Super Freak
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Man, Christensen was terrible in that role. Portman was too. The writing didn't help.
Essentially, I want the next Star Wars trailer to be this:As a straight, white, cis guy, I want to be pandered to with movies about muscular, oiled up, semi naked men blowing **** up.
Browsing Obaid-Chinoy's filmography I can definitely see why she was tapped to helm the next tentpole Star Wars action epic. Looks like KK discovered another James Cameron/George Miller/Tony Gilroy in the making.
Sitara: Let Girls Dream (2019)
Ladies First (2017)
A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness (2015)
Song of Lahore (2015)
Woman (2011)
You said the you didnt think the movie was bashing you over the head with ideologies and if they had said nothing you would give them less flak....so because there are interviews talking about empowering group X, it hurts the content of the movie? That's just your flaw. If you want to have a credible opinion, you need to be able to judge the content based on the content. If you want to have a conversation about the content, the character, being dull not dull etc, those are all subjective things. Plenty of universally loved movies have poeple who will say- noway that character was dull that movie was boring, its just part of movie reviews. But people online talk about star wars like the opinions are fact. You personally thought her character was boring. It has nothing to do with the interviews or the goal of wanting to make a female jedi be the main character. They are totally separate. You can support the message and still say the end result was poor. You complain about the writing being lazy then make one of the laziest, internet trope comments possible "if they push as much effort into writing a good character as they did into feeling proud of themselves...". So much about that comment is insane. These are disconnected issues. People tried their best to write a good character, and also, separately did some interviews. Use your brain.
There is nothing wrong with doing interviews and saying 'we are excited to have a woman jedi or a woman director'. Anyone who has a problem with that is trash anyways. They aren't saying 'we are making a female jedi so were not going to put any effort into anything else.' For people to think that is borderline brain dead. Some of the most talented people on earth work on these movies- it's more of a reflection of how hard it is to make good content than an issue of being lazy.
The appropriate response to these things is, 'oh its the first time a woman is going to direct a star wars movie. Good for her. I hope the movie is good. It might suck who knows'
Your saying, don't tell me how great it is that for the first time ever a woman is directing X before it comes out. But it is great. That is a great thing. It doesn't mean the movie is going to be good or bad, like any other piece of content, most things suck. But there is no reason to not say hey this is a good thing that someone from this group is finally getting to do this. If the movie fails, and someone attributes that to the fact it was because a woman directed it, that person is dumb and irrelevant. That's the whole thing. The movie being good or bad is not dependent on the content. A woke person should not claim the movie will be good because it was directed by a woman, and a hardscore conservative should not claim the movie was bad because it was directed by a woman. It's strange that people can't come together and just say hey this is cool that a woman is finally gettting to do this- without there being a bunch of politcially charged ******** around it.In this day and age you can't have anything remotely progressive without someone saying it's 'woke agenda trash'. I'm kind of sick of it tbh. There's nothing wrong with having equity, behind the camera or infront. But do you really think going out and parading around how progressive you are, that this is the future of film making, that things are changing for the better and you are at the front of that...only for your film to suck ass is doing the progressive movement ANY favours? At least wait to see if the product is well received first, THEN you can go around championing yourself. "Look at this great movie and it was a woman/POC/LGBTQIA+ person that made it". Don't tell me how great it is that a woman is directing if the movie ends up being ****, because a woman who directed **** does nothing for us!
We're on the same side, I want the same as you. Just don't celebrate winning the race before you cross the finish line.
Totally agree, but this is the real world and that's what happens, so you navigate it all very carefully, not brute force through it and put a target on your back. People need to be won over and you're not going to do that by putting your pride and ego out there for all to see before you've even proved yourself. Especially with this lot!Your saying, don't tell me how great it is that for the first time ever a woman is directing X before it comes out. But it is great. That is a great thing. It doesn't mean the movie is going to be good or bad, like any other piece of content, most things suck. But there is no reason to not say hey this is a good thing that someone from this group is finally getting to do this. If the movie fails, and someone attributes that to the fact it was because a woman directed it, that person is dumb and irrelevant. That's the whole thing. The movie being good or bad is not dependent on the content. A woke person should not claim the movie will be good because it was directed by a woman, and a hardscore conservative should not claim the movie was bad because it was directed by a woman. It's strange that people can't come together and just say hey this is cool that a woman is finally gettting to do this- without there being a bunch of politcially charged ******** around it.
Activist director Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy promises that the new LFL Story Group will "take care" of anyone who doesn't want to watch the upcoming Rey movie...
True, but the other side isn't waiting before dishing on the hate. Films and series being bashed before they are even seen is way more of a problem than celebrating diversity in a cast before the film is made.....In this day and age you can't have anything remotely progressive without someone saying it's 'woke agenda trash'. I'm kind of sick of it tbh. There's nothing wrong with having equity, behind the camera or infront. But do you really think going out and parading around how progressive you are, that this is the future of film making, that things are changing for the better and you are at the front of that...only for your film to suck ass is doing the progressive movement ANY favours? At least wait to see if the product is well received first, THEN you can go around championing yourself. "Look at this great movie and it was a woman/POC/LGBTQIA+ person that made it". Don't tell me how great it is that a woman is directing if the movie ends up being ****, because a woman who directed **** does nothing for us!
We're on the same side, I want the same as you. Just don't celebrate winning the race before you cross the finish line.