Super Freak
Nice work Averagejo - great pics and news, I'm really getting stoked now for the dead to return - 15 more days!

Yeah...15 days til TWD, and about 30 til Hannibal. February will be an excellent month fot tv.

Nice work Averagejo - great pics and news, I'm really getting stoked now for the dead to return - 15 more days!
They say a main cast member, who has NOT been killed off in the comic will die this season. That would mean Rick, Carl, Maggie or Michonne. Out of those four I would say Maggie would be most likely,but Rick would be the biggest shocker. They could also be playing tricky with the wording of the hint and it could be Daryl who has never been in the comic and thus never killed. Finally, we know that Abraham, Rosita and Eugene are joining the cast, but I would not consider any of them a main cast member (yet). But again, if they want to be tricky, it could also mean Rosita and Eugene are eligible to be killed off.
Damn, as much as I don't want it to be true, my guess is that Rick will die. Huge shock and maybe the beginning of the end for the show.
Another rumor...Morgan to return for #15 and #16, but IMDb has Lennie James listed for only #16.
I always liked Morgan and hoped he'd go with Rick.
They say a main cast member, who has NOT been killed off in the comic will die this season. That would mean Rick, Carl, Maggie or Michonne. Out of those four I would say Maggie would be most likely,but Rick would be the biggest shocker. They could also be playing tricky with the wording of the hint and it could be Daryl who has never been in the comic and thus never killed. Finally, we know that Abraham, Rosita and Eugene are joining the cast, but I would not consider any of them a main cast member (yet). But again, if they want to be tricky, it could also mean Rosita and Eugene are eligible to be killed off.
Damn, as much as I don't want it to be true, my guess is that Rick will die. Huge shock and maybe the beginning of the end for the show.
That would take some major you know what to do. It would IMO be the beginning of the end for this show to kill off a character like that.
I dunno. Rick is really failing at being a competent leader and has caused more grief and death than he's prevented. Seems like every time they start to make him the badass, he makes some DFI decision and ****s it up for everybody. While I don't think they'll kill him off, I don't think it'd have nearly the impact you're claiming. At this very point, killing off Daryl would hurt the show more.
I agree he's not been the best leader and that killing Daryl off would do more damage but only just a bit more than killing Rick. The show is different than the comics of course but Kirkman has to know you can't just keep killing off characters and expect people to stick with it long term. That will run people off and they'll lose the viewership they've had. I believe in the end the same thing could end up hurting GoT as well.
Chad: I'm dying for The Walking Dead to return, got any scoop to help pass the time?
We just got done watching the midseason premiere and we're not going to lie, it's definitely not one of The Walking Dead's most exciting episodes. However, we are going to get a deeper peek into Michonne's pre-zombie life. We were shocked to see that before our stern-faced character became a sword-wielding killer, she was just a regular woman who smiled a lot. Living in a postapocalyptic world would definitely drain anyone of their happiness, but after learning more about her past, we're definitely more empathic with Michonne's cold exterior.*
Actually, now that I think about it, killing off Rick, while initially might garner (and admittedly warrant) a bit of resentment, might actually pique viewer curiosity to see how the group survives without him and what effect something like that would have on Carl.
In one of the pics from the link I posted is a sign on a train car:
*"Sanctuary for all Community for All Those arriving survive..."
If that's Negan's group then I wonder if he will be introduced this season, or could this be a tease for S5?
original link with clickable images: