Speculation: HT Upcoming Marvel Films Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Thor: Ragnarok

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Yeah, Star Lord looks much too similar to the GOTG figure for me to even consider getting him. I'm not too keen on Gamora or Drax and unless Rocket comes packed to the teeth with accessories, I won't be getting him either. They look cool altogether, though!

It's too bad we won't get a peek at Ragnarok figures this early... Those are the ones I'm most hyped about this year.
I really though they would release a 1:1 scale Baby Groot. That would probably be an instant buy for me.
Not really impressed with any of the new GotG2 figures. They're nice enough I suppose but not that visually interesting or different from the first versions. Money saved. Wish they'd make a Ronan or Nebula or Yondu, something different.
I think Drax looks really sharp with those new blue pants. May have to reconsider getting the first one and holding off for Vol 2 version.
I really wish the Marvel line would start doing hard sculpted hair for their female figures like they have done with DC and Star Wars. It just looks so much better.
I really wish the Marvel line would start doing hard sculpted hair for their female figures like they have done with DC and Star Wars. It just looks so much better.

Like they did with the worst selling female marvel figure (Hill)..and not like the best selling female figure they have overall (black widow)
Like they did with the worst selling female marvel figure (Hill)..and not like the best selling female figure they have overall (black widow)

I know you are being a bit snarky but was that really the reason for the disparity in sales? I'm assuming Scarjo and Black Widow are very popular in Hong Kong vs Smulders and/or Hill?
Well for those of us who missed on the first star lord this is PERFECT[emoji51]

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Not really impressed with any of the new GotG2 figures. They're nice enough I suppose but not that visually interesting or different from the first versions. Money saved. Wish they'd make a Ronan or Nebula or Yondu, something different.

:exactly: That's kind of how how feel about them. Yes they do look nice but I don't really feel that I need to re-buy them all again. Really hope HT do some new characters from this line though...would be interested in those! :)
Haha I bought the first Star-Lord and then sold him two days later cause I really got over the long jacket look. I just love the shorter jacket so much more on him though I think the longer jacket looks fantastic on Yondu.