Sovereign Studio backlog, stuff

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Not up to speed with what going on with all this, but i keep seeing 'eBay'

Why not forget about eBay and sort out all your current orders.

If I was in your position. I would forget all the explaining and and just get on with it, I'm sure you have your problems and so has everybody else.

Be like Mike and 'Just do It'
Thanks, guys.

Yeah, I get the "man up" thing. I'm not really a "sensitive" artist type; just easily derailed by negativity.

I still think "man up" was the best overall advice so far :eek: I'm implementing that at the moment.

And I WILL drop in here, I'm gonna shoot for every day, even to just stay in the loop and have a presence. I've got a ways to go before I'm that reliable guy again,but right now I can at least be the guy that isn't running away.

Not to sound overly harsh but you might want keep the personal stuff to yourself.
Sorry, but people are just looking for bottom line results from you right now and in the foreseeable future.
Anything else comes across as an excuse. Whether its true or not isnt really germain at this point. The balls youre juggling arent much different than any other man or woman in this forum are trying keep in the air at any given time.
I would like to look forward to that day when I can place an order for one of your Indy Jones jackets and about a dozen of those arm sleeves with out any worries. But as it is youve just got waaay too much drama involving your orders for a person of average patience like myself.

Now crank that $h!t out and build that trust up.
I dare say had you been as fast with your forum orders as you seem to be (for the most part)
with your ebay orders you wouldnt be in this mess.
Paid in full forum members should have your immediate attention.
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Bottom line results are what I'm working on, Rex. I don't expect sympathy or a pat on the back for my personal life, I'm well aware that everyone has their struggles. Just wanted to let people know a bit about where I'm coming from. I thought it was better than letting people think I was laughing at them, sitting here smoking dope and drinking up their money or something.

with regard to Marc's tact, he's not that tactful....yet. We're learning from each other, it seems. He can be rough, especially when attacked first. I did in fact have a death in my family the week of Christmas. My wife's Grandfather died of cancer on Dec. 20th. With the funeral and such being out of state, I lost that week as far as work is concerned. If anyone is looking for an apology from me for her Grandfather dying, you won't get one. As I said, Marc can be very harsh, but here's a sample of what generally provokes that. These are two of several emails Marc forwarded to me from an individual on ebay. I think I know who this is on the board, but I'm not 100% so I'm removing the email address. My favorite part is where he says he hopes someone else in my family dies:monkey1

death in the family? whoever died sure picked a great time to die almost
> immediately after i checked out the item on the 2nd... dont give me that
> bull???? because you were very responsive up until I paid for the item....
> and lets admit it you wouldn't even have sent it out if i didn't give you
> these emails. it took you 28 days to go to the post office and mail
> something give me a ????ing break. you better hope this item shows up.... in
> a timely fashion. i'm really not that reasonable when it comes to pricks
> like you.

> Go ???? yourself. I definitely have no compassion for sorry excuses like
> you. Your reputation is ruined all over the web thats wwhy you have to go
> under a stupid ????ing alias to sell stuff you dont have in hand. I hope
> someone does die in your family then maybe you can use all that money you
> stole from people to give them a proper burial you ????ing scumbag.

I know it sounds like whining to say negativity can bring a guy down, but WTF? Yes, Marc was pretty vicious in his replies but that was following the first email I posted here. The guy claims his jacket shipped 28 days late, however the shipping terms clearly state 12-13 days, and that's business days. Dec. 2 to Dec. 30 minus the stated ship time is 15 days overdue. Knock two weekends out of there (non business days) and it's about 11-12 days. Not sure that's worth wishing someone in my family drops dead, but whatever.

Again, on my ebay dealings, I HAVE to continue selling stuff to move forward. I'm balancing backlog with new stuff. If your house desperately needed repairs would you quit your job to make time, or would you juggle it all? If you did quit your job to focus on those repairs, how would you pay for them? Or your bills? Or feed your kids? I get the idea behind it but as this is my JOB and not a HOBBY, I can't do that.

