Bottom line results are what I'm working on, Rex. I don't expect sympathy or a pat on the back for my personal life, I'm well aware that everyone has their struggles. Just wanted to let people know a bit about where I'm coming from. I thought it was better than letting people think I was laughing at them, sitting here smoking dope and drinking up their money or something.
with regard to Marc's tact, he's not that tactful....yet. We're learning from each other, it seems. He can be rough, especially when attacked first. I did in fact have a death in my family the week of Christmas. My wife's Grandfather died of cancer on Dec. 20th. With the funeral and such being out of state, I lost that week as far as work is concerned. If anyone is looking for an apology from me for her Grandfather dying, you won't get one. As I said, Marc can be very harsh, but here's a sample of what generally provokes that. These are two of several emails Marc forwarded to me from an individual on ebay. I think I know who this is on the board, but I'm not 100% so I'm removing the email address. My favorite part is where he says he hopes someone else in my family dies
death in the family? whoever died sure picked a great time to die almost
> immediately after i checked out the item on the 2nd... dont give me that
> bull???? because you were very responsive up until I paid for the item....
> and lets admit it you wouldn't even have sent it out if i didn't give you
> these emails. it took you 28 days to go to the post office and mail
> something give me a ????ing break. you better hope this item shows up.... in
> a timely fashion. i'm really not that reasonable when it comes to pricks
> like you.
> Go ???? yourself. I definitely have no compassion for sorry excuses like
> you. Your reputation is ruined all over the web thats wwhy you have to go
> under a stupid ????ing alias to sell stuff you dont have in hand. I hope
> someone does die in your family then maybe you can use all that money you
> stole from people to give them a proper burial you ????ing scumbag.
I know it sounds like whining to say negativity can bring a guy down, but WTF? Yes, Marc was pretty vicious in his replies but that was following the first email I posted here. The guy claims his jacket shipped 28 days late, however the shipping terms clearly state 12-13 days, and that's business days. Dec. 2 to Dec. 30 minus the stated ship time is 15 days overdue. Knock two weekends out of there (non business days) and it's about 11-12 days. Not sure that's worth wishing someone in my family drops dead, but whatever.
Again, on my ebay dealings, I HAVE to continue selling stuff to move forward. I'm balancing backlog with new stuff. If your house desperately needed repairs would you quit your job to make time, or would you juggle it all? If you did quit your job to focus on those repairs, how would you pay for them? Or your bills? Or feed your kids? I get the idea behind it but as this is my JOB and not a HOBBY, I can't do that.
If you guys want to buy stuff from ebay, please do. That stuff is going out in a reasonable manner. Will I stumble or get delayed a bit? Probably, here and there. I'm human. Will you fall into another backlog situation?
NO. This whole situation that I've gotten myself in with the board,
which is entirely my own fault, is making me learn to schedule and manage time in ways I've never had to do in my entire life. Managing and scheduling on this level is new to me, but
I AM WORKING ON IT. I made dozens of sales here without issue before I dug this hole. I think if I wanted to rip off a big group of people I would have done it in the very beginning. I'm guessing from what I've seen from others who have done that to people. Why bother to cement a golden reputation and a satisfied, loyal customer base on this board to intentionally ruin it at a later date? Pretty round-about way to pull a scam, I think.
Anyway, this is rough going for everyone, myself included. Don't think it doesn't bother me; that this hole (grave?) I've dug isn't a big weight. It's most of the reason I'm usually in such a horrendous mood most of the time. And remember: I'm not a thief I'm a moron. And when dealing with Marc, don't blow that too far out of proportion. He's actually a really great, likable guy. Just don't tell him you hope our families start dropping dead and you'll be fine.