Oddly enough Beast is the only astonishing that even remotely piqued my interest. Maybe it's the books...
I'll be all over Angel though and Cyclops astonishing costume is one of the best ones in the Marvel universe imo. If I miss the EX of that piece I don't think I'll ever recover
ummm....its $27...not exactly wallet busting.
looks off-balance to me in this one
that spiderman statue is sexy. i didnt think it was that big.
some more rough apple comparison manips
That's actually not that accurate. Whilst the apple is used for comparison, the pics themselves aren't taken at the same distance, they are shown to encompass the entire piece in relation to an apple. Not to mention that 1/4 scale in comparison to 1/5 scale isn't just about height but proportion of the actual body pieces themselves. BUT rest assured judging by Sideshow's past track record, I would say collectors have nothing to fear. The X-Men Astonishing Comiquettes will be in scale with one another.