Sovereign Studios Newt Project ALIENS

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hey guys,
Made a few revisions on the sculpt. I should have new photos up later on. I mostly come out at night. Mostly.....

A few things I've gathered from the comments so far:
Take a closer look at Newt in the movie. I can see where you guys are coming from thinking, as a lot of people do, that all children have big round heads. They do not. Newt does not. Most of that puffiness in a child's face comes mainly from the lack of distinct facial features; frown lines, a defined bridge to the nose, defined cheekbones, brow, etc. Quite often the lack of these features creates the illusion of a chubby face. Remember also that kids in movies are never as young as they're said to be. They always cast slightly older than the character. Thet have to do that. Anyone who has kids knows that 8 year-olds are inarticulate, spastic squirrels on crack. You generally need at least a 10 year-old to play 8. Look especially at the ALIENS special edition, the scenes where the Jordans visit the derelict ship. There are a series of great shots that show her from every angle as she's waiting for her parents. Yes, she has the common traces of baby fat in her face. She also has a fairly long face, made longer by a high hairline. Her nose is also oddly un-child like. If you look at her today she has that exact same nose. This scene in the film is what I'm using as reference. She's clean, well lit and her hair is out of her face. It's the best stuff in the whole movie for sculpting. I really wish I could do screen caps for you.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the input and look forward to more. It just seems to me that some of you are being guided a bit more by that generic image of children we all have in our heads, and a bit less by what this particular child actually looked like.

To me that shirt looks like a common thermal underwear shirt in gray. I think the brown tone just comes from how dirty it is.

Dude, you're absolutely right!
Can't wait to see some other pics, that proto wasn't half bad!
Sovereign Freaks Newt Group Rate Figure

Updated: Those who have expressed Interest so far...

r*Wor Gar
s-sick boy 82
r-dark spidey
r - Les Walker (Head only pending HS)
*Ironman1188 (pending HS)
*r-William Shatners Toupee (pending HS)
s*Sabres21768 (pending HS)
k- P@CK@R@CK

r = rooted hair
s = sculpted hair
k = kit (outfit with no body)

*Yes, I am potentially interested in a Sovereign Studios Custom Newt

The Anakin body was a good choice. I've considered those myself for many things, but they're pretty hard to come by these days. I"m trying to scrape one up for young Michael Myers.

Thinking more about Newt's clothes, tailoring may not be a major issue if you're wanting to use your own body. It's a baggy shirt and baggy coveralls. Her costume really wasn't what you could call tailored, anyway. The only issue could be height depending on the body you use. What seems like the most feasible thing at this point is two offer Newt two ways: a complete figure using whatever body most of us can agree on, and a "kit" version without a body for those of you that want to build your own. The price difference would be whatever the cost of the bodies ends up being.



Please Specify kit if preferred. All others will be for a complete figure.


A few shots of the Newt sculpt, primary stages. I already see a couple things I need to change; angle of the tip of her nose and her lower lip. Here are the first shots of what I have, anyway:


Looking forward to your next set of WIP shots Shawn.

Carrie was 9 yrs old in the film.
A few shots of the Newt sculpt, primary stages. I already see a couple things I need to change; angle of the tip of her nose and her lower lip. Here are the first shots of what I have, anyway:


I agree with everything you said Shawn about the misconceptions about the "chubby" cheeks and "baby fat" look of children. My 7 year-old daughter has really lost all of her "baby fat". She's very active in gymnastics, and basketball so she's staying very fit. I love those "WIP" pictures of your custom Newt's head! Looking great so far to me! :D Especially your picture of it in the lower left corner! You could paint it now with some hair on it, and it'd look just like Newt to me. She had survived the incredibly traumatic experience of everyone around her being brutally slaughtered by the aliens around her. So, she wasn't a happy kid. Guys remember that she was scrounging around like a little rat in the air ducts in that processing station for food. So, especially in her case, her face was actually a little gaunt. Giving her a less chubby face. Even after Cpl. Dietrich examined her, she said Newt was fine other than some "borderline malnutirition". So she was eating some, but not quite enough. Anyway...great work Shawn! I look forward to getting the Newt from you someday! I still want one with the rooted hair. The complete figure with the outfit and rooted hair. Thanks! :D
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Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the input and look forward to more. It just seems to me that some of you are being guided a bit more by that generic image of children we all have in our heads, and a bit less by what this particular child actually looked like.

