Spud's Customs - 41st Elite Kashyyyk

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Re: Spud's Customs - Biggs

Cheers guys! :D
Thanks for the comments.

Wedge should be a walk in the park after doing Biggs. Still some emblems to paint on that might be a pain. Luckily with Wedge the emblems on the sides are the same as Luke's.
Re: Spud's Customs - Biggs

Thanks everyone. :D

Yeah Mark, I know what you mean. I had to stop at three pilots because I wasn't interested in paying nearly $300 for a Luke pilot.
Re: Spud's Customs - Biggs

That head works great for Biggs I wonder if there's a hair peice from one of the lukes painted black you could plop on him for a helmetless look. I'm thinking sideshow hoth Luke might work
Re: Spud's Customs - Biggs

Cheers Ron :)

I've thought about that too Raymond. Unfortunately I cut his ears off for the helmet to fit. Haha

Started on Wedge's helmet last night and finished it tonight. His was a lot easier than Biggs and still really fun. Now I just need to fix Luke's. Then my pilot trio will be complete. May do Red Leader later down the line but for now I'm pretty pleased with these three. Just like Beggers Canyon back home.
