I stumbled upon that earlier on Facebook. I buy it as being a safe bet.
predictions on next episode:
S.5, episode 1 or 2, whatever, introduce Negan, kill Daryl with no warning. Just bash his head in with Lucille completely out of left field. It is the only way you are going to establish him(Negan) as the worst thing they've been up against and make the Governor look like he ran Sesame Street.
Too soon for Negan.
Because he is all the way up in Washington DC. Are they going to fast forward through everything in the 4 episodes between now and 5.2? I don't think so.
The story needs to progress naturally, instead of shoehorning badguy after badguy down our throats, turning the show into a bad live-action DBZ.
Joe isn't a bad guy? The hunters have been around since what, 2-3 episodes after the Governor bought it? They're bikers in this version who go around taking other people's ****. It's already pretty similar. I'd rather Negan still be somewhat unique but by the time we get to him I highly doubt it.
And if they ever start eating people, that'll be fantastic.Right now, they're the Governor, Negan, those guys in the bar. They're just other generic bad guys and even if they do start eating people in a future episode it isn't going to make these previous appearances any cooler or more deeply layered. For all we know the real cannibals may be waiting at Terminus.
It wouldn't matter whose head Negan bashed in if/when he is introduced, it would be expected if you have read the comic.
I disagree. See the thing is, we're running out of original characters that we can really care about. I pretty much couldn't care less about Glenn anymore and I know for a fact I'm not alone there. Maggies never become all that interesting in terms of her motives or struggles, same goes with Beth. They don't really get enough time. Even Rick not manning up already is getting tired. Michonne's one of the few character's who's writing is improving imo and actually making her more likable. Maybe Carl a bit too but I'm not concerned about him being killed off remotely. ATM the biggest impact they can make is killing off Daryl. He's well liked but not integral. Someone of his fan fav caliber being offed would instantly make most viewers hate Negan more than they ever did the Governor. If you kill off Daryl you risk losing his girlfriend wannabe fanbase. What better way to keep them on board then the desire to see the man who killed Daryl get his.