The 2nd episode apparently is 7.3, the Kingdom. Called "The Well" and will be 76 minutes long.
This thread is how I see 7.1 going. I'll add to it as I go...
We see the cold open which is the Negan/Rick trailer that was recently released. It is just after Negan whacks out Abe and Glenn. That's been dissected to death, so I'm not going over that now.
Negan throws Rick into the RV and drives the axe into the table. Then Negan tries to drive the RV like a mofo. Negan gets behind the wheel and starts to drive.
Negan mocks Rick about him threatening to kill him. Negan dares him to get that axe and come get him. Rick, being Rick, does just that. Negan confronts him with a machine gun. Rick backs down- wise move.
They take off again, and now Rick starts his dream state, thinking about people in the lineup, and then the lineup folks starting to set up a party/tables back at ASZ.
Negan pulls up to the burning logs on the burning log road and shuts her down. He grabs the axe and opens the door of the RV. Walkers are now around the RV, attracted by the fire/smoke. Negan pops his way clear with Lucille, then tosses the axe on the roof. He tells Rick to go get his axe.
Negan basically tosses Rick out of the RV into the walker fest.
Rick still has these "dreams" of the garden party starting up and everyone starting to come together. Doing all sorts of family-oriented stuff. It's also mixed in with shots of the lineup folks back in the lineup as well...
In between these dreams, he's fighting walkers all around the RV but it's so smoky and dim, he cannot even find the RV. He fights with several walkers all burnt up and stuff. He FINALLY makes it to the RV and recognizes the ladder to the roof. As he climbs, walkers want him down. He kicks his way free to the top and lands on top of the RV.
He looks around and sees the hanging man, now a walker (or hanger), just a few feet away from him. Just hanging there, struggling around. He keeps thinking about the party folks (even baby Gleggie), then they're back in the lineup, back to reality, back to the hopeless feelings. This basically recycles for everyone in the lineup.
Rick is cracking now. He's crumpling down on top of the RV. Ready to cry.
Now, we go back in a flashback- the LVs...a lot of it through Rick's eyes.
Negan goes through his eenie meenie spiel and the bat ends up on Abe!
You can cry, hell you're all going to be doing that....Abe goes all stoic, ready to accept his fate.
WHACK! Abe takes it on the skull, Negan is amazed Abe still is kinda still with us.
Abe manages to get one more Abe-ism in there. He wants Negan to suck his nuts. [You go boy!]
All the while, taking it like a champ.
WHACK! Abe goes down, and then, well, you know the rest. Bloody goo.
Negan pummels his head. Rick looks on, stunned, obviously.
Afterwards, Negan shows Rosita his bloody Lucille. She doesn't want to look at it, but he demands she do so.
Daryl is fuming/burning. In Negan's mid-sentence, Daryl jumps up and clocks Negan's ass and knocks him to the ground. Dwight and another Savior grab Daryl and tackle him.
Aw HELL no! Negan's not a Daryl fan right now. That isn't the way to make friends in the clearing.
Rick basically calls off the dogs and gets Daryl to stop. Negan takes note of the relationship.
Dwight kicks Daryl back into the lineup.
First one was free. This one won't be. Negan explains how the **** works. Has to make the right impression.
Instantly, Negan brings up the bat over Daryl, then turns and whacks the **** out of Glenn. Then again bashing in the top of his skull. Glenn spits out his comic book lines trying to call out to Maggie. Negan spits out his comic lines about his eye looking gross as ****. He turns to Maggie and basically acts sorry about having to do all this. Then...back to work. As exceptions.
Then it gets graphic. You probably already got a good idea. Brain soup.
Another Negan comic line about the vampire. Then he's back in front of Rick...what, was the joke that bad?
Flashback over-- back on top of the RV where Rick is....
Rick starts to feel crushed as he gets back to reality mode. Rick sees the axe, feeling pissed.
Negan wants his axe. Rick has to move as bullets from the machine gun start tearing up through the roof of the RV from inside. Rick grabs the axe and runs and jumps off the RV onto the hanging bridge guy that now is a walker.
Now Rick is periodically having constructed, sort of quick, flashbacky scenes in his head about how Negan is now Lucilling people in the lineup. The cracking has commenced.
Rick is hanging on the walker trying to climb up and keep from the walkers below from getting him. But the weight is too great and the hanging dude starts to come apart! Ewww!
Then machine gun fire is taking out walkers below. Negan is in the RV, like we see in one of the trailers, shooting walkers trying to help Rick get his axe.
The dead guy gives way and part of the guy, Rick, and the axe go flying to the ground. Rick gets up looking around and obviously has to fend off more walkers until he finds the axe again.
More scenes of Lucilling the lineup goes through Rick's head.
Rick is all over the place fighting walkers, the smoke making finding the RV difficult again. The horn is honked so he can follow the sound. He finally gets to the RV and the walkers are up on him...door is locked. More walkers. He's doomed. At the last second, the door opens and Negan yanks him inside.
Obviously, Negan is amazed and pleased that Rick got "his" axe. Back to the clearing they go.
Obviously the axe is dirty. Negan cleans it and gives it back to Rick right before Negan makes a grand re-entrance to the group and tosses Rick out the door again.
Negan drags Rick back to the lineup. He's mad because all that was supposed to break Rick. It didn't quite work that way.
Now, back in the clearing, Negan is mad about the way Rick looked at him the whole time up to even now. He knows Rick ain't there yet...
Negan asks if he should give Rick another chance. Rick, of course, agrees. Negan needs some insurance apparently, so he has Simon point guns at the back of everyone in the lineup's head.
Negan wants Carl up where he is. Uh-oh...Negan pulls off his belt. Carl comes over, Negan wraps it around his arm and makes him lay on the ground. Simon gives him a sharpie marker and makes a deliberate mark on Carl's forearm. Rick pleads with Negan. Negan isn't interested. Negan orders Rick to cut off Carl's arm at the mark. Not to worry, Negan has a doctor that could save Carl.
Negan directs Rick down to where Carl is. Gotta do it now, or Negan will Lucille him, swinging Lucille around Carl's head.
Rick begs to make it be him. Negan declines. My way or the highway basically. Only one choice here. Rick doesn't do it. Negan brings up Lucille...
Negan starts a backwards count of 3. Rick starts to crack. He pleads with Negan again.
Carl accepts his fate. Not trying to show fear.
Rick starts to do it, broken, crying like a little *****. Then at the last second, Negan stops him. Negan has done it. Rick is literally owned. Negan takes the axe. Then points at Daryl. Negan orders Dwight to take Daryl with them. Threatens if Rick tries to not follow the rules, that he'll cut off little pieces and send them to him, or bring him by so Rick can do it.
Then Negan starts to leave, then says he'll leave them a truck to get and haul all the **** they'll get for him. One week...they'll come a knockin'. Says his signature goodbye line from the comic.
As Saviors leave, a couple take polaroids of the bodies. Like the ones that Glenn saw on the wall in the outpost. Rick just stands there with his axe. Stunned. Totally broken.
They load the bodies in the truck and they still got to get Maggie to see the doctor. Maggie is so broken and weak. They all leave and Rick drives off in the RV, Sasha and Maggie and the bodies go to HT. The garden party with everyone at the table floats through Rick's mind. As things might have turned out, but won't. Rick spies a walker coming out of the woods in the RV rearview mirror. The walker drops to his knees to get ready to eat the brains and goo on the ground where the bodies were. Rick glances away, still obviously shaken.