Super Freak
Mola Ram looks great man.
I've already built an Indy, Shorty & Thugee Chief to compliment him
I've already built an Indy, Shorty & Thugee Chief to compliment him

KEATON BATMAN figures.... putting those together now, will have at least 3 of the 7 outstanding shipping next week. I really wanted these done by now, but poor Batman was the primary victim of the latex problem. And I did a quick rework on the Keaton head to make him look more brooding and less surprised. The b/w pics are the reworked head, color is the original.
Hey Shawn, did those three Bats go out last week and was my order one of em?![]()
I understand your point calvarenga, as I do many custom art projects for myself and others (not figures), and it's sooo hard to find the time to work on the things I enjoy. . . BUT I've got to come out in zedex9r's corner. We're not alone either it seems, since I noticed another complaint in one of his threads (about a missing Indiana Jones figure I think).
I bought a Keaton figure from Shawn more than 4 years ago, and Shawn has not recitified the problems with my figure. He was a pleasure to deal with during the initial transaction, and the (magnificent-looking) figure came remarkably fast. After a few days, the rubber part of the gloves developed a tear. Shawn was again very nice and indicated that it was probably a bad batch of rubber with too much dye. He offered to send replacements since I was okay with attaching them myself. Nothing came and he didn't reply to my next two emails. Then 10 months later he finally replied to another email with an excuse about a computer crash. Still nothing came. He replied again the next year and blamed the wife for deleting emails. No replacements arrived and no further reply.
I contacted him once the following year, but I'd pretty well given up. I tried contacting some ebay custom sellers looking for just the gloves to no avail. Then I found this site a few months ago, and I PMed him, but I see that he doesn't mind that very closely. I've never once taken an angry tone, and I haven't bombarded him with messages. At this point, I'd happily pay for the replacement gloves so I can display this beautiful figure with his hands showing. Anyways, I hate having to air this out in the forum, but I can't get any reply by email or PM, and it's my experience that Shawn is not altogether reliable.
Anyways, as long as I'm bringing it up, is there anyone else that can help me out with a set of replacement gauntlets? My figure has plastic/resin hands and fins/blades while the rest of the glove is rubbery. I'd be alright with one piece molded gloves/hands, since I'm comfortable enough with that kind of mod. Here's an image of the figure when the gloves were starting to fall apart. Not long after the photos, they both detached completely.
To mwilbury- point taken and I was unaware that they were multiple issues with Shawn, especially to that extent with what you said. I placed my order with him in Mid August of 2008(just about 5 months) and was under the impression that he just started the orders for his 20th Anniversary Keaton Batman. Dealing with some other commissions in this site, usually it takes just about this much time to take the orders, create and fill the orders. I read a post that someone here paid a year ago for this Batman which I feel is way past due to had completed and out to that person. Yes I have also experienced "silence communication" from Shawn. So in other words, yes I do agree with extreme outstanding orders with minimal communication is not right and needs to be address. I think Shawn might be getting ahead of himself and creating too much commissions without finishing the prior ones. It's like almost every week he is offering more and more stuff, which is fine if you at least get to the final stages or complete the older stuff first.
. If you have taken money from someone on the basis of a business agreement then CONSTANT communication should be a GIVEN imo. Their is simply NO excuse (FML situation is unique) to not reply to customers questions and smacks of poor business practice.