Spawn is Dead?

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I met him at the Chicago Comicon where he was the guest of honor quite a few years back. It was my first Comicon. I was, and still am, a big fan of Spawn and was very excited to meet McFarlane. He was very pleasant. Signed some of my comics and even took a picture with me.

I made sure I bathed that day and didn't bombard him with nerdy comic book questions ;)

The man's ok , met him in London and he was friendly and cool...
His collections though need to be kick-started asap, hope he comes up with something better than the last series!
In all honesty, I say good... if they run their company the way the jerk-off admins run that forum of theirs, no wonder. I couldn't believe the way they treated their members there and when they brought on a couple of new mods from the company, they were kicking some of the best contributors on the forums when people started questioning their heavy handed tactics. I had been a member for years, giving out tons of goodies, helping members out etc... then one day Joe banned someone for completely idiotic reasons and gave out an explanation having to do with HTML related issues, which were totally wrong. I came in, told him he was wrong, cited why and re-explained how HTML and web servers work, and I was banned for life on the spot.

I knew then and there it was just a matter of time until they went under... When they started suspending and banning people for talking about NON-McFarlane products on the forums, you knew it was going to end badly lol! And yes, if you've never been on the spawn forums, you can ONLY talk about spawn/mcfarlane products... talking about Sideshow, Neca, Hot toys etc gets you in trouble.
Um no it doesn't since all I post on there anymore is vinyl toys and that has not gotten me banned. Oh and Todd is one of the nicest guys I have ever met. I have met him several times and even interviewed him a while back and he does really care about his fans. He is always willing to sign things for you and chat about whatever is going on.

I have this feeling as well and it is really kinda depressing. I have collected spawn for years now and have a very large collection. However in recent years the figures started shrinking and becoming less impressive. They would have little to no accessories (something that set the spawn line apart in early years) and the designs were just kinda meh. They stopped to any kind of rare variants or limited releases because they claimed their retailers complained about people fighting over them (sports picks collectors). T

he packaging got cheap, and they stopped tring to get and or keep the good licenses they had. They waited way to long to produce statues or other high end collectables that us fans begged for.

Now they insted of being the trend setter that every other company is coping they are just trying to find the next band wagon to jump on (designer vinyl toys-halo pods). They didn't have a real booth at SDCC which they have had every single year and at the table they had in the image booth they showed no new product just a few halo toys that are already out.

I am thinking about selling a good portion of my collection that I truely thought I would keep forever but its just packed up in boxes and taking up space. I do honestly hope they turn this around and some of the love and passion that went into those early figures returns but it may already be to late. There are so many figures that could still be made and so many busts and statues that should be made. Who knows maybe they will get sideshow to make some. I would by a PF spawn and a life size bust of spawn from sideshow as well as many other characters.
I'm watching Spawn Animated at the moment... Spawn is a finite character and needs to be ended and reborn from time to time. Something like the Phantom, so the role keeps getting past down from time to time. There should be set out storylines. As in Al Simmons should be Spawn for a couple of arches or Years then he should find redemption or return to hell. Then a new Spawn should be created...

Shame that it's lost steam... I've barely read the comic, but I like the concept and the 1997 cartoon is good. But like the comics its unfinished.
I still have a few key pieces I kept.

always liked the Badrock figure-

and The Maxx figure-


and I have a bag or two of Isz.

the last series of figures released had Manga Spawn 2 which was pretty cool too-


I sure do miss those Collector's Club exclusive shenanigans. I even got the stealth Celtic Pred but it was too exclusive to open it up.
I still have the entire series of Spawn ever made. I can't seem to let these sets go. The design are fantastic. It's really sad he cancelled the spawn line years ago.
I loved spawn, the movie sucked, but l loved the cartoon series/movies. It pisses me off they never finished it with a fourth animated movie. Also yes spawn has pretty much been dead for the last 10 years.
I was really into Spawn. Mostly the toys. They had ground breaking details and paint apps. Over the years I've sold off most of my McFarlane Toys. The downside is, most of them deprecated in value and I didn't get sh** for them. But that's ok, I had fun.

I still kept several choice McFarlane figure though.
I got into Spawn through the toys, but lost track from around Series 16/17 with the bikes, and I wish I didn't, because now I'm really keen on seeking out some of the Classics/Reborn ones and the Classic Comic Covers to get some definitive figures of the main characters.

But the shipping to Australia is pretty outrageous for all of them.

Checked out a local con on the weekend, and only one store had Spawn figures, all of which were expensive and not that interesting, though they only had less than a handful to choose from.
I got to give spawn props...collecting spawn action figures was my gateway
into statue collecting. Ill always pick up any spawn statue mcfarlane makes. My way of saying thanks. If it wasnt for his cool line of figs I might have never known about the world of statues.

Spawn is visually cool, the two resin statues mcfarlane made are really well done
I Started off with Spawn Toys, rarely read the comics, loved what he was doing with his warriors, I have all of those hard to find pieces displayed today along with ALL of the Dragon series. Those are all just gorgeous works of art in my eye.

I always thought he should try to do a mythology line and stay within the "realistic" direction he took with the Dragon Lines...instead he did a ridiculous looking line based on Astrology and failed miserably. If he would have taken a more realistic vien with the astrology line it might have worked...or not.
I used to love spawn when I was younger. It died for me the moment I saw the movie:horror I actually still have hundreds of old figures in storage. I hope they continue to hit rock bottom, to the point that Mcfarlane decides to sell the character rights. Maybe then spawn will get the super hero (actually anti-hero) treatment he deserves.