If you guys want to buy stuff from ebay, please do. That stuff is going out in a reasonable manner. Will I stumble or get delayed a bit? Probably, here and there. I'm human. Will you fall into another backlog situation? NO. This whole situation that I've gotten myself in with the board, which is entirely my own fault, is making me learn to schedule and manage time in ways I've never had to do in my entire life. Managing and scheduling on this level is new to me, but I AM WORKING ON IT. I made dozens of sales here without issue before I dug this hole. I think if I wanted to rip off a big group of people I would have done it in the very beginning. I'm guessing from what I've seen from others who have done that to people. Why bother to cement a golden reputation and a satisfied, loyal customer base on this board to intentionally ruin it at a later date? Pretty round-about way to pull a scam, I think.

Anyway, this is rough going for everyone, myself included. Don't think it doesn't bother me; that this hole (grave?) I've dug isn't a big weight. It's most of the reason I'm usually in such a horrendous mood most of the time. And remember: I'm not a thief I'm a moron. And when dealing with Marc, don't blow that too far out of proportion. He's actually a really great, likable guy. Just don't tell him you hope our families start dropping dead and you'll be fine.
Bottom line results are what I'm working on, Rex. I don't expect sympathy or a pat on the back for my personal life, I'm well aware that everyone has their struggles. Just wanted to let people know a bit about where I'm coming from. I thought it was better than letting people think I was laughing at them, sitting here smoking dope and drinking up their money or something.

with regard to Marc's tact, he's not that tactful....yet. We're learning from each other, it seems. He can be rough, especially when attacked first. I did in fact have a death in my family the week of Christmas. My wife's Grandfather died of cancer on Dec. 20th. With the funeral and such being out of state, I lost that week as far as work is concerned. If anyone is looking for an apology from me for her Grandfather dying, you won't get one. As I said, Marc can be very harsh, but here's a sample of what generally provokes that. These are two of several emails Marc forwarded to me from an individual on ebay. I think I know who this is on the board, but I'm not 100% so I'm removing the email address. My favorite part is where he says he hopes someone else in my family dies:monkey1

I know it sounds like whining to say negativity can bring a guy down, but WTF? Yes, Marc was pretty vicious in his replies but that was following the first email I posted here. The guy claims his jacket shipped 28 days late, however the shipping terms clearly state 12-13 days, and that's business days. Dec. 2 to Dec. 30 minus the stated ship time is 15 days overdue. Knock two weekends out of there (non business days) and it's about 11-12 days. Not sure that's worth wishing someone in my family drops dead, but whatever.

Again, on my ebay dealings, I HAVE to continue selling stuff to move forward. I'm balancing backlog with new stuff. If your house desperately needed repairs would you quit your job to make time, or would you juggle it all? If you did quit your job to focus on those repairs, how would you pay for them? Or your bills? Or feed your kids? I get the idea behind it but as this is my JOB and not a HOBBY, I can't do that.

If you guys want to buy stuff from ebay, please do. That stuff is going out in a reasonable manner. Will I stumble or get delayed a bit? Probably, here and there. I'm human. Will you fall into another backlog situation? NO. This whole situation that I've gotten myself in with the board, which is entirely my own fault, is making me learn to schedule and manage time in ways I've never had to do in my entire life. Managing and scheduling on this level is new to me, but I AM WORKING ON IT. I made dozens of sales here without issue before I dug this hole. I think if I wanted to rip off a big group of people I would have done it in the very beginning. I'm guessing from what I've seen from others who have done that to people. Why bother to cement a golden reputation and a satisfied, loyal customer base on this board to intentionally ruin it at a later date? Pretty round-about way to pull a scam, I think.

Anyway, this is rough going for everyone, myself included. Don't think it doesn't bother me; that this hole (grave?) I've dug isn't a big weight. It's most of the reason I'm usually in such a horrendous mood most of the time. And remember: I'm not a thief I'm a moron. And when dealing with Marc, don't blow that too far out of proportion. He's actually a really great, likable guy. Just don't tell him you hope our families start dropping dead and you'll be fine.
Since we are in the mood to post emails! heres 1 of 5 he sent me

oh btw the one you posted was a reply to this one from your tactless pal Marc after I called the two of you unprofessional.

