Spidey's voice is so ridiculously annoying I had a hard time justifying playing this game.
Spidey's voice is so ridiculously annoying I had a hard time justifying playing this game.
Great game, really enjoy it so far. Only a rental for now, but I'm really liking it more than any other Spidey game i've played. Physics is really well done in this game.
Yeah the more and more I play this, I'm thinking an eventual buy down the road. Definitely a really fun game. Like I said, the physics is amazing. Web-swinging through the city has never been more "comic book" real and accurate than in this game.
I'm at the second Venom meeting currently.
I have no idea, but I must have a TON of black points. I've spent like an hour just walking around kicking cars into other cars so they explode, and then not saving the people. And then picking up cars and throwing them at people--since you can't punch them, but a car will hit them.
Is there a demo for ps3?
I'm really addicted to the game right now. But I had a question: When you get the Red Suit Points for saving people or the Black Suit points for NOT saving people or hurting people.....What are those points for? I'm embarrassed to say that the Black Suit points are racking up...I really do try to save the civilians but man I'm horrible at it. I always mess up when they're flying through the air from an explosion and you have to web-blast them to catch them. I always get caught in the cross-fire from the thugs and I get shot just as I use my web.
Plus I'll admit I do get a little destructive with the Symbiote at times. I'm trying to do EVERY side mission (save civilians, help the police fight gangs, etc.) So after I takedown 50 thugs, I do the mission to take out 100 more, then 150 more. I'm racking up the exp. though. I'm a completist. What can I say. Plus the fact that once you start another chapter of the game, it won't let you go back to finish uncompleted missions.
Anyways, can anyone answer my question about the Suit points? What are they used for? I haven't read anywhere about it in the manual.
I think the suit points just sway your standings with your superhero friends. If you have more black points, you can call upon bad guys to help you out (like the vulture) or more red, good guys (like cage or wolverine). Also, I believe that is why the police is currently shooting at me...![]()
I'm getting pretty far.....And it keeps getting better and better. The Symbiote moves are AMAZING! I've almost "bought" every move, but there's a few left that I'm excited about unlocking.
Which part are you at now? Here's where I am:
At the top of Stark Tower after the part when you use Rhino to bust the guy outta prison, and you're standing there with the Black Widow.