Speculation: Hot Toys "Solo" Movie Figures

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The problem is that nothing can be fun anymore. It has to be a statement of some sort. It can't just be fun. Whether you're for or against Lando being pansexual, whether you're for or against every officer in the Resistance being a woman, whether it bothers you or it doesn't that every officer in the First Order is a white male...that's the stuff that people are argue about most...not whether Luke's actions were noble or not. Sure, there's plenty of dialogue about that too, but the serious nonsense dominates the headlines and forums and blog posts, and not the fun elements of the story.

It's two movies in a row that are going to be political statements. Thankfully, for the most part, The Force Awakens and Rogue One were able to avoid it, but TLJ and Solo are shaping up to be 2+ hours of social justice. Goodbye fun.
Is that actually confirmed canon? Wasn't sure if the headline I saw was parody or for real

Yup, unfortunately. Kasdan:

Kasdan says Lando's pansexuality is canon.

"I would say yes," he said. “He doesn’t make any hard and fast rules."

“There’s a fluidity to Donald and Billy Dee’s [portrayal of Lando’s] sexuality,” Kasdan told the Huffington Post. “I mean, I would have loved to have gotten a more explicitly LGBT character into this movie. I think it’s time, certainly, for that, and I love the fluidity ― sort of the spectrum of sexuality that Donald appeals to and that droids are a part of.”

Sorry to have brought identity/gender politics into... NOPE. Not sorry AT ALL 'cause I think the GALAXY George gave birth to in '77 is big enough for EVERYONE: straight, gay, black, white, brown, Twi'lek, Sullustan, Wookiee, DROID & anything inbetween. #droidrights #weAREsentient

And now Glover as well:

“How can you not be pansexual in space?” responded Glover as Ehrenreich and Clarke expressed surprise at hearing the news for the first time. “There are so many things to have sex with. I didn’t think that was that weird. Yeah, he’s coming on to everybody. I mean, yeah, whatever. It just didn’t seem that weird to me ‘cause I feel like if you’re in space it’s kind of like, the door is open! It’s like, no, only guys or girls. No, it’s anything. This thing is literally a blob. Are you a man or a woman? Like, who cares? Have good time out here.”

Star Wars was based on the eternal mythological archetypes and the hero’s journey.. that’s why everyone loves it across languages, cultural divides, religions and political views. This hot topic western world stuff (as well it’s current humour and dialogue) is going to make it dated within 10 years, especially since it very clearly focuses on one subset of people.

Joseph Campbell himself, the man who inspired Lucas down this path, said anything with an agenda falls under the category of propaganda and can never be art.
Star Wars was based on the eternal mythological archetypes and the hero’s journey.. that’s why everyone loves it across languages, cultural divides, religions and political views. This hot topic western world stuff (as well it’s current humour and dialogue) is going to make it dated within 10 years, especially since it very clearly focuses on one subset of people.

Joseph Campbell himself, the man who inspired Lucas down this path, said anything with an agenda falls under the category of propaganda and can never be art.

You didn’t like TLJ fine. But you haven’t seen Solo yet, how can you say it’s 2 hours of social justice. The pansexual thing? I assure you it’s not even addressed in the movie. It makes zero difference to the story. Just like Deadpool, he is pansexual but the movies don’t really address it and everyone is fine with it. See Solo and judge for yourself. Don’t listen to the hate. It is a fun movie. :).

The problem is that nothing can be fun anymore. It has to be a statement of some sort. It can't just be fun. Whether you're for or against Lando being pansexual, whether you're for or against every officer in the Resistance being a woman, whether it bothers you or it doesn't that every officer in the First Order is a white male...that's the stuff that people are argue about most...not whether Luke's actions were noble or not. Sure, there's plenty of dialogue about that too, but the serious nonsense dominates the headlines and forums and blog posts, and not the fun elements of the story.

It's two movies in a row that are going to be political statements. Thankfully, for the most part, The Force Awakens and Rogue One were able to avoid it, but TLJ and Solo are shaping up to be 2+ hours of social justice. Goodbye fun.
You didn’t like TLJ fine. But you haven’t seen Solo yet, how can you say it’s 2 hours of social justice. The pansexual thing? I assure you it’s not even addressed in the movie. It makes zero difference to the story. Just like Deadpool, he is pansexual but the movies don’t really address it and everyone is fine with it. See Solo and judge for yourself. Don’t listen to the hate. It is a fun movie. :).

