A little overkill on the gold on the chest but that looks great to me for Mysterio!!!
Holy crap a direct follow up from EG lord what did I do to deserve such wonder within a 3 month window!
Great trailer btw!
Yep they're literally presenting it as hour 4 and 5 of AEG. They are relentless, lol.
Dude no....IW....it’s hour 6 1/2 and 7 1/2!!!!!!
Marvel just made a 7 1/2 hour superhero movie!
Cameron is like “I’m making Avatar sequels!”
Marvel is like hold my beer and releases the equivalent of all of the Avatar sequels in one year!!
[...]Cameron is like “I’m making Avatar sequels!”
Marvel is like hold my beer and releases the equivalent of all of the Avatar sequels in one year!!
Damn spoiler much!
Also maybe they tricked us in typical Marvel fashion and Tom Holland is actually taking over as the face/lead whatever you want to call it of the MCU?