The Queen of Darkness
Re: Legolas PF Next????????????????
Who are you anyways? King .GiffyLube?
Who are you anyways? King .GiffyLube?
Who are you anyways? King .GiffyLube?
Trying to keep up with the smilie queen I suppose --->
I'm guessing it won't go up till next Thursday.
Oh you know I'll be ordering man. Even if the likeness isn't as good as it could be, I just can't possibly pass up a Legolas PF. It has to have a better likeness than the SSW statue though right?Aww man
I will most likely Pre-Order but can't wait to see pics
I know you'll be ordering Havok
Oh yeah a Boromir PF would be sweet, but Im hoping that they still make a PF of my baby Arwen
We're almost there.