Dear *******:
Again- I clearly understand that the lack of a piece of toy clothing
for your Homoerotic Toy Solider Line can cause you excessive stress
(And I am really sorry about that being as pathetic as you clearly
are) but the fact is there is no reason for me to lie to you (I mean-
you are really a nobody..) in addition to the death in the family (a
real one not like the one you had where your parents ‘died’ and you
later found that they had just abandoned you because they knew you
were a pimply faced polesmoker), your measly $50 is made and spent in
micro-seconds everyday and although that equates to a dry hand job
from a herpes infected tranny in an alley for you on a Friday night
(you lucky dog..), to most people that’s just not worth getting upset

If I may say so- You and your life partner (or your left hand?) should
seriously seek counseling or something.. You have anger issues.. Not
to mention you appear to be an ???????.. but that’s just my quick
assessment- I’m sure there much more under your skirt wrong..

Nonetheless you bore me. I have no further intention of being bothered
in this inane type of conversation from someone clearly in need of
attention- unfortunately for you my zipper is stuck so you’ll need to
go blow another guy to get your rocks off.. Just don’t by from me
anymore and we’ll call it even..

As for hiding and aliases – once again, like you were when you asked
your first girl out- you are dead wrong: It’s a team working together
here .. but again: this is probably over your head.. You should try
reading more and huffing paint less.. Again- just a suggestion.

So do us BOTH a favor, grab a copy of Men’s health, some type of
lubricant and head to bed.. Your jacket will be there in a few days
and you and your Ken doll can go enjoy a whole new adventure in Choco
Butt Pirate land..

And may the next load you take up your ass (most likely tonight) be
infected with some rare strain of a deadly virus to help you on your
way to hell just a little sooner..

Now piss off,.. Or get pissed on- whichever you prefer, ????????..

now having seen that My response doesn't seem half bad. You have no business sense thats a fact.

and gee having checked out an item on the 2nd maybe you could've sent it out on the 14th as oppose using your wife's dead grandmother as an excuse. I mean you said yourself she passed on the 20th and your little ebay policy was a 12-13 wait before shipment. so .. i dunno some how the two of you losr lost 5-6 days of time there.

That and the fact a week after my pruchase I've been trying to get an answer to my tracking info that would jave been the 9th?... he isn;t preping the funeral already is he....? The guy didn't respond until christmas.

Let me find out- what was your payment date and shipping address..
I'll send you your tracking number also...

immediately after that I gave it to him... but he made me wait another 5 days just to tell it's been shipped and the excuse was that your wife's grandmother died?.... exactly what does that even have to do with Marc? Wasn't he hired to fix your imcompotence.... instead he;s greiving with your wife over her grandmother?... and weren't your ebay items made and ready to be shipped already... I gotta say.. try a bit harder.
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Yeah it sucks getting those types of correspondences.
Especially when the mishap "de jour" is actually true.
But it looks like youve eaten up all the good will and benefits of doubt I think you can rightfully expect.
The 1/6th community is a well informed one for the most part and people
are aware of your career reboot due to these same issues.
You only get so many mea culpas.

No more "My computer died", "I was ill", "A relative died",
"My dog at those orders", "I want to perfect it..." "We moved,"
"I need more supplies," etc ad infinitum ,ad nauseam.
.....oh and the absolute worst one:
"Yeah, I sent that out yesterday" and didnt.
Mortal sin numero uno for everyone in business and goes double for 1/6th customizers:
Nothing will bury a reputation faster.

Again, man up.
Keep the personal stuff under wraps.
Deeds, not words.
Pick 2 of the longest waiting forum customers and make good asap.
Waiting over a year is beyond ridiculous.
Youre not creating the Venus de milo youre working in 1/6th.

Lastly,smoke those butts outside.
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I had almost ordered something from foreverannoyed on ebay, but reading some of these responses and especially the reply that GatackFC has received, I'm glad I didn't pull the trigger.
well by all means I'm sure he'll tell you its a one sided story but his story doesn't even add up...

wife's grandmother died on the 20th yet the guy he hired to help him out stops answering emails on the 3rd.... it's pathetic
It's sad that it took Dave to threaten to ban SS from the boards for himto finally respond. Oh and the 'business partner' is bang out of order with that email (as witty as it was)
I told you had no tact. With regard to the funeral, i see now there's a bit of info missing. Marc does the ebay listings and such, but I still ship the stuff myself. And NO the stuff is not in-hand. That's the whole purpose of the 12-13 business day turn-around. It makes no sense making stuff in bulk when you don't know what's going to sell from week to week. It sells, I make it, I ship it. My whole point with this to show that I've made some decent improvements in turn-around times, CONSISTENTLY, since AUGUST. Your jacket was a week and half off the mark as far as delivery. Posting about the funeral was not for your damn sympathy, pal. I don't need it. the point is, I WAS NOT PHYSICALLY IN MY SHOP TO WORK! A reasonable person would get that. So, yes the fact that I was out of town for a funeral and missed nearly a week's work DOES matter.
My post was with regard to this particular customer, NOT my backlog. This has nothing to do with that. I expect NO sympathy for my backlog. Rebuilding that bridge can only be done with physical results.
GATAKFC, you just seem determined to try and drag me down over nothing while I'm trying to repair things with people who have been FAR MORE patient than you. I have people that have been waiting a year and many of them are STILL patient and supportive. I missed your deadline by a few DAYS, get over it. Your item was shipped in as timely a manner as possible, you're not on my backlog,I'm done talking to you. NONE of what's going between myself and my other customers is of any concern of yours. I don't even see how you fit into this discussion.
I told you had no tact. With regard to the funeral, i see now there's a bit of info missing. Marc does the ebay listings and such, but I still ship the stuff myself. And NO the stuff is not in-hand. That's the whole purpose of the 12-13 business day turn-around. It makes no sense making stuff in bulk when you don't know what's going to sell from week to week. It sells, I make it, I ship it. My whole point with this to show that I've made some decent improvements in turn-around times, CONSISTENTLY, since AUGUST. Your jacket was a week and half off the mark as far as delivery. Posting about the funeral was not for your damn sympathy, pal. I don't need it. the point is, I WAS NOT PHYSICALLY IN MY SHOP TO WORK! A reasonable person would get that. So, yes the fact that I was out of town for a funeral and missed nearly a week's work DOES matter.
My post was with regard to this particular customer, NOT my backlog. This has nothing to do with that. I expect NO sympathy for my backlog. Rebuilding that bridge can only be done with physical results.
GATAKFC, you just seem determined to try and drag me down over nothing while I'm trying to repair things with people who have been FAR MORE patient than you. I have people that have been waiting a year and many of them are STILL patient and supportive. I missed your deadline by a few DAYS, get over it. Your item was shipped in as timely a manner as possible, you're not on my backlog,I'm done talking to you. NONE of what's going between myself and my other customers is of any concern of yours. I don't even see how you fit into this discussion.

None of my concern? You incoherently called me out! I'm not trying to bring you down rather I'm trying to give you a clue about how bad your buddy Marc is when dealing with customers. and really?....Your best defense on this situation is that you've done worst with your past customers that makes this whole backlog a joke. And maybe you tend to lose track of time because you got such a long back up list but 14 days by my count is not just a few. Your wife's grandmother died on the 20th. The "toy jacket for my homosexual needs" was suppose to be shipped out on the 14th-15th... yet it went out on the 30th. And if it wasn't for my "provoking" emails I'm sure you were just going to assume I was another "supportive" member to your "backlog".

Anyways I'm done with this for now. If theres something wrong with whatever I receive in the days to come I'm going to be back to let the rest of this community know. (you know all the reports about product received being incomplete and all)
Sovereign, I hope I will not be treated as a homosexual by your agent because I have bought you a indy jackect to fit hot toys truetype.:rolleyes:

I'm going to wait the established time work as it says in the ebay auction. After that, unless I get shipping confirmation, I will contact your agent.

What happened to GatackFC it is a issue that has no justification. Even if he had to have patience on the working 12-13 waiting days for finish the product before to ship, that agent has no right to disrespect anyone, especially a customer who paid in advance.

Anyway, his agent is not Shawn but he must to advise him on how to deal better with customers
(Posted this in another thread also)
HI everyone-
My name is Marc and I’m the guy that is the business end for Shawn- I am financially invested in the company and we work 50/50 on everything.

Now I have read over MANY of these posts (I don’t have the rest of the year to finish them but I get the point) and all of you have valid complaints.
As such it is clear that another explanation is in order: The facts are as follow:
Although he has help now prior to my arrival Shawn was a ONE MAN advertisement, sales, accounts administration, design, production and shipping company. Now regardless of what you think he does have a family and other responsibilities that do from time to time cause delays, malfunctions and all sorts of other issues and that’s why he and I restructured everything, at which point I bought in as his partner and now we are on the path to getting caught up.
I handle all the sales from eBay which fund his supplies, production ,shipping and design not to mention materials and other items for new designs and improvements.
Basically what I am saying is yes, deadlines were missed, people got bumped and jostled and we are very much aware of it- if you ask him he will tell you I ride him mercilessly about staying on schedual but if you check ANY successful company DEADLINES ARE MISSED FROM TIME TO TIME..
Now I am not making excuses here- I am stating facts.
Now as Shawn has stated he simply cannot spend HOURS poring thru emails and be expected to get anything accomplished- What I do for him is simple- I keep him on schedule and make sure he knows what’s due and when. That is why I am here..
I would like for everyone that has orders in with Shawn to contact me via PM or however you choose and list out for me what he owes you. I will make sure you get it.
NOTE: this does NOT mean you will be getting your items tomorrow. Again- my job is to make sure you get it and in the order in which it was received.
Include the following:
Item ordered
Date (Payment date would help too but isn’t necessary)
Shipping address

Now if you choose not to work with me then you will be gotten to when we can. Again and I can’t stress this enough: Shawn is ONE MAN. That’s why I am here. Do with that as you will
And of course if you need to speak to me I will be more than happy to communicate as you need.

Shawn has apologized profusely for this (and some of you understand) but believe me he is VERY much aware of how long this has taken – we will get this fixed..

Now about our ‘friend’ GatackFC:
Could someone, ANYONE please explain to me what a $50 piece of TOY clothing would have to do with a member of Shawn’s family dying..?
I am at a loss as to how anyone could take a person like him seriously (I don’t, obviously..) but the fact is if the guy wants to argue like a spoiled child I am MORE than happy to oblige.
I know there are some on here that feel I was out of line but the guy is a POS. Just read what he posted. When you insult a friend of mine (and Shawn and I have been friends for years) then I make NO apology for what I might say. As for the negatives on eBay? Yeah.. I’m very worried about what someone like him has to say. Watch me shiver. THAT is part of the reason I recommend that Shawn not come here- he can’t handle ‘people’ (TRYING to be nice here..) like him.. I on the other hand LOVE people like him.
Again- Shawn's wife had to read that this -PERSON- wanted a member of his family to die becausze of a TOY JACKET that he has..
Class act this one..

So GatackFC or whatever you go by- feel free to email me anytime you need a refresher- I’m here for you...Platonically, of course..

Everyone else- feel free to contact me and I will get your information and I will keep you updated as often as you’d like (within reason) and I assure you all: YOU WILL GET YOU ITEMS...
Now let's get back to the hobby we love, eh?

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I really want a terminator tech noir jacket from e Bay. I am a bit scared now. Do i take the plunge or not?
I also want to comment on concerns regarding current (new) orders:
Shawn and I have both made you all aware of what is happening – there is no risk in placing new orders as the work schedule is in place and is working. However if you have any concerns that is why I am here- I communicate with Shawn constantly and as I said I keep him on track.
He has lots of orders that come in and prior to our set up he got over whelmed- again: he is NOT the first person to have tjis happen to- it’s called growing faster than your production capability.. It can be a good thing if handled properly because it ensures that he will be around and we can both assure you all that this will not be another Howes issue.

