I'm posting this as a guy who
was going to place two orders last week. I had to reread post #24 three times. Now that was some epic smack talkin' for size.

I can past the shipping time but the level of degenerate, knuckle-dragging, mouth breathin' responses by the assistant is truly stunning. To be fair, the response of "someone dying in the family" was ought of line too.
Some advice to Shawn, your assistant (Marc) is eroding your business with his tact customer service skills.
Where is NAM to defend them now?
You see THAT is the point: it is not erosion- We do NOT want people that would EVER consider some of that stuff he and a FEW others have wrote to be reasonable or anything like that.. It’s not good for business.
And frankly if me simply stating a honest fact is a problem then so be it..
These are toys people.
In the last few hours I can see and I am being educated in PMs and related emails about potential problem situations here and hopefully I will avoid running into them this way. From what I have read a few people on here seem to like kicking Shawn while he’s down and I’m going to kick back. Simple.
I love these: ‘I was going to order something but then this guy said blah, blah, blah.. “ Seriously- and this is something I have worked with Shawn on for some time- why is SOOO many great people are on here and contacting myself and Shawn thanking us for getting it in gear but then there are a few behaving as if by me defending us and our integrity I am somehow ‘damaging’ or hurting us…
Fact: Anyone who is swaed by me responding intelligently to a post not to buy something is really not the end of the world. We love our true customers and that is why Shawn takes the posts to heart. But someone needed to come here to address the nonsense and hopfully weed out issues and if I may say so and based JUST on PMs I’m getting – so far- so good.
We will get caught up. We are not another Howes situation. We just need to get out ducks in a row that’s all..
That’s why we WANT to cut problems out of the mix- other than that we wind up with a repeat of that “guy”.
Shawn does not have the stomach to do that. I do.
He’s much nicer than I am with regards to people that feel because they buy something from you they suddenly own you.
But I have news for those FEW people- you don’t.
Run to Hot Toys and tell them you didn’t get something you ordered for a few months.. See if they stop laughing long enough to reply to your email..
Try that with Triad. You’ll have to get on line to complain.
So as I said- we aren’t the only game in town and people are free to do what they will..
There’s no need to talk about it- just do it..
We will be fine..