Maybe, but I do think you've still got a little ways to go in terms of the likeness. What exactly needs to be changed is open to debate.
No offense intended, 'cause, well...I can't sculpt, but to me, the eyes look too thin, the nose to long and the end pointed down rather than up and the lips look..."off"
I can't pinpoint why but they just don't look quite right yet.
No offense intended, 'cause, well...I can't sculpt, but to me, the eyes look too thin, the nose to long and the end pointed down rather than up and the lips look..."off"
I can't pinpoint why but they just don't look quite right yet.

Her mouth needs to turn down more, in the photo it's more of a pout. Also, the proportions of children's faces are different from adults, and I think that may be partially what's giving you the impression that something isn't quite right. She looks just a little too grown up, proportionally speaking, closer to teenage, I'd say. The distance from the bottom of her nose to the level of hers eyes is longer than it is in the photo, which makes her look older. I think broadening her nose would help, as well as reshaping her nostrils and the tip of her nose.

P.S. My remarks are only meant constructively. The sculpt looks very good so far, just not perfect...yet.
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Can't remember if I chimed in yet or not, but the sculpt is looking great! Sounds like you are on the right track and I really can't wait to see what the final product looks like :rock
Basic headshape is close. I agree with you Shawn on the overall shape, and do like the profile for the most part. The general expression is very close.

My only negative criticisms are these (and they are not that negative):

-Lower lip needs enlarging, and/or puffing out a very small amount. I note Carrie Henn always did that. ALOT.
-Eyes need enlarging inwardly. Not too much, but a tad more towards the inner eye areas of each, but leave the shape about the same. The left eye might be too far over to the left actually...
- The nose is definately wider, more buttony and upturned than this, but the profile is almost right.
- And add just a smidgeon more of puffed up area just over each upper corner of the mouth. This will have the effect of making her chin seem like the little bump it looks like. More that "child's chin" look that Carrie Henn indeed had.

That would cinch it I think. :D
Basic headshape is close. I agree with you Shawn on the overall shape, and do like the profile for the most part. The general expression is very close.

My only negative criticisms are these (and they are not that negative):

-Lower lip needs enlarging, and/or puffing out a very small amount. I note Carrie Henn always did that. ALOT.
-Eyes need enlarging inwardly. Not too much, but a tad more towards the inner eye areas of each, but leave the shape about the same. The left eye might be too far over to the left actually...
- The nose is definately wider, more buttony and upturned than this, but the profile is almost right.
- And add just a smidgeon more of puffed up area just over each upper corner of the mouth. This will have the effect of making her chin seem like the little bump it looks like. More that "child's chin" look that Carrie Henn indeed had.

That would cinch it I think. :D

I have to say I agree 100% Les!.:D Thanks Bro, we all want the absolute best Newt and I know Shawn feels the same way.

The eyes do need to be larger and inset more. I also think the forehead/browline bridge can be softened, seems fairly prounounced there and the eyes seem sunk in pretty deep compared to the grab.

I love the ref shot Shawn is using as that recalls the essence of Newt, wide eyed, and pouty. I may even want her eyes painted a bit looking up...

There are many good ref shots to use

But some of the best may also be when Ripley tucks her in at the med lab...

Could some one please post a few screen grabs of this, there you can see her face stright on, the countours, the baby fat, everything, great eyes too...

This kind of feedback, along with the others who have chimed in will ensure we will have a successful project moving forward.

That of course and the incredibly talented Shawn doing this dream fig for us. :D
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Les was able to get the screen caps for me from the scenes I've been using. I hope to have more pics up soon. The sculpt has deninitely gone through some changes.
Looking forward to it Shawn. I watched ALIENS again last night, there really are plenty of great Newt Reference images to use...

For the Best straight on face angle shots I really like the scene where Ripley tucked her in at the Med lab b/c you can see the countours of Newt's face, jaws, cheeks, etc... also her eyes... shape, size, etc. Although she was lying down...

ScreenCap provided by... dekadent Dave!


As far as Newt's height, and Les of course is right, but when they were locked in the Med lab and moved to the window, they were both standing next to each other. Newt comes up to Ripley's lower rib cage it seems...
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Bump. How could anyone let this thread fall to page 2? :lol

So glad you're on this Shawn. Any updates coming soon?
Too bad Dek ain't around to add his direct input anymore. He always contributed a load of invaluable pics, ideas and enthusiasm to every new project. His active participation is definitely missed, at least by some of us here.
Yep, eager to see some new pics anytime Shawn. :)

Those are good grabs of Newt. She's wearing little "train conductor" overalls.

Yep, and I'm still having trouble seeing her shirt as gray... against the white sheet in those grabs I still see it as brown... :google