love my kids! I was nervous when we found out we were pregnant with our first one. I wasn't prepared for how much my life would change. But with three now, I think it's the best thing ever and I wouldn't trade them for anything. I certainly don't want to sound judgmental towards people who have decided against having children--I respect their choice. But for my wife and I, having kids has been a wonderful and rewarding experience. With the increased stress and demands has come increased joy and happiness so I think it's a good trade.
Re: Post your kids!!.....

there's a lot of interesting posts on this thread, and personally I think everyone has a valid point in their own way.

As El Roranous mentioned, having kids is not an obligation at all. Those who want them try for them,and those that don't....don't!!

Like everything in life, there are lovers and not-lovers (didn't want to use the word 'haters'....thought that was a bit strong), and that's cool....because that's life and the world revolves that way!
Re: Post your kids!!.....

I think it is really lame that a thread posted in the same spirit of the "pictures only"thread gets derailed by such a lame debate. If you like kids thats great. If you don't thats great too. Really who cares?

Can we please stop this pointless debate now?
Re: Post your kids!!.....

I think it is really lame that a thread posted in the same spirit of the "pictures only"thread gets derailed by such a lame debate. If you like kids thats great. If you don't thats great too. Really who cares?

Can we please stop this pointless debate now?

Yes, Sir! :moon
Re: Post your kids!!.....

When I was in my 20s I couldn't imagine having kids. And then I started collecting stuff and now I worry that collecting is worthless without having someone to burden with all this crap when I die.
Re: Post your kids!!.....

When I was in my 20s I couldn't imagine having kids. And then I started collecting stuff and now I worry that collecting is worthless without having someone to burden with all this crap when I die.

Dave you could always adopt me!:lol:lol:lol
Re: Post your kids!!.....

Here are my 3. Talia (5), Olivia (3) an Evan (1). The single biggest blessings in my life. I can't imagine life without them.

Clearly, I have the cutest kinds!!!! Chip off the old block.
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Re: Post your kids!!.....

And I don't care, I'm going to stir the pot with a little truth. Some of you are some serious narcissists and DEFINITELY have no business having kids. Dang! Not wanting kids doesn't automatically make you narcissistic, but my goodness, the selfishness is just sickening. I'm 37 and the older I get, the more I realize life isn't just about me. It's about doing for others and being a source of encouragement and blessing to the people around me. And I am really sad that some of you have had such bad experiences with your parents. I truly am sorry, but I'm willing to bet it's not all your parents fault. I love my wife and kids and I know there will be some hard times, but there are no guarantees with anything. You do your absolute best and hope for the best. And I think most of the time, it works out.
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