Every single one of the TLJ haters who said they are done with SW- don't make me laugh. They will all be in their seats when Solo premieres-all of them.
I never understood the mindset. "I don't like 1 film, therefore I am done with this trilogy/series/director/etc". That's like saying I'm never going to watch Pulp Fiction again because Tarantino has directed some other movies that I thought were trash. All that does is close oneself off to something they may enjoy in the future. "RJ sucks I'm not watching his stuff ever!" Looper, Breaking Bad, Brick.. all pretty great.
The majority of the people saying they're done with it are going to be there the first week Solo, IX, and the new trilogy opens.
"Solo isn't going to be a real test!" No? It's a Star Wars film that both recasts an OT character which already pissed everyone off, and it's coming off of TLJ which apparently has scrunched many undies. Yet Solo has already doubled Black Panther's pre-sale tickets, etc.
Anyone that thinks TLJ is going to damage the Star Wars franchise is delusional. There's a very vocal group of grown ass men on the internet that are going to whine and complain about it every single movie that comes out to no end for the foreseeable future. Ep IX will likely break pre-sale records and some kind of box office record again. It's the conclusion of 7-9 and 1-9. Not to mention TLJ blu-ray sales broke tons of records as well. But I'm sure you guys think that's not an indicator either for some reason. The fact is that the "disney wars sucks my childhood is ruined, etc" crowd is much smaller than the vocal minority wants to make it seem like it is.
Most people that enjoy movies (or even if they don't), just see the movie and move on with their lives. It's just the outraged people that feel the need to comment on every thread of every forum ever how bad something is. This website, Reddit, etc.. you can't go into one topic regarding the ST or TLJ without at least one dude talking about how it killed Star Wars and it's pushing a "feminist agenda" or something ridiculous. It's like product reviews. A lot of people that buy something and are happy with it don't write reviews. Most of the people that have a terrible experience with something will.
For those of you "boycotting" and claiming you're done with Star Wars for good, I'm sure they'll miss your 12 bucks. But why not just take each movie one by one and see if it looks interesting to you? If you watch the trailers or wait for reviews and decide you don't want to see it, good for you. But IMO it's pretty childish to just swear off of a franchise or set of films because you didn't like one of many. But then again, some of you that are saying Disney is only making Star Wars for girls now and how much you hate TLJ are still here talking about it so...
Anyway, I think Solo looks like it will be fun, which is really all I'm hoping for. In terms of figures my number one hope would be Enfys Nest. I think they look pretty cool. Mudtroopers look great too. Though, I'd think if they were making them they would have shown some figures by now.