:clap. exactly. A detail about a character that does not contradict anything that has been known about the character in the past does not ruin the movie.
So did pansexual Lando choose Nien Nunb to be his copilot in ROTJ for a reason? Maybe they were an item.

Gonna sip some tea and watch the men in here slowly lose their minds over Star Wars and trying to fathom how a pansexual character fits into this universe.

It’s so awesome that no movie ever before 2017 had any subtext.

Hetero incest: A narrative structure that is relatable worldwide.

Pansexual character: A western fad.

I can already guarantee you that despite the writers words, the incest in the OT will be wayyyy more explicit than whatever we see in Solo. You never fail to entertain.
If any character in the Star Wars universe is gonna look at something and say "Oh, sure, I'll **** it", it's Lando. But that's a sentiment that can be made through narrative and character action - I don't think anyone would have said or thought anything of Lando flirting with some alien, or had some harem of creatures and people he walked out of. Making all this into a martyr concept and parading it degrades the inclusiveness it's trying to introduce - "SEE LOOK WE'RE HIP AND INCLUSIVE" says Disney.

As someone who couldn't care less where other people stick it (legally, mind you) - I'm happy that this isn't openly discussed in the film. Explicitly steering the story to explain any sort of sexuality just lazy writing that attempts to appeal and pander. The best connections to characters are those you can project yourself on and relate to based on the actions and ideologies they have, and you should gather those from the way they are portrayed - not what the executives are telling you to hear.

Comparing it to Luke and Leia is an irrelevant comparison because the fact they were siblings was unbeknownst to the audience when ESB came out - neither of them said "you know what, my sister is hot - one ticket to Arkansas please". No one continues to advocate or say Lucas did wrong by not allowing them to be sibling-lovers.
sorry, just because it's an opinion of a writer and actor doesn't mean it's true to the character. I don't consider this canon at all. Unless Billy Dee or Lando confirms this in the movie, it's null and void. Everyone trying to give opinions on something that isn't confirmed..sorry to the LGBTQ community, SW isn't there yet...
I just hope it’s a good movie. We need to leave the theater happy. This was a movie nobody asked for and seems like it will be a turd, but who knows? For Star Wars sake, I hope it’s good. I didn’t really need to know how Han met lando or see the falcon brand new. To me this movie is more expanded universe, just like the vong, thrawn, and the sequels.
It is curious that no figures from hot toys have been teased. Maybe hot toys knows something we don’t. Maybe they are skipping it, which I hope is true.
I would rather have esb, skiff, or General lando first and we really need Bespin Han.
I’m taking my kids on Saturday and I hope they will like it. I’ll never forget my son’s total shock when Han died. My kids left both tfa and tlj pissed about the deaths of Han and Luke. They are 11 and 8, so I really hope this movie is good for Star Wars fans.
Cautiously optimistic.
Sorry, just one more comment about Lando.

I think there's a difference when a reporter asks this kind of question and is answered, vs Lucasfilm making an unsolicited official statement in their press releases. It was the same when Poe's sexuality was put into question last year. It was the reporter who brought up the Poe/Finn romance, and the person simply responded positively. Both answers were, "sure, why not?"

So I don't consider this being part of an "agenda" or trying to cram this kind of progressive thinking down the general public's throats. It was a question by a reporter and it was answered speculatively and broadly.

Back on topic, I really am hoping for at least a good Han out of this. Still keeping my fingers crossed for a reveal!
Sorry, just one more comment about Lando.

I think there's a difference when a reporter asks this kind of question and is answered, vs Lucasfilm making an unsolicited official statement in their press releases. It was the same when Poe's sexuality was put into question last year. It was the reporter who brought up the Poe/Finn romance, and the person simply responded positively. Both answers were, "sure, why not?"

So I don't consider this being part of an "agenda" or trying to cram this kind of progressive thinking down the general public's throats. It was a question by a reporter and it was answered speculatively and broadly.

Back on topic, I really am hoping for at least a good Han out of this. Still keeping my fingers crossed for a reveal!

I agree. The person answering the question knew if they said strictly heterosexual than his/her career would be over as sad as that is for not including or considering the LGBTQ community. I don’t consider this canon as it’s purely speculation. They’ll none of that in this galaxy. Remember this happened a long time ago before 2018.