Rewind to late 2015 after watching TFA in the movie theatre. It was different then.
Well, ok, I was disappointed that it was just a remake in disguise and confused at Rey just knowing how to use force abilities without training and how the galaxy had just reset to rebels vs empire again but still, I was willing to forgive if it led somewhere good.
As many have said, Reys intro was great. I not ashamed to say that I started to tear up when I saw the scenes of her living on Tatooine- I mean Jakuu, I was ready to call her my favourite Star Wars protagonist but things quickly went downhill.
Still, after watching the film I assumed that there was a good reason for what I saw that would be revealed in the next film. In my head Rey was Lukes daughter, he had hidden her on jakuu amd wiped her memory (she remembered her parents leaving her there but no indication she remembered anything prior to that). I assumed Luke had to wipe her memory for her protection, to essentially cut off her connection to the force and that it was now awakening. So I assumed her knowing how to use the force and being so strong in it was her beginning to remember her training, skills first.
I also assumed that Luke had been influencing things through the force to lead her to where she needed to be.
I also thought that the online theories that Snoke was Plaguis made complete sense so I was excited to see Rey Skywalker defeat him. It just felt like the matural conclusion to the saga and it fit with the biblical themes with Anakin, Luke and Rey being 3 generations of essentially the same spirit, the father, the son and the holy ghost, the holy trinity.
But the TLJ gave us.... well, it answered nothing and only served to actually create plot holes retroactively, and in doing so made TFA unsalvageable. And of course TROS finished it off with the Palpatine nonsense.
The trilogy was a mess, and that is just the one character, if I went into detail about all of the issues with the trilogy I would have a 20 page essay on here.
Suffice it to say, the hate for Rey the character does not come from a place of misogyny or hatred of the actress, it comes from hate of the abysmal writing and lack of any coherency or logic in the Disney trilogy. That is why I will skip this Rey movie.
That is of course, unless the Ahsoka show somehow uses the world between worlds seen in the trailer to undo the sequel trilogy and the new movie is not connected to it. In that case I will watch it.