Super Freak
Figures they'd leave it up in the air. ****.
We have confirmed with our sources that this part DOES NOT happen in episode 15:
- Carol is ambushed by the savior who survived her attack, he shoots her a few times (in the leg and arm) and has her down for the kill. But just in the nick of time Morgan comes to the rescue with a pistol.
- Morgan tries to reason with him but the man will not give up his gun or pursuit. Morgan ends up shooting Carol’s assailant, finally breaking his own code and kills him.
The rest is true.
There are some discrepancies in this info and we cannot confirm or deny at this time. We will keep you updated.
The source confirms that we will indeed end on the POV cliffhanger.This person is the most credible source out of everyone because she provides this screencap from the finale where Carol and Morgan are talking after the latter finds her:
Figures they'd leave it up in the air. ****.
Carol and Morgan end the finale getting taken to the Kingdom by Ezekiel's soldiers.
I've stayed well away from TWD spoilers up until this point. But, my friend who follows spoilers read the summary and told me about it this morning. I had to see it myself to believe it, so I checked out "The Spoiling Dead Fans" Facebook page, where the cliffhanger has been met with overwhelming, unrelenting negativity. The reaction was so bad that evidently Scott Gimple and Robert Kirkman were verbally assaulted on Twitter all day long.
I say this as an avid superfan of the show since it premiered six years ago...I would honestly feel betrayed if the cliffhanger ending were true. Sadly, I view the cliffhanger as nothing more than a desperate effort to guarantee ratings for the Season 7 premiere. The way I see it, butchering the most shocking and brutal scene in the entire Walking Dead storyline by turning it into a cliffhanger would be a huge "**** you!" to the fans and the biggest middle finger the show has ever given to its viewers. The decision to make this scene a cliffhanger is especially mind-boggling when you consider how difficult it would be to hide the identify of who dies for seven months, not to mention how impossible it would be to craft a Season 7 trailer for Comic Con since it couldn't show a single one of those nine characters in the lineup without spoiling who lives and who doesn't.
Just my two cents.
I agree completely.
Whatever it is, season seven premiere will be the largest audience TWD has ever had. That's the bottom line and (in my opinion) better story telling.
I can't begin to express how much I hope the cliffhanger spoiler isn't true.
I've stayed well away from TWD spoilers up until this point. But, my friend who follows spoilers read the summary and told me about it this morning. I had to see it myself to believe it, so I checked out "The Spoiling Dead Fans" Facebook page, where the cliffhanger has been met with overwhelming, unrelenting negativity. The reaction was so bad that evidently Scott Gimple and Robert Kirkman were verbally assaulted on Twitter all day long.
I say this as an avid superfan of the show since it premiered six years ago...I would honestly feel betrayed if the cliffhanger ending were true. Sadly, I view the cliffhanger as nothing more than a desperate effort to guarantee ratings for the Season 7 premiere. The way I see it, butchering the most shocking and brutal scene in the entire Walking Dead storyline by turning it into a cliffhanger would be a huge "**** you!" to the fans and the biggest middle finger the show has ever given to its viewers. The decision to make this scene a cliffhanger is especially mind-boggling when you consider how difficult it would be to hide the identify of who dies for seven months, not to mention how impossible it would be to craft a Season 7 trailer for Comic Con since it couldn't show a single one of those nine characters in the lineup without spoiling who lives and who doesn't.
Just my two cents. I'll still watch the show, but it would deeply irritate me.
6.15 "East"
The opening scene shows blood on the ground in the middle of a road.
- Carl is looking at a pistol with a baseball bat and barbed wire carved into the handle.
- Carol is packing a bag. She hides it and Tobin enters her room. A kiss happens, and then the next morning Tobin is seen in her bed.
- Michonne leaves Rick in bed as she has a shift to do.
- Daryl leaves ASZ on his bike. Glenn, Michonne, and Rosita get in a van to go after him. Rosita says she's knows where he's going. Glenn looks back at Maggie as they drive off.
- Tobin tells Rick about Carol's departure. Rick and Morgan leave in search of her.
-Carol runs into some trouble on the road. Her tires get blown out by a group of men. She goes into disguise mode, pretending to be helpless. She is able to kill some of them with a hidden gun. She then impales a guy on a stick. A second guy appears to be alive and after a gunshot the shot goes black. Blood is seen on the ground (this is the same shot from the opening sequence)
- Morgan and Rick stumble across Carol's car and discovers the dead Saviors. They follow a blood trail and find a walker who they believe could be Carol. It's not.
- An armored man appears while screaming about incoming walkers and runs towards a barn. Rick points his gun at this man, but Morgan pushes him out of the way so he can escape. Morgan then confesses about how he tried to help the Wolf and change him.
- Rick tells Morgan that Michonne stole his protein bar as he leaves to head home. Morgan is left to find Carol on his own, which is what he wanted.
- A third survivor who was wounded by Carol appears from behind some bushes back at the car wreck. He heads in the direction of where Rick and Morgan went (towards the barn).
- Maggie asks Enid for a haircut, to which she obliges after being a little hesitant. Maggie starts getting stomach pains.
- Rosita, Glenn and Michonne find Daryl. Rosita goes with Daryl to find Dwight but Glenn and Michonne head home. Glenn and Michonne eventually get surrounded by Saviors.
- Daryl and Rosita find Glenn and Michonne tied up. Glenn shakes his head to signal to Daryl to stay back.
- The episode ends with Dwight and his Saviors ambushing Daryl from behind. Dwight shoots Daryl as he turns around and blood is splattered on the camera. Screen goes black and you hear Dwight say, "You'll be alright"
A Savior named Roman, will survive Carol's attack. Same man from the season finale filming pictures holding Carol at gunpoint.