That said if you still have concerns feel free to contact me and I’ll work out something to show you that we are on the up and up. Sovereign Studio is growing- the productions are of museum quality and ONLY Sovereign Studio stands behind what is produced.
Feel free to contact me and like I said- we know people are PO’ed- you have a right to be. Now I’m here to make sure we ‘man up’.
"Sovereign, I hope I will not be treated as a homosexual by your agent because I have bought you a indy jackect to fit hot toys truetype.

I'm going to wait the established time work as it says in the ebay auction. After that, unless I get shipping confirmation, I will contact your agent.

What happened to GatackFC it is a issue that has no justification. Even if he had to have patience on the working 12-13 waiting days for finish the product before to ship, that agent has no right to disrespect anyone, especially a customer who paid in advance.

Anyway, his agent is not Shawn but he must to advise him on how to deal better with customers "

This is not a problem..
Feel free to contact me anytime..
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I noticed that Shawn was selling his Indy Stuff on eBay and the arm skins, and I'm tempted to pick them up, but after seeing how freely and easily his 'Agent' relies on using abhorrent language and rampant homophobia, I'm now thinking twice about it.

Obviously your 'Agent' sees Gay collectors, such as myself, as second class collectors, that aren't worth courtesy or time to say thanks after taking their money.
You must understand me but with those opinions expressed by members here I am more concerned.

It is also true that no one should make a joke or desire the death of anyone or believe that is an excuse without giving the benefit of the doubt. The most sacred for us is our own family and nobody should never joke about it, especially if there is no trust.

Marc, Ok, I will first wait to your shipping notice when the moment arrives. Remember, I need a the jacket to fit hot toys. ;)

"Sovereign, I hope I will not be treated as a homosexual by your agent because I have bought you a indy jackect to fit hot toys truetype.

I'm going to wait the established time work as it says in the ebay auction. After that, unless I get shipping confirmation, I will contact your agent.

What happened to GatackFC it is a issue that has no justification. Even if he had to have patience on the working 12-13 waiting days for finish the product before to ship, that agent has no right to disrespect anyone, especially a customer who paid in advance.

Anyway, his agent is not Shawn but he must to advise him on how to deal better with customers "

This is not a problem..
Feel free to contact me anytime..
I noticed that Shawn was selling his Indy Stuff on eBay and the arm skins, and I'm tempted to pick them up, but after seeing how freely and easily his 'Agent' relies on using abhorrent language and rampant homophobia, I'm now thinking twice about it.

Obviously your 'Agent' sees Gay collectors, such as myself, as second class collectors, that aren't worth courtesy or time to say thanks after taking their money.

Frankly if that’s how you feel then no one is losing anything: you aren’t at any risk and we don’t have to deal with another potential ‘problem’ customer.

That is another thing I am here to do that Shawn is WAAAAY to nice to do- cut the fat.

We are not here to rip anyone off. If you feel that that is a possibility or you can condone someone wishing another person’s family ill over a TOY then we do not need your money.
BTW: Sexual orientation has NOTHING to do with it- that guy acted a certain way and I blasted him with what he gave me. It was against HIM not an entire group so let’s not go there.
By your logic every time someone bashes a black person I should be offended too..??

Thanks for NOT ordering
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You must understand me but with those opinions expressed by members here I am more concerned.

It is also true that no one should make a joke or desire the death of anyone or believe that is an excuse without giving the benefit of the doubt. The most sacred for us is our own family and nobody should never joke about it, especially if there is no trust.

Marc, Ok, I will first wait to your shipping notice when the moment arrives. Remember, I need a the jacket to fit hot toys. ;)

You are on schedule and I will be sending you the tracking number as soon as it goes..

PLEASE do not hesitate to contact me if you have ANY questions..

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