Super Freak
Sucks that you guys hate Avi and Amy haha

Lol I don’t pick fights. Somtimes people don’t like what I say about there fav movie
James Cameron Spiderman >>>>> Raimi Spidermn and MCU SpideyCameron on his Spiderman project that never got made:
It basically got caught in a crunch where Carolco, the company that I had requested buy the rights, it was languishing, you know," Cameron said. "Marvel had sold it to Cannon, Cannon was this low-budget kind of piece-of-junk outfit and they never made it or knew how to make it. Nobody had ever thought of Spider-Man, I think, as a movie at all. So, when I found out it was at Cannon, I got Carolco to buy it, and then Carolco went bankrupt. And then all of sudden it was a free ball.
He attempted to save it by going to 20th Century Fox and telling them to pick it up, but they didn't want to get into a fight with Sony who, "had some very questionable attachment to the rights."
"I tried to get Fox to buy it, but apparently the rights were a little bit clouded and Sony had some very questionable attachment to the rights and Fox wouldn’t go to bat for it," Cameron explained. "Peter Chernin just wouldn’t go to bat for it. He didn’t want to get into a legal fight over it. And I’m like ‘Are you kidding? This thing could be worth, I don’t know, a billion dollars!’ $10 billion later...”
Despite it never getting made, this attempt at making a Spider-Man film was an important learning experience for Cameron and pushed him even further in the direction of focusing on creating his own works as opposed to adapting others' creations.
"I’d also sort of made a decision after Titanic to just kind of move on and do my own things and not labor in the house of others’ IP," Cameron concluded. "So, I think that was probably the kick in the ass that I needed to just go make my own stuff.”
James Cameron Spider-Man would be a blue collar grunt who uses a micro-exoskeleton 'walker' to aid in his super powers.
Cameron would have made an amazing Green Goblin though.
He said he came up with the organic shooter that Sony later used for Tobey.James Cameron Spider-Man would be a blue collar grunt who uses a micro-exoskeleton 'walker' to aid in his super powers.
Cameron would have made an amazing Green Goblin though.