Speculation: HT Upcoming Marvel Films Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Thor: Ragnarok

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The new Drax is so much better looking than their......first attempt?

Thinking about it, this could be an affordable lineup for me to get if I stuck to the main characters (not knowing yet what other characters like Yondu are likely to be made). Afterall, Groot and Rocket aren't likely to be expensive, so you are just really paying full prices for the other three..

Although I like the first Avengers movie better than the second as a collaboration movie, I think the Hot Toys from the second movie of the same characters are better. (with the exception of that the Iron Man suits in the first movie do look better IMO than the 43 and 45 for his character). There's no reason to think they won't improve some of the figures just a little.. and FWIW, if they do have a costumed Gamora, I do like costumes better than exposed arms (the second SW from AoU looks a much better figure than the first IMO)
Wow… Hot Toys just saved me a bunch O' cash on this reveal.

- Starlord… new T-shirt, don't care for it = PASS (will buy a parted out Pratt sculpt if it is better than first one)
- Drax… new pants = PASS
- Gamora… new outfit, don't care for it = PASS
- Rocket… new outfit, don't care for it = PASS
- Baby Groot (will buy him parted out)

I could use a break after all the Civil War goodness, so saving about $1,000 on four reused figures
is perfectly fine by me, lol.
I love how people immediately claim to pass on seeing the very first image of a proto or even early designs. This isn't what the figures will look like, you know this, right?
Well, for me at least, I don't care for any of the main crew costumes for Vol. 2.
Thought the colors were much better and stood out better on all the first movie versions.

While these will probably undergo some slight tweaks, I would not be surprised if this
is pretty close to what we actually get for these four figures. Easy money on HT's part.
I'll probably pick up the new shirt, necklace, and theoretical new headsculpt for Star Lord.

Perhaps if Gamora has an articulated body I'll grab that and swap it onto mine, passing the other one on.

I still can't get over the cost vs. return on Rocket. Either they pack him with a **** ton of neat stuff or lower the price due to reuse. He doesn't look worth the amount he sells for.

Perhaps if this is really a V2 Drax he'll ship with an angry head to prompt a purchase. I would be on board for that. The bland stare doesn't do it for me.

Think Groot will be articulated, bendy, or static? I guarantee that's not the final pose if he is.
Maybe they'll give everyone a Groot, kinda like what they've been doing with the tiny Ant-Mans.

Agreed about Rocket.
I'm hoping for Mantis and Yandu. Would love to add different characters to my collection.

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None of the new designs jump out. Starlord v1 is still a great figure. The only thing that has me mildly interested is the prospect of a HT Kurt Russell figure.
Yeah the first Star-Lord is a great figure but unfortunately, I got over the trench coat look so fast. I had the figure for a week and then sold it. XD But I would kill for a version with the shorter jacket and hope to see a proto of that version very soon.