Super Freak
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I question the ethics of posting grievances against resident customisers in their own threads and i don't think it should be done.
I understand your point calvarenga, as I do many custom art projects for myself and others (not figures), and it's sooo hard to find the time to work on the things I enjoy. . . BUT I've got to come out in zedex9r's corner. We're not alone either it seems, since I noticed another complaint in one of his threads (about a missing Indiana Jones figure I think).
I bought a Keaton figure from Shawn more than 4 years ago, and Shawn has not recitified the problems with my figure. He was a pleasure to deal with during the initial transaction, and the (magnificent-looking) figure came remarkably fast. After a few days, the rubber part of the gloves developed a tear. Shawn was again very nice and indicated that it was probably a bad batch of rubber with too much dye. He offered to send replacements since I was okay with attaching them myself. Nothing came and he didn't reply to my next two emails. Then 10 months later he finally replied to another email with an excuse about a computer crash. Still nothing came. He replied again the next year and blamed the wife for deleting emails. No replacements arrived and no further reply.
I contacted him once the following year, but I'd pretty well given up. I tried contacting some ebay custom sellers looking for just the gloves to no avail. Then I found this site a few months ago, and I PMed him, but I see that he doesn't mind that very closely. I've never once taken an angry tone, and I haven't bombarded him with messages. At this point, I'd happily pay for the replacement gloves so I can display this beautiful figure with his hands showing. Anyways, I hate having to air this out in the forum, but I can't get any reply by email or PM, and it's my experience that Shawn is not altogether reliable.
Anyways, as long as I'm bringing it up, is there anyone else that can help me out with a set of replacement gauntlets? My figure has plastic/resin hands and fins/blades while the rest of the glove is rubbery. I'd be alright with one piece molded gloves/hands, since I'm comfortable enough with that kind of mod. Here's an image of the figure when the gloves were starting to fall apart. Not long after the photos, they both detached completely.
Well, I'm still gonna give Shawn a chance here. I know most are fustrated and have been waiting longer than me, but I am still going to give him the benefit of the doubt.
To update the thread, i have been contacted by Shawn and he replied to my worries i suggest anyone else who was just as worried as contact him direct. He is a reasonable guy, i find that he replies right away via PM`ing him here
8th wonder.... I wish I could offer you a refund (I normally try to work those in) but at the moment I can't. Right now I'm trying to figure out how to save my house, but that's a long story that doesn't belong in here. You had said your biggest issue was loss of interest in the figure. I can offer you something else, if you like.
A lot of stuff to answer for here, hope I hit everything.![]()
Yes, stuff IS going out right now. Not as fast as I had hoped, but it's going. As I mentioned to morethanatimelord, I can be very obsessive getting stuff right, even that occassionally means grinding to a halt in a run because I've discovered a better way to do something.
All of the Crows are out, keep your eyes peeled.
5 Newts in production, that will cap off that list as soon as the bodies arrive. Got bags of parts here, waiting for those.
The Keaton Batman figures are being put together now. Yes, a couple of these are FAR overdue. The one mentioned, that's zedx9r. I actually had shipped his and it disappeared in route to Australia. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen. I have no problem at all replacing it! It went missing while I was retooling the design and figured, if I have to replace it, better to replace it with one of the new ones. I was damned determined to get him more instep with the look of the HT Batman line; rubber costume, multiple heads, etc. I've got it there, through much obsession and it seems a big hit to my reputation around here. MWILBURY .... I do remember you from a few years ago, the glove situation. I lost contact with you via email, didn't realize you were a member here. PM me, I have several pairs of gloves made up.
The Mola Ram figures are being done now, as well. When that unexpected run came in, I started to work on them right away. But after I cast a couple of the old style heads and painted them, they just didn't cut it. I was never that thrilled with my work on that 5 years ago when I first did it, and it sure as Hell didn't cut it with regard to where the current standard is, where my skill level is, and with what clients deserve. There are progress photos of that project in this thread, I think. And when you see those vs. the old version, you'll understand why I did it.
I'm sorry I'm not around here that much. I wish I could be. I spend about 95% of my life in my windowless little studio doing this stuff. Like Les Walker, this is my only job and I work entirely alone. I'm not partying and collecting money from you guys. No, I'm on it seven days a week, from the time I wake up until I go to bed. I don't party, I don't socialize and I have no friends aside from those online. I spend a chunk of the week days playing taxi (we have one car) but other than that, I'm working on something. I do get slapped occassionally for my turn-around. But not for quality. I've done rush jobs, and I've cringed at the feedback over those. It was never anything too terrible, but I hate even the smallest thing to some back like that. I've done this professionally for 8 years now. I define myself entirely on my value as an artist. If my work has no value, then neither do I as a person. I'm one of the more well-known figure makers, and I think that's because of what I deliver, not so much when. I'M CORRECTING THAT RIGHT NOW!!! Being behind, pissing people off and being unable to move forward and earn money sure isn't the way I want to be working. This business is the first thing I've done where I haven't been a failiure. Losing your respect and confidence as an artist is NOT the direction I want to go in. I've said where that leads.
The fact is, I spend FAR too much time making upgrades to stuff. I like my work to be the best it can be, and I have a fragile ego. When I find a better way to make something, man..... I just can't let it go. Many of you know how long I've fought this Keaton Batman upgrade. Had I not gotten it to work, the project would have been a failure, and therefore I would be a failure. When I read even a slight complaint about anything that's "off" or could have been better my first instinct is to go back and do it again, eveen if orders are piling up. It's a very good thing, and a very bad thing at the same time. I don't intentionally run behind, and it sure is NOT my intention to steal anyone's money. As this is my job, that would be incredibly stupid. It's also incredibly stressful to be behind; definitely not something I would do to myself on purpose. And with people being upset with me now, that makes it all worse. Like I said, very fragile ego and it makes me question all sorts of things; my future on this board (if I still have one), my future with this work, the quality of my work, the value of my work and myself etc., etc.
After I've caught up, I may end up leaving the board, I don't know. It can be amazing how fast confidences are gained and lost and to what extent, so time will tell. With the place I've put myself in with you guys regarding my slow pace things seem to be pointing in that direction. Hopefully not! I'm done with all the upgrades to my catalog I wanted to make which, as I've said, is where a butt-load of my time has been going. If you guys still want me, I will be able to work on a normal schedule and actually get stuff done in a reasonable amount of time. And, I can use weekends for developing new stuff.
8th wonder.... I wish I could offer you a refund (I normally try to work those in) but at the moment I can't. Right now I'm trying to figure out how to save my house, but that's a long story that doesn't belong in here. You had said your biggest issue was loss of interest in the figure. I can offer you something else, if you like.
Just wanted to throw in that I just Saturday got my custom made Sovereign Indy Raiders style jacket for my personal custom 12" figure, AND IT ROCKS!!!!! GUYS! You HAVE to invest in one! It MAKES my Indy figure! Amazing work!