Super Freak
hey guys,
Made a few revisions on the sculpt. I should have new photos up later on. I mostly come out at night. Mostly.....
A few things I've gathered from the comments so far:
Take a closer look at Newt in the movie. I can see where you guys are coming from thinking, as a lot of people do, that all children have big round heads. They do not. Newt does not. Most of that puffiness in a child's face comes mainly from the lack of distinct facial features; frown lines, a defined bridge to the nose, defined cheekbones, brow, etc. Quite often the lack of these features creates the illusion of a chubby face. Remember also that kids in movies are never as young as they're said to be. They always cast slightly older than the character. Thet have to do that. Anyone who has kids knows that 8 year-olds are inarticulate, spastic squirrels on crack. You generally need at least a 10 year-old to play 8. Look especially at the ALIENS special edition, the scenes where the Jordans visit the derelict ship. There are a series of great shots that show her from every angle as she's waiting for her parents. Yes, she has the common traces of baby fat in her face. She also has a fairly long face, made longer by a high hairline. Her nose is also oddly un-child like. If you look at her today she has that exact same nose. This scene in the film is what I'm using as reference. She's clean, well lit and her hair is out of her face. It's the best stuff in the whole movie for sculpting. I really wish I could do screen caps for you.
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the input and look forward to more. It just seems to me that some of you are being guided a bit more by that generic image of children we all have in our heads, and a bit less by what this particular child actually looked like.
To me that shirt looks like a common thermal underwear shirt in gray. I think the brown tone just comes from how dirty it is.
Dude, you're absolutely right!
Can't wait to see some other pics, that proto wasn't half bad!