He also wanted Anakin to be a lifeless hull. As with the rest of the cast. Yey for Lucas.
title says it all Vote and explain your reasoning, I for one liked hayden but his acting was poop.
I think franco would have made him darker..
I beg to differ. James was not an academy award winner in S1-S3, but he was solid at the very least.
Edit - In my own measly little inconsequential opinion.
I agree with that. Receving the same direction Hayden got, I don't think Franco would have done anything superior.
While I though Hayden did a fine job as Anakin, especially in ROTS, I think Franco is a slighty better actor and might have given a better performance.
But in the end, Lucas would be directing him. Portman can act and look how bad her parts turned out (she was pretty bad in ROTS, but still hot hot, hotter than heeeeeeeeeeell)
Don't blame the actor. Blame the lack of directing skills. Hayden's actually a very good actor. They can really only do their best performance to suit the vision of the Director's needs. If George says to say "this line." They'll say just that. Without proper direction is where the acting can fall apart. I've seen many movies with a lot of the actors that are in Star Wars and they do great work outside Star Wars.
Personally I loved his acting in ROTS. Well played in the final chapter.
He could have had Ben Kingsley.
as The Empire Strikes Back did...
I think its more an issue of LACK of direction. Neeson had stated about how difficult the green screen was to work with. Combine that with Lucas' vague descriptions and the actors might as well be miming their way through.
so i`m the only here who liked Hayden ??? and the last trilogy ???