Sons Of Anarchy Discussion

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Tom Arnold was great too.

Besides Luann's death, bringing back the porn aspect of the show makes me wonder where they're going to go with the Opie storyline. I'm assuming he'll eventually find out it was Clay who was responsible for Donna's death.
... makes me wonder where they're going to go with the Opie storyline. I'm assuming he'll eventually find out it was Clay who was responsible for Donna's death.

Listening to Claudius and Gertrude talk it sounds like Ophelia might not make it through this season.
I'm assuming he'll eventually find out it was Clay who was responsible for Donna's death.

He already knows. That's why he killed that Stahl because she's the one that put out the lie (that Opie was a snitch) which resulted in Tig accidentally killing Donna (Opie was supposed to be in the car). He forgave both Clay and Tig because he understood why they did what they did.
Just finished Season 3, going on to Season 4 right now.:rock So glad to see that _____ Stahl get it. Also, Devil, I wish your shop of a TF Exclusive Flass from Batman Begins was real. I'd be one step closer to having a Bobby Elvis figure.:lol
Just finished Season 3, going on to Season 4 right now.:rock So glad to see that _____ Stahl get it. Also, Devil, I wish your shop of a TF Exclusive Flass from Batman Begins was real. I'd be one step closer to having a Bobby Elvis figure.:lol

season 3's finale is the best ep of this show hands down imho. that ep was fantastic.
I would have thought this would be the last season. Clearly, the wheels are coming off the club. Everyone is lying to everyone else and it's no way to run anything. It's the real life story of every biker gang- the internal strife with pulls them apart. And Clay is really not doing the club any favors getting in bed with the cartel.
Wow, today's episode...
Sounded like the branch broke and Juice landed on the ground?
I dont know if ya'll know this but Kurt Sutter designed this to be loosely based on Shakespeare's Hamlet...Jax is Hamlet.. Horatio is Opie ( one of the few survivors ) Clay is Uncle Claudias ect..... how the ghost of hamlets father communicates to him... jax's father communicates through letters... i believe the ending will be similar.. clay and gemma will be avenged by jax.. jax will die.. im not sure if they will kill off Ophelia or Tara..but i do predict a huge war between members of the club taking sides
juice had no choice................he reached his breaking point.............:monkey1
I vote for branch snap. . . didn't sound much like a neck snap. Plus you can hear the thud after the snap. If his neck snapped, you wouldn't hear a thud, he'd still be hanging there, not fallen to the ground. Plus, when you hang yourself, your neck either snaps when you fall, or you die of strangulation, he was cranking around after he fell, it's not like he was struggling so fiercely that he snapped his own neck. That's just silly.
I vote for branch snap. . . didn't sound much like a neck snap. Plus you can hear the thud after the snap. If his neck snapped, you wouldn't hear a thud, he'd still be hanging there, not fallen to the ground. Plus, when you hang yourself, your neck either snaps when you fall, or you die of strangulation, he was cranking around after he fell, it's not like he was struggling so fiercely that he snapped his own neck. That's just silly.

Not necessarily. When you hang, there's a brief moment when the rope (or chain in this case) goes taught. Your neck can very well snap before the full weight of your body pulls whatever the rope's hanging from, with it's full weight. I've picked up a few cases for the coroner where the victim/suspect (since it's illegal) died as a result of respiratory/heart failure from spinal shock via a broken neck vs. asphyxia from strangulation.